
The Fantastic Voyage To Gotham City!!

The Fantastic Voyage To Gotham City!!




Please read the author's thoughts at the end.


I started a new life with a little excess baggage, but that's long been dealt with now! It wasn't easy but I managed to do it.

With some big plans that I had in mind, some side undertakings I made, plus dead shots savings of dirty cash, I couldn't lose anyway, no how!

I bought a new identity from the right people, for a real heavy price but it was worth the money, for peace of mind.

I then built(bought)connections In the movie industry of Gotham. As a producer, writer, & director of films from the memory of my past world; I became a living legend in the entertainment enterprises!

After I showed those with impetuous open hands that I'm not one to be taken advantage of, I built three solid bedrocks for the foundation of my empires!

No Limit Film studios™, to produce cutting edge films.

No Limit Music™, for records controlling the respective musical industries and surrounding musical markets.

No Limit Media™ covers everything else entertainment and leisure, like comics, games, apps, books, television shows, anime, etc...

When No Limit release products, the related industry's peers stand clear & don't bother to release a product to confront or compete with No Limit any more!

However, this trifecta is just department subsidiaries of the global conglomerate that is:

Limitless World Inc!™

Its been two years since, 7 movies and 7 legendary movie soundtracks as well as other General media content later, I'm presently a boss of bosses in this town!

Since that day waking up in that hospital bed things have been coming up Aces!

I'm having a decent life, it should even be possible in a few months to maybe buy an Island I been researching!

I'll invite my rivals & also just to throw it in the faces of those old money Gotham affluent class!

Bunch of elites snobs, don't realize how many of your daughters have come running to me; If I didn't fear the needless trouble from the deep waters of Gotham I would release the video of me smashing them all!

Fortunately for them, I'm not about the drama or smoke but about the refined good life.

I'm now sipping on a rare bourbon drink, as a cigar worth more than most people's homes burn in between my fingers. I don't even pay it any mind as it fades away into a pile of ashes!

As I'm thinking of the past and future agendas, a couple of rookie talents come my way.

These Scantily clad amateur model girls in bikinis come over bringing me a plate of barbecue fresh off the grill as much as they are fresh off the runway!

These New bloods Craving attention again huh? What will these two do now? What dream do they want from me? Become the next big pop star or a set of blockbuster leading ladies! I hope they are willing to work hard at it! 😉

The brunette sits across my lap slowly feeding me barbecue while the other, a blond is behind me providing a massage to my shoulders as her soft elastic but perky firm breast rest on my back!

I'm truly content as I touch here an there & whisper sweet nothing promises about how I will fast track them to stardom!

I hint toward the in-person guest list of famous female, singers, movie stars, even a few small-time DC heroines/villains that are all prancing, sauntering, dancing around my endless pool in my palatial estates right now!

I then recite a closer tag line all the female guest here have heard me say before, in a soft whisper:

"I made them, I can make you too, your dreams can become our dreams, the possibility are endless & all you got to do is...(points to her heart ❤️) let me in!"

The models both nod smiling, then kissing both my cheeks with a thrilling gaze, they were waiting on these very words all along!

They proceed to take their clothes off, the blond started caressing, licking, rubbing & kneading her friend's exposed breast and she returned the service with fervor!

I watch on with a little bit of the bubbly and the others around the party also gazed on excitedly.

The all-female party-goers then do the same as they begin to smile and giggle as they undress as well. It's certainly not the first time my party has gone down this route, it was an anticipated outcome to them!

The blond girl of this hungry talent duo, who is about to be enlisted into an elite class of Gotham starlets leans forward on me & is totally in the nude now!

She opens her mouth to speak for the first time while smiling, she says:

"Run the jewels mother fucker!"

(...huh,hmm? that's not right? Why does she sound like an overweight rapper?)

The brunette model of the duo also came closer and is next to her opens her mouth saying:

"Put the money in the bags Now!"

I jump from my seat! Now, why does this sexy runway model sound like a fat thug man!!!

Click! Clack!!

I know that sound anywhere or at least Floyd Lawton did, it is the sound of a single barrel shotgun cocking a shell round!

Sighing😩 to myself...

It was all good just a second ago...Slowly I open my eyes to see...

(Really Gotham? Are you a city so corrupt even the outset of the city limits isn't safe from being crime stops?!)

