
My Death System In The Apocalypse

Baladan Thatcher was a street punk who lived by the golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” His father is a deadbeat drunkard while his mother is a teacher at a kindergarten and a part timer at a orphanage. Even though Baladan is a punk who returns favors in full he was still a smart kid, he was even smart enough to get into a private school! That wasn’t the only thing special about him, ever since he was young he could see when someone was about to die. He could even effect the the time of death to a certain extent, the first time he used that ability was on accident against his own father. Ever since then he had ignored his ability trying to push it away only accidentally using it when he looks at people. That was until the sudden changes to the weather! The world didn’t know how or why but it was thrown into chaos with the changing weather! One moment it could be bright and Sunny, the next it could be hailing! Due to this they spent 2 whole years adjust to the circumstances before people were allowed back at school and work. Unluckily the day they came back the System activated sending the world through hell once more. Along with giving people who survived the sudden descent of mana onto the world powers never before seen! Now Baladan and his people must survive in the apocalypse and learn what is truly going on with the world! Unless I say otherwise none of the art I post is mine, I mainly use AI art to generate my images but may pull some off the internet if I can't make the image I am looking for! (To pronounce his name it’s Bal as in balance-uh-don so Bal-uh-don) (The system of power I am using is a mixture using mainly Sorcery from “I Am The Sorcerer King” and it’s Aura system mixed in with books like “Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse” (Blood Warlock is for the system basically) and “The Witch Hunter System” (Is for the Aura) I don’t claim to own the ideas for the system or powers/spells used in the book but this is still an original story I made up just using powers I have enjoyed in different books!) I hope you enjoy ^^

Killerspider · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

Human’s Can’t Be Trusted

Harry: "I would like you to meet the leaders of this 600 strong group of survivors! Their are 3 of them, Ms. Miller also known as Kaylee Miller, then there is Carson Jones. He was the science and biology teacher, and last but certainly not least! The principle, Ryder Jackson!"

Each of them stepped forward as their names had been called, Kaylee had given Baladan a genuine smile. It was obvious that she had been happy to see Baladan alive after they got split up in the wave of people. Kaylee is 5'5, her eyes are green, while her hair is brown.

Carson on the other hand was grouchy, it feels like he was pulled away from something he was doing and forced to stand here to introduce himself. The man could stand around 5'9 but he was always hunched over, the man had black hair, and brown eyes. He wore black glasses being a scrawny dude who obviously doesn't get out much.

The last one was a man standing at 6'5, even though he was a teacher the man was chiseled! Outside of school it was obvious that he lifted weights, if he didn't he wouldn't have muscles that bulge out of his suit like that! The man had short blonde hair, red eyes, and a very friendly smile on his face.

Ryder: "I heard you were the reason those 50 or so students survived the Shadow Corpses! I must congratulate you for saving so many people young man! You are a real hero!"

Bal: "Ha… Ha… I wouldn't call myself that. I did what I did for my own survival, if Harry and the rest didn't come to my rescue yesterday I would have been dead by now"

Harry: "Don't lie! I know you would have thought of something to get away! You aren't the type to be killed by a brute like that!"

Ryder: "Anyways! It doesn't matter what your reason was, you still kept them alive and safe! That is all that matters, now me and my friends here have come to the realization that we need someone. Someone that would do whatever it takes to survive, this person has to have the guts to fight.

We had thought of Harry and his friends before we met you, all of them have been praising you for acting quickly and setting up a system to keep everyone safe until you met us!"

He had gotten closer, his hand came up and grabbed his shoulder. Their eyes met as Ryder leans in a little closer just so only the ones on the stage would hear this part.

Ryder: "We need someone who would enforce the rules even if it meant killing someone. Of course we would never ask you to kill the students but we think having someone with your… reputation, could show more results after all… your group has been talking"

Baladan glanced into the crowed, with the principle whispering into his ear he looked at the faces of terrified people. Some familiar some new, only one thought came to his mind at this moment.

Bal: 'Human's can't be trusted… at least this group run by a scheming principle. I'll have a talk with Kaylee later to see if she is really fine with this. Depending on what she says depends on if she comes with me or not'

"What you say is true, you do need someone to put down the law. However, I won't be here long… my mother is still out there waiting for me so I will be leaving after I gather my strength"

Ryders smile faded for a second, his eyes flickered with anger before going back to his normal expression.

Ryder: "Well… that is a shame, looks like we will have to ask your friend Rosa if she would help us. From what we have heard her skills with the knife are very incredible! Being able to slice through a boys neck with ease is something amazing"

Bal: "Ha! You would have a better chance asking Harry to go on stage strip down and take a shit! Rose has shown many times so far and has said it so many times that she wouldn't be leaving my side no matter what happened"

He couldn't help but laugh a little, was this supposed to be some kind of threat? It doesn't matter because even if they asked her she would reject immediately.

Bal: 'Though I do want to know what he meant by cutting through that boys neck… did something happen while I was unconscious?'

Harry: "N-now let's not get any ideas! I wouldn't do that even if I was threatened with death! Anyways, I think we have agreed to travel outside the school to find our families. I don't know who all wants to come but I assume a majority of the fighters from our group will follow"

Finally Ryder's smile faded completely, it was soon replaced by a frown. The man's eyes burned with anger as he looked at the two boys.

