
My cursed Love; He loves, I leave. I love, he leaves.

*WARNING ⚠️ MATURE CONTENT!!!* here second lead takes a huge role and becomes MC after some chapters.    "Kill your brother if you want me back," Sun-Hwa demanded. Her ex-husband, Angel, hesitated and regretted it. "I can't." "Then leave!" She pressed her hand against his chest and shoved him away from her neck. Will he fulfil her wish, which she had asked him for the first time since their marriage? Synopsis: Occasionally, we, as humans, are not living alone on this plentiful earth. Some cursed angels and devils were also roaming among us to unravel their curse of being on earth along with humans. Sometimes, this is not because of the curse. Anyone can be fooled when it comes to love. This is how it happened. The King of Angels and his son were abandoned to the earth by the queen once she earned the power of the queen by being the king's love. Without having a memory of who they were, they lived on earth. The king's son is a wealthy man's son, and the king, who is the most powerful in the whole angel world, is now the manager of his son, who is the prince in the angel world and CEO on earth. However, even if their memory was erased by the queen, their power remained in their own bodies, which couldn't be recruited by anyone. That helped them find who they really were. In between those, a woman, Sun-Hwa, who wants true love only and has a soul full of luck, unexpectedly gets married to the CEO. The CEO, Dae-Hyeon, has no love for her. It was a forced marriage to steal Sun-Hwa's luck for their business purposes. She agrees to marry Dae-Hyeon, even though his evil brother proposed to her beforehand. After the marriage, Dae-Hyeon's masked face was ripped off. He is a playboy. But she is too blind to see the truth behind why he kept running for sex. One night, when she is so emotional and disheartened, drunken Dae-Hyeon approaches and has a one-night stand. Even though Sun-Hwa tried hard to stay with him since their marriage, he kept looking for another girl. After their first night too! It led them to drift apart; she offered him a divorce and stepped out of the house with a four-month-pregnant stomach. Soon, she drifted, and the pregnancy met miscarriage. "She was pregnant with my child?!!" Dae-Hyeon started to pursue her after realising Sun-Hwa was pregnant with his child, while every other woman he had raw sex had no memory of their night and woke up as a virgin. But his brother took advantage of her divorce, abused her physically, and demanded, "Marry me!" Want to know more? Thrive into the story! Forgive me for my grammar mistakes... please!        

Flaim · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Proposal of forgery contract

She sat gently on the sofa after wiping off her tears. She then unbuttoned her slightly milk-soaked shirt and put it aside on the sofa. She did unwear her bra too.


Her hands picked up the wide jug and placed it over her thigh, directly under her left big breast.


She then massaged tenderly, biting her teeth out of discomfort, starting with long strokes from her armpit and working towards her nipple.


Working with her hands took her time and earned her some cramps because she forgot to take the breast pump with her.


After pumping out milk from each breast, she did some stretching to get rid of the cramp. A deep, long sigh that escaped her lips suggested her strength was already lost.


She dressed up and put the milk in the fridge before going upstairs with those lofty steps.


At Dae-Hyeon's mansion...


He sat on the sofa abruptly, slammed his back against the buffy backrest, and kept scratching his forehead anxiously as his manager, Dong-Han's, suggestion kept encircling his mind without having any idea how to keep Sun-Hwa with himself.


He was cognizant that if he kept his distance from her while Sun-Hwa despised him for losing her child, he wouldn't earn her love back, for which his heart was longing most presently.


As his eyelid folded inside along with his raised eyelashes, his eyeball rolled to the upper right corner simultaneously. His playboy criminal mind brightly glowed like a bulb up above his head as he got what he wanted.


The next day dawned...


Sun-Hwa entered Dae-Hyeon's company on time. Before her butt reached her seat, one of the managers rushed inside.


"Mr. Sun-Hwa, the CEO asked you to come immediately." He dashed his words, collecting breath.


Sun-Hwa unseated herself as pessimism surrounded her thoughts.


'Why? Why does he want to see me?'