I raise my head up glancing at the armed youths, the ones I had marked as suspicious but disregarded I was too exhausted at that time, before slipping into a deep thought (or more like a high concentration of morphine provoked daydream).

"Put anything you think as valuables or your lives will be offered us contribution instead!"

Seven of them in total, all of them have colorful hair, street clothes and a pulldown face mask and all very clear on their task!

The clown mask they pulled down after screaming and waving weapons around is of the joker gang. Not thee Joker's gang, of course, just a gang taking the name of thee Joker's gang name.

Joker gang gang is mostly an Army of impostors who use the Jokers names and signature traits to do the crime with as a cover.

Occasionally established mobs, gangs or rivals do so as well to put the heat off the crimes they committed so it will go on the true joker or his enthusiasts.

As for joker he is too insane or brilliant (depending on who you ask) to care about licensing rights of his name and likeness; he will murder his imposters & fan club with an indifferent smile just like everyone else!

Only two shotguns, some revolvers, all of which are such garbage off-brand manufactured firearms that it wouldn't be a surprise if they all jammed at the same time they fired!

The dramatic leader yellow-haired punk, Jerome (his allies had mentioned his name quickly earlier) who just spoke eloquently, is holding the bus driver at gunpoint telling him to pull over to the side of the highway & turn off the travel bus!

"Put the money in the bags Now!"

The thug robbers are still screaming instructions repeatedly!

While the crowd is screaming:

"oh no!"

"he's got a gun"


"Please don't!"


"Please don't kill us!"


Sitting amongst this chaos in the back of the bus with an empty manner pissed the hooligans pulled me out of my well-deserved daydream is me!

" Run the jewels, wallet, watches, credit cards now!"

Another thug with a handgun in his waist walks with an open black bag in one hand and with yellow stickie tape in the other.

He has the passengers write the passwords to their phones then has his partner to the side of him, testing the code in front of them; before sealing the phones in the sack!

When one person foolishly lied to them they all stopped what they were doing.

They collectively pulled out and pointed the guns at that lying blockhead, & at that moment that fella knew that he fucked up for trying to be slick!

Then they pulled him out the seat & began to manhandle him! Pulling his female companion seated beside him too, then took turns fondling up his partner in front of him! She was being dealt with and insulted like a lone woman on a predominantly male public bus ride in India!!!

Snickering at his begging for mercy, they proceed to remove her clothes, groping & slapping her ass! At this point, the leader Jerome dragged her off the bus outside near its rear back tires!

Her ongoing pleading & crying is stopped when a series of slaps to the face, then a warning gunshot to the air is heard!

A Hush overcomes the travel bus in the night...

[ The silence is broken by a zipper sound then the muffled slurping, gagging & choking could be heard following cackling laughing from all the thugs.

Some lamented as they are jealous the leader outside always gets dibs!

Three minutes later he comes back on the bus with the 20 something woman covered in white substance dripping on her lips, chin, and bare chest!

Smacking the back of her head he says:

"Make sure you swallow bitch!"

She frowned with grievances, but makes a struggled gulping sound while still totally nude standing beside him with now even more lifeless eyes!]

After clapping his hands and getting everyone's attention again he nods toward his gang.

They then put this cucks crying & stained face on the seat, opened his mouth so his upper teeth were resting on above the seat!

Then Jerome whispered to his new female lackey:

" You hold him in place sweetheart, he is the cause of the anguish you just went through!"

'She has hatred in her eyes, but it's now directed to her lover who's extreme cheapness throughout the relationship finally harmed her! Was a brand name phone she purchased for him & he didn't even pay for, really worth their lives!'

She helps to hold his face in place. As he begs, she just smiles with disdain while still totally nude. She wanted someone to share in her ridicule!

The charismatic leader Jerome says with dramatic flare:

" This is what happens if you play games!"

Gives a Thumbs down hand signal!

Then another thug with a running start then jumps footing the back of this cheap guys head into the seat, a meticulous curb-stomping to the cheap passenger!



Shattering all his teeth, his bloody mouth serves as an example so no others had any wild intentions.

The woman who was just laughing is now in tears collapse to her knees with a dazed expression in her eyes!

[ Her body is trembling, shuddering, quivering!!

She suddenly screams leaning back flexibly while sitting on her knees!!

That wasn't a scream of pain but the moan of uncontrolled pleasure!!