Ryder: 'How dare these little boys disobey me! Don't they realize how much of a miracle it already is that they are still alive! If they go out there it's just suicide, and they are planning to take their fighters with them! We need all the help we can get and yet they have not a care in the world for our lives!'


With those words a heavy suppressive force was unleashed on the shoulders of Harry and Baladan. This shocked them catching them unprepared Harry fell to his knees.

Unfortunately for Ryder Baladan had a higher form of mana then what he was using. With the energy fighting back he broke free from the command before looking into Ryder's eyes with a defiant glare.

Bal: "What the hell do you think you are trying to do to me and my friend! You think just because you are the principle you can boss me around huh!?"

A glowing white Aura started to surround Baladan. Even with his Pure Aura low it still gave him the full benefit, it just means he will have less time to use his power.

With a small jump Baladan grabbed onto Ryder's throat. This had shocked the man who could barely react to the sudden movement. Though all he could do was grab the wrist that held him before he was pulled to the ground.

His back slammed into the floor of the stage, a loud crack rang throughout the gym as he pinned Ryder easily.

Bal: "You are demanding a lot of things from me, I will not kill for you. I will not work for you, and I sure as hell won't stay here with someone who thinks they can get what they want with a few words!"

Ryder coughed out some blood as he struggled under the teenagers grip. He was terrified! What kind of ability does one need to have to suddenly get this level of power just in 2 days!?


With that yell he slowly released the neck of the principle. At the same time a couple people from his original group stood up and began to head for the beds still stacked with their supplies.

Surprisingly even Amber the nurse had decided to start gathering her stuff together for the trip.

Kaylee: "Wait Baladan can we talk about this! If you leave just like this then you might not even live to see another day! It's almost night out right now!"

She had finally stepped forward, she was shaking with anxiety over the potential death of one of the students who helped her get away.

Bal: "Kaylee, you may also come with us if you would like. I'm not leaving tonight, it's idiotic to bring my group out into a town infested with creatures as black as the night. We wouldn't know what killed us if we did something like that"

Now she was torn, she was happy that he wouldn't go out now with night so close to falling upon them. However with that invitation she didn't know what she should do, she was obviously kind hearted. She didn't want to abandon these scared teens who have no will to fight back against the Shadow Corpses.

However what also has her torn is her family, if she stayed here with the principle then most likely he would try to keep her there. Honestly it is unbelievable that a man like him even got the job he did!? The man had been known to use his position to force others into tough positions.

Before the 2 years off they had been forced to close most people might have forgotten but the female teachers didn't. He had his own private office where if a teacher got invited she would be given 2 choices. Either to sleep with him and get a pay raise along with a chance on the school board. Or to reject him and have their pay cut or otherwise fired for something they never did.

This man had a black heart hidden behind a friendly smile! If she stayed then she would be commanded at some point to warm his bed and not be allowed to leave while the weaker students are either forced to be his playthings or to go on runs to bring undead back for him to level in safety.

Kaylee: "I-I… I want to go with you but… is there no way you can bring the students…?"

Bal: "I can't bring all of the ones who decided to be dead weight. They have chosen to sit there and wait for death or to be protected by those who actually fight. Bringing them will only get us killed"

Ryder watched this quietly, he knew from the small display of power he couldn't match up against Baladan.

Ryder: 'Damnit! You brat! This is my haven and yet you are taking the women who belong to me with you to die! How dare you waste such beauties!'

He wanted to yell, he wanted to attack and kill the person taking what he sees as his. Yet he can't do anything because of how powerless he is.

Ryder: "Good luck keeping anyone alive with that psycho around! I wouldn't be surprised if you go to sleep and never wake up with that bitch Rosa around!"

Since he couldn't do anything he decided to sow discord into their group. He had heard all about her from his files and what she did in the cafeteria.

He had studied all of the potential candidates to join his fun. Unfortunately he came across the beauty thinking he could try it with her but after reading her file he immediately threw that idea away.

This chick had been the main suspect for 13 murders!? Each involving a case where everyone knew she was infatuated with a guy only to have him die a few weeks later.

With her being a minor they couldn't really charge her with anything. She didn't have any living parents and would move to different towns after each case to go to a new school.

Ryder: "You will just be another one of that women's victims! She might act nice now but you won't be able to escape what's coming!"

Baladan had listened at first but when he realized what was happening he decided to use his power to stomp on Ryder's leg snapping it from the knee.

Bal: "I don't care what she did to some trash waste of space. The only thing I care about is what she does now"

Rosa had been standing behind the curtain peaking around with her dagger in hand ready to slaughter that man who was exposing her. That was until her gaze softened, after hearing Baladan's words she couldn't help but tear up.

Rosa: 'This must be love~! My prince loves me the same way I love him! I love you, I love you!'

Her dagger disappeared, it felt like she had been accepted by Baladan even though it was just him stating he didn't care what she does as long as it doesn't hurt him.

Rosa: 'I knew I would find the right one~ soon we will be together my prince~!'

Bal: "Now! My group section off a place for us. We will be spending the night here before heading out!"