
She is coming back!?!?

I wake up from bed just to find I have to go to school. School is almost done I tell myself as I get up from bed. It is a very hot day in New York, normal weather in June. I lazily walk to my bathroom and and wash up. I put on my white shirt, my red tie,my navy pants,my white socks,and then put my blazer on. I bed downstairs to find my grandmother making pancakes, my favorite."Morning Andrew" ,my grandmother said. I responded in the same manner and sat on the chair. You might wonder where my parents were they were traveling they always were but when I was seven it was all different. When Dawn was here it was really different. My grandmother brings a me a stack of pancakes and I pour some sirup on it. I start eating and my grandmother says,"So you are in seventh grade". She asks this all the time and I answer yes. I am second youngest in my grade because I am twelve and my birthday is in October,7. As I stuff the last pancake in my mouth I grab my bag and mummble goodbye. My school is very far I walk two blocks then take the twenty-eight bus then walk again. I reach school in 25 minutes. Inside I see my friends Exsavior,Emma,Ray,Davawn,Maya. They are all standing there. Davawn calls out,"We we're waiting for you bro where have you been." So they were waiting for me I guess. "We can finally go inside." Emma says. "Ok ok calm down you too. " Maya shouts. "She is right you too are really extra he lives far. " Ray says this as he rolls his eyes. I apologize as we all go in the class. We are in class 703, the third class of seventh grade there are six classes. 701 is the class that has the people who talk behind people's back. 702 is the most talkative class. 704 is the chill class. 705 is the class cant pass without a fight and 706 is the class with the really smart people you might ask what about 703. We are the class that have the artists and athletic people we can not say we are the best we have fights but we fix it inside of the class instead of 705 who will be extra about you could say we are the family class. After six purées we go to lunch I sit with my friends and we talk about stupid stuff and what we plan to do on the summer. We plan to go to stay at each other houses as a long lasting sleepover when Dawn was here we always had fun. I think such thoughts as we eat our lunch I had a mince pie,a mango and a caprison I had two dollars on me so I went and got a snicker bar. We all finish lunch and go upstairs to eighth period the last which was art nice cause I really liked to draw. This makes me think of Dawn again as she always sucked at drawing and how I tried to teach her how to draw Exsavior too. Those days I gone as such I thought why walking back from home one block away. The news my grandmother gave me was such a shocker that I could not help myself but to cry the Dawn my friends and I knew was coming back to America tomorrow!!!!