While covered in her lover's blood, Something about this entire disastrous situation has stimulated her deepest consciousness and aroused her till the point she ejaculated in front of the passengers and thugs!

Orgasms continued as she has a euphoric blissful face like she had let go of everything & her eyes aren't dead anymore. A twisted broken beauty, I feel like I just witnessed an origin story of a sort, while everyone else is just shocked! ]

The passengers just look away in sympathy & thugs just ignore her situation going back to the business at hand like professionals.

I look on at these effective tools of crowd control but I don't have the time to appreciate their tactics!

I want them to be done with it quickly; as I needed the camouflage of a big city, this travel bus was to mask my entering that big city!

This whole hijacking is derailing my plans & will bring the heat down on me by default.

If I had gotten involved saving that chick, neutralizing these hoods, things would get complicated. The only option I'd be left with after standing out so much is leaving everyone here and driving off with this huge travel bus by myself!

I would stick out like a sore thumb after they call in the theft unless I killed all the witnesses here, however, Floyd's body count is already too much for me to handle right now!!

So, I got my own baggage to handle, standing up for a female who is not my lover, she just a girl not connected to me; starting a battle while riddled with injuries & as a wanted fugitive, just cause I find her cute is beyond foolish!

That is a pretty cute woman but not drop-dead gorgeous enough for me to risk leaving a trail of bread crumbs to U.S Marshalls, bounty hunters, Task Force X or some hero alliance members to track me down!

To be honest, it's fucked up what happened, but she'll live & sadly from dead shots recollection of Gotham, this is a run of the mill outcome.

This type of situation is par for the course for Gotham as there are far far worse things than being forced to perform fellatio on a scum bag in public while in the nude!

People have different thresholds boundaries of what they can tolerate, maybe this broke her limitations, but from the reactions and if the sharp glimpse in her eyes is any indication; then it's more likely her boundaries have vastly expanded! Her life and story continue for better or worse!

Well as for me, I thought after they have their kicks and giggles During that whole live hentai plot demonstration, they would leave after taking the money stash and flee!

Then this bus would either continue on its way after or stay here, calling the cops. At that point I would have slipped away before law enforcement arrives, no one would notice while doing so, as I'm not standing out.

Standing out like, I don't know maybe taking down 7 armed thugs single handed & saving a damsel in distress!

But now I know that was just wishful thinking on my part. With my excellent vision, I now see a large van pull up on the outside of the road. The same bright hair and dress style brings me to believe that it's more lackeys. So it's not a simple quick bag the cash robbery anymore!

Probably a kidnapping for petty ransom from families, trafficking the females to underground prostitution slavers and most likely selling of organs of the rest of the people on board this travel bus!

Before they even enter the city limits, for people to go missing before others even know they were coming to Gotham is cleverly done!

A truly smart hustle gimmick! GPD probably doesn't have any clue this is going on; else the would have highway patrol guards making around the clock presence known. Perhaps they do know and some are on the take for a cut in the cash as well, anything is possible in this City!

This is all based according to Lawton's experience, understanding and assessment of the situation and cases similar to it.

Sigh, so I can't NOT get involved now, even if I wanted to just leave here without a police presence, but these clowns obviously won't allow that!

If they try to stop me I can neutralize them but I'm not going to be wasting my good gun & bullets from Detective Garp on these fuck heads!

That van (most likely stolen)should have enough gas to get to the city, I can swipe it after I clear out of here. Okay, I got a new task & timetable!

I look up at the youths the one's I casually gazed at before going into deep thought.

I put my hand in my pockets...I make it noticeable with shifting, nervous eyes and slightly irregular breathing for the thugs to pick up on.

Finally, an eagle eye thug sees me, & my suspicious behavior. He then signals the others & in a flash every gun is pointed at me!

(These guys are well-rehearsed, definitely a syndicate operation as I theorized! )

The thugs' bark:

"You! what are you doing?"

"Stand up slowly!"

"don't be a hero!"

"We just want the money!"

"yeah, just the valuables!"

Other thugs chuckle knowingly as they want more than money from this travel bus full of people.

A Series of Yells out from the passengers:

"Young man don't rock the boat," a cowardly old man says.

"hey, be cool man!"

"don't cause any more trouble."

"Yeah!" lastly says an attractive woman in a tracksuit frightened by the earlier show of force!

Suddenly all these mother fuckers all got amnesia? Am I the one robbing you at gunpoint? Fastest case of Stockholm ever! But I ignored them.

