
My daughter is SCP 239

After a failed termination attempt, Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir, also known as SCP-239, appears in the yard of Adrian Rose, an enigmatic teenager with secrets of his own. Taking Sigurrós under his wing, Adrian vows to protect her, even as his own dark past threatens to resurface.

TheKeneticLord5 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs


Chapter 22

February 16, 2011

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room where Sigurrós lay asleep. Today was her birthday, and Adrian had been up early, making sure everything was perfect. He moved silently through the house, ensuring all the preparations were in place. The house was filled with a festive atmosphere, with decorations and presents ready for the celebration.

Adrian entered Sigurrós's room quietly, smiling at her peaceful expression. He gently shook her shoulder. "Good morning, birthday girl," he said softly.

Sigurrós stirred and opened her eyes, a sleepy smile spreading across her face. "Good morning, Dad."

"Come on, let's get you ready. We have a big day planned," he said, helping her out of bed.

As Sigurrós got dressed, Adrian made his way to the kitchen, where Elena was putting the finishing touches on a birthday cake. The aroma of freshly baked cake filled the air.

"Everything set?" Adrian asked.

Elena nodded, a proud smile on her face. "Absolutely. The cake is done, and the decorations are perfect. She'll love it."

Camile entered the kitchen, carrying a box wrapped in bright paper. "Here's my gift for Sigurrós," she said, placing it on the table with the other presents.

"Great timing," Adrian replied. "She'll be down any minute."

Sigurrós came down the stairs, her eyes lighting up as she saw the decorated living room. Balloons and streamers adorned the walls, and a table was filled with gifts. Her smile grew wider when she saw everyone waiting for her.

"Happy birthday, Sigurrós!" everyone cheered.

Sigurrós beamed with joy, running over to hug Adrian first, then Elena and Camile. "Thank you! This is amazing!"

Adrian chuckled, ruffling her hair. "We wanted to make sure your day was special."

The morning was filled with laughter as Sigurrós opened her presents. She squealed with delight upon unwrapping Elena's gift: a beautifully made black witch outfit with a light blue underside, complete with a wand.

"It's perfect! Thank you, Aunt Elena!" Sigurrós said, twirling in her new outfit.

Elena smiled, hugging her. "I'm glad you like it."

Camile handed over her gift next. Sigurrós carefully unwrapped the box to reveal a beautiful gold book with intricate designs on the cover.

"This is a spell book so any spells you create you can write down in it. I already put a couple in there for you."

"These look amazing! Thank you, Camile!" she said, hugging her tightly.

Finally, Adrian stepped forward with his gifts. "Sigurrós, I have something very special for you," he said, holding a small box and a larger one.

Sigurrós opened the small box first, finding a beautiful necklace with a pendant made of an unknown gemstone. "It's beautiful!" she exclaimed, putting it on immediately.

"Now for the big one," Adrian said, handing her the larger box.

Sigurrós opened it to reveal a small, sleeping dragon. Its scales shimmered with iridescent colors, and it stirred as she touched it.

"That is a True Dragon, It is a being that is bound to a concept. And the concepts I chose were creation, destruction, and energy" Adrian explained. "He's yours to take care of and bond with."

Sigurrós's eyes widened in awe. "He's perfect! Thank you so much, Dad!" she said, hugging him tightly.

"There's one more thing," Adrian said, pulling out another small box. "This is for Sky. Consider it a late birthday gift."

Sky, who had been watching excitedly, opened her gift to find a small phoenix it's body was made of rainbow flames. "A phoenix! Thank you, Uncle Adrian!" she said, bouncing with excitement.

"That's no ordinary phoenix, that's a Royal Pheonix. It is the combination of every type of phoenix so Ice, lightning, spark, etc. It also has access to every type of flame, lightning, and Ice possible."

The day continued with games, laughter, and delicious food. As the sun began to set, Adrian gathered everyone outside for a special surprise.

Standing in the garden, Adrian looked at Sigurrós. "There's one last thing to make your birthday complete," he said, holding Anafabula's hand.

Adrian created a small glass cup and both he and Anafabula cut the palms of their hands and allowed their blood to flow into the glass after the blood reached a quarter way they pulled their hands back from the glass. Adrian then created a bottle of apple juice then poured it into the glass filling it the rest of the way.

Anafabula took the glass from Adrian and stepped forward, a warm smile on her face. "Sigurrós, today we want to welcome you truly into our family," she said, her voice gentle.

Adrian nodded, his eyes filled with affection. "Sigurrós, will you accept our gift and become a part of us, truly and completely?"

Tears filled Sigurrós's eyes as she nodded. "Yes, I will."

Anafabula handed her the glass motioning for her to drink its contents which she does. Adrian then placed his hands on Sigurrós's head, found the blood that had entered her body, and started to alter her DNA with it. A faint glow appeared around Sigurrós's body before it vanished. As the light faded, Sigurrós looked up at Adrian and Anafabula, her heart filled with happiness.

"Welcome to the family Sigurrós."

"Thank you. I love you both so much."

Adrian hugged her tightly. "We love you too, Sigurrós. Happy birthday."

The evening ended with fireworks lighting up the sky.

Chapter 22: End