" Hero? ah, yeah that's, not me." shaking my head.

"then what are you doing?" a thug asked.

"Oh, I just wanted to get these out of my pockets as they are poking me in the sides!" I replied

Slowly I pull out both hands then extended my arm straight out in front of them.

Opening my balled up hands to everyone slowly & in my closed fist a bundle of half-inch long nails!

Everyone relaxed from the previous tension in the atmosphere!

Scoffing the thugs asked:

"Nails? Why do you have nails in your pockets?"

" Oh well, I'm a Carpenter, my name is Jesus nice to meet you!" I replied in a friendly matter-of-factly way.

I go to shake hands nervously after the introduction but when the other party just looks at me strangely?

Scoffing the thug then is directing with his chin like a Yankee towards my hands!

I have a look down, then noticed my hands still occupied with nails from my pocket in them! I become visibly flustered in embarrassment!

Thugs giggle at my nerdy behavior!

I then raised both arms straight out slowly presenting my hands full of nails to the crowd.

I close both of my hands into a closed fist.

Then I opened my hands up again for everyone to see, the nails are gone!! They amazingly vanished!!

A surprised gasp from the crowd!

One simple-minded thug even applauded but when everyone stares at him he stopped and gazed away at the ground.

"What's with the magic tricks? Huh, asshole! Are you a Carpenter or a fucking magician?" Asked the leader Jerome smugly.

"Naw, I ain't no magician or anything, but I bet I can make that funky attitude of yours disappear!" I retorted back without the previous nervous & flustered appearance.

An Offended thug then speaks on behalf of his leader Jerome raising his gun:

"what you did ya say mot- "

But is cut off suddenly When-

in milliseconds before he started talking my fist had suddenly closed,

then reopened with a nail reappearing in between each gloved finger!

then with a flick of the wrists, these nails departed from my hands!!

The nail projectile had entered in the center of this posturing thugs left eye!

as well as a nail in his gun holding hand, forcing the gun to plummet to the ground!

and finally, a nail has struck in the center of his tongue anchoring it in place!!

with the nail locking his tongue to the inside of his mouth he can't talk, as the nail is too deeply embedded to remove by clawing at it with his now one available hand!!!

All this happens in seconds before the thug could complete his sentence!



He falls to the ground rolling in misery but can't vocalize it!

Too sudden of a change for onlookers but the first in realizing the strange & fucked up situation is the leader Jerome, so he shouts immediately:


My Still, extended arms retracted as I dipped into my pockets to reload on nails

raising the Hands across my chest in an X then extended out fast throwing gesture the nails fly out again!!

Each thug got a nail to the center of their eyes! (not enough to enter the brain but destroy that targeted eye!)

Those whose guns were still pointed at me got a nail sliding into the barrels of the guns!

Then when they squeezed the trigger-




The guns backfire and explode in their hands!

Blood and finger bones pieces fly, as wailing & rolling on the ground one hand clutching the injured other with bleeding eyes!

I punch the nerve cluster on each of their chin knocking them out cold!

Silence on the travel bus...

I don't give a concern to the stares and agape mouths!

I drag them quickly to the center of the bus and bound the thumps together with arms behind their backs with plastic draws zip ties; these things I also bought along with the nails among other things from the hardware store.

I adjust my non-lens glasses frames with an Index finger. I turn my gaze outside for movement I see none from the transport van.

I calmly collect all the bullets and shotguns shells from their bodies and firearms.

I pick up the one shotgun that doesn't look the most like crap right now after a backfired and the more maintained of these rusty revolvers that I believe have less chance jamming or exploding in my hands, unlike the others.

I'm walking down the now particularly silent bus.

I make my way toward the van down by the high way street.

Three more thugs get out of the van armed with guns. Confused at first at my presence, they then step out in front of my path barking orders, asking questions to know exactly what's going on?

I just tune them out as I pull out one of the shitty revolver guns that didn't explode from the tongue nailed to the root of his mouth guy and in my other a fist full of hand nails!

This leads to them going quiet and a silent standoff ensued!

The one who couldn't take it anymore went to shoot, & I threw a nail in his gun barrel the instant he aimed it!




An encore performance of a weapon being detonated in the hands of thugs tonight!!

And his cohorts are distracted by the gun malfunction, me being the ultimate opportunist, I took full advantage taking a shot!

I shoot the distracted other two buy blasting them in the knee caps! A very painful place to get shot from dead shots memories & of his personal experience!





They then Fall to their backsides with both hands clenching at the blown-out knee limbs as they are rolling around in anguish!

Surprisingly tough, trying to fight the incredibly painful wound, while getting up hopping on one leg to rush me!

I nod in approval, then I reward the heartwarming efforts by sidestepping & kicking in the final good knee cap of each good leg that they used to lunge at me with!





With a bullet in one leg each, and both having a knee socket facing backward or sideways they have no remaining working legs!

I ignored the begging and sobs I punch the two of them in the face & they fall unconscious!

I collect the bullets of the gun & tossed the trash pistols to the side of the road!

I clear the van check it's gas pull out the keys & go walking back to the travel bus.

As I walk back to the bus I withdraw Detective Officer Garps badge which I kept in my back pocket.

Coughing to get their attention near the driver's seat, I flash the badge for 7 seconds, & I say behind the medical mask in a gruff voice:

"Ladies and gentlemen I am special Detective Officer Dean Malenko and you are in the middle of an undercover crime sting!!"

Whispers of surprise amongst the crowds!

" Some of you might think this is, despite the location, a run of the mill rob and bag getaway heist right? "

Shakes head:

"Sadly no! This was an even worst situation then you could have imagined! These guys are kidnappers, human traffickers and as well as organ harvesters!"

Whaling gasp and whispers!

"They rob you before entering the city, ransom those who are more slightly well off but they never release you after the payday!

They abduct the women to be underworld brothels workers, string the females out on drugs to make them near-comatose money machines. The rest of the healthy fit people will be harvested for your insides! Then the rest are killed and buried, along with any proof you and this bus existed."

Silence then outrage!

"oh my God!

"fucking monsters!"

"How are they still human!"

Others don't speak but have hands over the face & some shocked to tears!

"This is a very elaborate multi-level crime, right? Now my task was to infiltrate these possible regions of activities and tonight I got lucky but you all almost didn't!"

"In order to save others like you in the future, I need my presence here to be nonexistent!

"My involvement can't leave your lips even to other officers arriving as they Don't know about my assignment. This may leak my task force being on to them, and the big bosses going into hiding!"

"Since now you all do know, if anyone I mean anyone asks then I was never here, this didn't happen because of me; but was rival infighting that leads to mister veteran driver here to be the hero by getting the drop on him along with the brave passengers."

" Also as these guys in this particular gang are very vengeful I hope you do as I say for your own sakes & you don't put your self out there too much."

The reply:

"You saved us we won't tell anyone about it"


"these scum must be stopped"

"thank you," I say, But behind the medical mask, I'm sneering! Because I don't believe these people for a second!

However, the pressure of getting involved with possible gang retaliation will keep them quiet for least a day.

"If you have any questions or tips regarding this case and remember only report to officer Montoya of Gotham police department. She will help you as she is my connection in this case."

Looking at my stolen gold watch on my wrists from the hospital lockers I say:

"Okay, after an hour call police to the scene, you all take care!

They say their thanks as I walk-off with my baggage.

As I leave I see this dazed & confused chick in my path, everyone was ignoring her even after she lays nude on the bus in public, the passengers still pretend she does not exist!

I Sigh, thinking I Might as well go all the way!

I bestow her a spare tee-shirt, & gym shorts from my stolen clothing in my gym bag.

Still not moving, I place the tee-shirt over her head and assist her arms through the armholes mostly covering up her bare body.

She briefly meets my eyes, just barely enough as any form of recognition of my efforts, before going back to being Indifferent to my presence altogether!

But I continued by Kneeling beside her I whispered:

" I know you are feeling all kinds of ways and those feelings are totally natural; and for you to sort out yourself later, so I will give to you free counsel with some words, someone once told me and that is:

"Life sucks...and then you die!"

She moves only her eyes & looks at me incredulously!

" I know it's harsh on the surface but if you dig deeper It could be interpreted as in the meantime we got to make choices, moment to moment choices to make life suck less until we all die!

"..." she's listening now.

" Few things are within our power, that is our true choices to make in between the right now and our foreordain death day."

" Very few choices among what we want to happen, not happen & willing to tolerate happening!"

"True Uncontrollable elements occur, We can't control those type of happenings, like illness, sudden death or past regrets in life like getting on this bus, because it's already happened."

A lot is out of the sphere of influence as humans, there is no S on our chests, unlike some people.

But what we have absolute power in is how we choose to handle the reaction to uncontrollable elements, tragedy, & hardship in our lives, that is our choice!

The reaction & response to tragedy & misfortune, these are choices that are our power, in our hands, my hands! I'll personally do what I must for it to continue to stay in my hands as much as possible to have a better life before I die, that is my personal choice!"

"Just outside you had a tragedy and today at that moment you made a choice!

"You could have theoretically clawed his eyes out of his skull with your nails, or chosen to rather than suck his dick dry in humiliation; bite his dick off while in your mouth, then stolen the gun killed him and ran off!"

Her eye moved at this declaration.

"Yeah, I know with your life experiences that probably wasn't even an option you considered at the time, even if you did, it was not the best choice as it would have probably ended up with you being shot in your tits!"

Even if it was a bad ending, it would have been your free choice to do so.

"But you chose to go with the most likely route for you to survive based on your world view experiences and understanding. Because you wanted to live regardless of the stigma of shame or embarrassment & that's fine, it's your choice. You didn't want to die, there isn't anything wrong with that, & I won't judge you for it!

Our life experience and perspective are our limitations but ironically the more we suffer and learn; the more out boundaries broaden and possibilities grow so that our narrow world views no longer limit our choices & options."

"Today this experience has taught you more, opened you to what others would shame you for, judge you for even choosing to live on with humiliation!"

I believe your body's reaction early was you also going beyond your thresholds of shame subconsciously; it seems you discovered from this you previously weren't aware of, & again it is your choice for that is to embrace it, comprehend or it happened or not acknowledge it all after today."

she doesn't move but her eyes narrowed face contorted cheek redder!

" But if you chose to use that feeling to push your self and go beyond mundane thinking opens up a whole new world of options for you.

"Leave the complicated deliberations for God to judge & do what you must to have the most freedom, the most options, & be open to most choices so life won't suck too much before you die!"

"I say all this not to victim blame but to empower you, this is your uncontrollable element today, your tragedy how are you going to choose to respond, the way base on society tells you or how you feel in your soul you should?"

I then slip her a 6 chamber revolver, with 12 bullets while no one is looking!

Narrowing my eyes I say in a lower voice:

"Some people need to be punished for their actions, their choices that go against us making our life suck even more than needed before we all die!"

"So what's wrong with sending them off first!"

"You experience what it's like to go beyond your threshold of shame, how blissful, new, & freeing it was! why not go beyond social morality as well?"

I place the gun in her hands while Staring into her eyes I remark:

"In this life, it's every man for themselves and God for us all!

"Either you take back the power or you let them have power over you, your choice."

I whisper softer:

"It's only the wrong choice if it affects you negatively in the end or you regret doing it!"

I Thoughtfully stroke her head of disheveled hair.

" I doubt you'd regret doing it right? At least not against this scum!"

"Alright, good talk! I look forward to seeing your choice!"

Looking toward the man crying while rocking back and forth gripping his face in pain.

Without turning around & just loud enough for her to hear I say:

"I just realized that boyfriend of yours is sure heroic & the only person who knows you and your identity on this bus huh, go figure!"

I resume leaving.


Her eyes go wide as she turns her head toward me, her daze is gone as if she understands my intentions then looks down at the revolver in her petite, hands.

I walk off while everyone is thinking I've given words of encouragement & among other things that I'm consoling her about the events but I'm just making use of her as a possible distraction for the arrival of police later on.

(I didn't know I could spew so much off the top metaphoric bull shit!! Still, I'm desiring to see what choice she decided later on.)

While walking out the bus one of the van 3 thugs late arrivals, the only one with working legs is feigning being unconscious but I know he is awake!

After passing by him he thinks the coast is clear & sighs feeling relief, but then I suddenly walk back then soccer kicks him to the face!!



I then get to Stomping and kicking the previous knocked, but now awake thugs in frustration!

With an emotionless face and dead eyes, I say:

" That's for you all waking me up, I could have been at a barbecue pool party turned orgy!!!"

Then on last kick BAM!!

The others on the bus, however, watch on at loss for words!

"h-he must have some stress on the job, Always dealing with such terrible scum all the time!"

All nodding in agreement, they feel no sympathy for these young devils!

The kidnapper's van is driven off into the distance with loud music blaring!

Suddenly a passenger on the travel bus asked:

" Hey um, wheres the bag with our valuables, I would like to get my phone to call the police."

"oh, it's right it over... huh that's strange."

"It was there before"


"...you don't think..."

"...no way, right?"


"he's been our Savior..."

"...and an officer would never do that "

"was he truly a cop"

"he had a badge though"

"did you guys obtain his badges number or even name?"

"he's undercover or something so..."

"but he has taken off"

"and our things are..."

While others are pondering on a mystery, a passenger sees the assault victim raise from the ground with both shoulders slumped with only Floyds spare tee shirt and nothing else on as her fluids still are dripping from her lower region on to the bus panels.

Walking slowly to the unconscious leader Jerome. She tilted her head to the side, moving her hair out of her face as she is staring at him, her oppressor. Then treads her foot on top of his head...

The crowd asked:

"hey, lady you okay?"

"what are you doing?


"yeah! don't wake that devil up!"

"yes, let's keep away till the police come dear!"

"hey is that..."

"When did she-"

"Omg, she got a gun!!!"


Leader of a Joker Gang gang, Jerome's head is blown clean off from his fucking neck!!!

The passengers scream running off the bus quickly gaining distance!

Then flashes of light are seen from outside the bus each flash followed by more gunshots sounding off:






Five gunshots, counting the leader Jerome it six total! She was killing off the thugs' gang members killing 6 people in cold blood!

The sound of empty shells being clear from the revolvers chambers and loading six more bullets shooting the last one of the 7 thugs.


Then she unhurriedly walked to her pathetic boyfriend, who's the only one still on the bus & the only one who knows her identity!

As if she was the most unpleasant thing in existence, He is recoiling away & retreating desperately till he can't anymore from her!

She bent down and touched his right cheek lovingly, then put the revolver to the left side of his temple... the crowd outside saw a flash along with another gunshot sound!


The travel bus door opens, she walks off the bus barefoot sauntering into the night's darkness without her belongings or clothes!

Nobody moves or mumbles anything just gaze at her departure from the scene...

Not bringing or keeping any item on her body except a revolver in hand and a black tee shirt with a white skull design given to her by that man...


Subsequently, after entering in narrows of Gotham city, I ditch the car and walk to the nearest populated area in search for a no questions asked motel.

As I stroll along under the street lamps and glimmer of neon lights, I see clearly for myself the rough underbelly in full display; as the city is not even trying to hide it.

A bad street corner deal leads to an argument between customer and pusher. The street merchant had enough of the marks complaints, asking for a refund or discount so he made a whistling sound, then the customer found him being surrounded with other dealers flashing firearms, so he promptly backs off into the night dissatisfied.

A loud dice game being played in a side alley by a group of some teens only to break into a fistfight! While they were distracted a third party runs in taking the disputed game pot of cash before being chased down & caught together by the same previously dueling gamblers!

I really underestimated the poverty, depravity & scarcity of uniformed police officers' presence here. It is like they have given up on this area not that I'm complaining given my current predicament.

The ones forced by circumstance of life to live here aren't the threat mostly but those who choose to live here are truly dangerous ones!

In front of a host bar club, a group of high school-aged girls dressed in heavy Gal girl style flagging crowd for clients.

When one of a drunken duo tries to get a fondling in for free they Immediately jump him!

Punch straight to the nose breaking it! Two prostitutes grabbed his arms & the other guy is grabbed by another girl into a full Nelson from the back!

The young madam figure of these girls probably the oldest takes the stage with a front kick to both of them in the balls while they are restrained!

She Hand signals the younger girls to retrieve the valuables. Performing so quickly, they had them both stripped tossed into an open dumpster in under a minute's time!

Wow, this city is almost real Sodom and Gomorrah level anarchy!

As I watched the event, a kid thief tries to take advantage of my awareness with a bump and swipe for my cash!

However, I take a side step back just in time to give a ruthlessly front knee strike to the kid in the face, then a straight front kick pushing him into trash cans!

No mercy, sweep the leg! If they see softness, they'll mob on me.

The street crowd steps back & turn to see the drama about to unfold. From the reactions, I now know this kid has a supporter!

His thief collaborators come out from the darkness in multitudes. All presumably runaways or orphans, each ranging from about 10 -14 years in age, not smile on any of them, only hard-boiled expressions.

Armed each with switchblades, iron pipes, like they wanna be starting something!

I put my gym bag down slowly, bring out the Garp Glock 19 from my waist, cocking the firearm then push my no lens glasses up with an index finger before saying:

"Make your move or get moving!"

My gun less hand closed then opened with nails in-between gloved fingers prepared to equalize the numbers game.

They all pause & look at one place.

The oldest and leader shakes his head with a scowling attitude.

They slowly fade back into the darkness like rats, cruising backward the whites of their eyes still visible, creepy children of corn looking bastards might just be lackeys for someone like the sewer king or something.

I quickly grab my bags to keep my projectiles handy and make few rounds making sure these fuckers can't be shadowing me.

After all this stress today, I find I'm both mentally and physically fatigued.

I need a break, so I bribe several different streetwalkers to recommend three lodging locations that meet my requirements.

Whatever they all say collectively or repeatedly mentioned or suggested when I asked individually is where I was departing.

I arrive at this hole in the wall that's close to the main street, funded & overseen by a mob(so fewer trouble makers or cops), one entrance /exit, multi-levels, check-in is done anonymously with no cameras around anywhere.

I see the night guy behind the bulletproof glass who's watching a B-level horror flick not even looking my way.

To the side, a vending machine that gives out available room card keys after inserting cash & selecting:

[ a hour/hours/night/day/days] options.

I need specific arrangements, so I put extra cash on the desk getting the clerk's attention.

I began telling him what I need to book, a corner floor room with street view window, on the second floor & a strict do not be disturbed or remembered clause.

He nods as if I am not the first to request these features.

I take the stairs as I don't trust the elevator.

I walk these dilapidated hallways with the moldy smell, till I see I'm about to be passing an escort and her boss/bodyguard.

After she's just freshly leaving a client's room, high skipping in place while spinning in her flowery sundress, clearly high as a fucking kite!

She sees me and starts trying to peddle her goods to me.

She lowered her sundress straps, flashing large breasts my way while both smiling and licking her lips!

The second pair of bare breast I've seen today but I decline & keep moving forward.

The big guy in the fur trim jacket takes a step to say something.

But I cut him off before he begins by a shrewd flashing of my own, the loaded gun in my waist!

He nonetheless seems to still want to have a go; as it's not the first time someone flashed a gun at him!

To see how truly brave he is I flash my stolen badge on the other side of my waist!

His eyes go wide!

Putting both hands up showing his palms open, stepping back with a diffusing smile.

I say:

" Beat it, before I take a cut if you're nightly profits!"

He ironically becomes more relaxed thinking I'm a corrupt cop here on business, one of their own!

He leaves smiling, giving a calling card as they do, he still keeps trying to sell me a discount deal on this whores snatch in the future.

I just shake my head...

I enter my room, quickly clear it of any surprises. I returned to the room door to shove a chair under the handle to jam it from opening.

I grab two thin glass cups fill them with loose change & nails, place them at the door and at the window in an angle, so if either opens the glass will drop breaking glass sound alerting me.

I gaze out the window for a while, before going to the bathroom to clean up with medical soap & water from the hospital supply closet.

I remove my baseball hat covering my buzzcut and medical face, I redress my wounds, wrap my self up, take pain pills, & lay on this bed after placing spare clothes where I would lay down.

I release a tired sigh, closing my eyes.

Moans and grunts I could hear before have been progressively getting louder for while now.

So loud, I recognized that voice as the bargain rate pussy pusher in the sundress.

I still try drift to sleep hoping to get back to that barbecue pool party from before!

Until I hear a group of men's voices then the sound of banging headboards continues on and on...

This chick amazingly offers group rates too!

This ware and tear of the old hotel can't hold up to this pay-per-view style action upstairs, as now ceilings tiles loosen sand and dust falls on the almost dozing off face of myself, I open my eyes sit up with frustration:


Hey, first thanks for reading, voting, commenting, rating, I really appreciate it!☺

I'm not as interactive as other authors perhaps & I got less free time as real life gets in the way, so I'll just say it now in case i don't later, you have my gratitude!?

The Schedule for now is 1 Chapter every Sunday or 2 Chapters every other Sunday.

So 4 Chapters a month total for now. I will endeavor to complete this fanfiction & the other monthly WAWCR.

Enjoy the content thank you reading☺

ViolenceOfNumberscreators' thoughts