'What exists to argue about?'


She was out of ideas.


In his office...


"Excuse me?" She asked permission politely before stepping inside since it was his office and she was his PA.


"Yes," Dae-Hyeon allowed, and his gaze met hers as she was coming inside politely like a staff member.


As she came forward, bowing before standing, he made headway towards her with a paper.


Sun-Hwa lowered her eye once she located his shadow getting closer to him, and then his feet halted at a distance of half a foot away. She was sure that this was a workplace, and she had to obey her CEO.


Glimpsing his hand and the letter-filled piece of paper, her eyes subtly narrowed.


"Sorry for yester-"


Sun-Hwa looked up at him and with esteem, she reminded him, "Mr. Dae-Hyeon, this is work-"


His thumb pressed against her closed lips.


He then spoke as two of their gazes scrutinised each other.


"Sorry for yesterday... I don't care whether it's my baby or someone else's. But you stole something from me during marriage life, so you should make it up by accepting this contract."


He showed the paper in front of her face.


Her top corner eyelid twitched as she read, 'Contract to be a seductive slave'


"What the heck is this?" She resentfully growled, snatched the paper like a strike, and threw it away.


Her venomous glare met his unconcerned casual glance. "Crazy pitch!" She muttered under her breath.


"You have already signed it," he declared.




She rushed to take back the paper and stared at the lower right corner having her sign. It was exactly like hers.


"I don't have any memory of how I did this," she recalled in her mind.


"I did," he replied instead.


Her brows knitted together again, but this time with perplexity.


Copying someone's sign was like child's play for him.


"This is a forgery!" She scowled and was unbelievable.


"But that was your sign; there is no step back from it. You should pay back what joy you stole away from me," he remarked his require as he led his way closer to her resentful face.


His right hand embraced her back hair so seductively. That tender hold of his hand dictated he wouldn't harm her. "You should obey me; because of you, I lost a lot of women's touches." In an alluring way, he accused her.


If we put the truth in front of his statement, he hadn't had any memory of how his body played with those plenty of young women. The hold on her back head too applied the emotion as new to his virgin hand.


Sun-Hwa tightly closed her eyes, and worm-like wrinkles formed over those eyes, standing for disgust, not for fear or regret. Sun-Hwa personally hated his hand when it performed alone on her body.


Dae-Hyeon knew he was a virgin, but to Sun-Hwa?


No, she only knows Dae-Hyeon as a playboy. So she abominated his hand embrace, which had tasted so many women already. She gripped the contract paper viciously.


"So from now on, you should obey with my every touch..." His lips, which were closer to hers, whispered before clutching hers as if his lips were clawing a spoonful of honey.


As he sucked up her non-performing lips passionately, she recalled their plentiful first night when she was overexcited to give herself to drunken Dae-Hyeon.


Their young and fresh lips were aggressively eating two of each other alive, as they were in the long term famished for this passionate night. That was a mesmerising moment for Sun-Hwa and for Dae-Hyeon... he worked all his body to satisfy Sun-Hwa as if his only love was her, not anyone else.


However, right now, aversion was the only emotion her face was emitting. She pressed her hands against his chest and shoved him away.




Two of their loud gasps reverberated inside the office.


"Pervert!" She growled intrepidly.


Collecting his breath, he questioned, "Aren't you going to accept the truth that you had already signed it?"


"That's forgery; I can't! Leave me alone, please." She alleged and pleaded.


"Sun-Hwa, Just accept." With a straight face, he decreed. Yet, deep inside, his heart was screaming for her consent.


She read the contract's rules; her eyes fell on the highlighted rule number at first.


3. The ex-wife will be asked for a love kiss whenever the ex-husband feels tired or loses hope. If the ex-wife fails to offer that, the ex-husband has the right to double it.


5. The ex-wife must stay at the ex-husband's house every night. Not to concern if Ex-Wife is busy in a day. The ex-husband won't touch the ex-wife for more than two days unless the ex-wife wants it more.


"Wants it more?!!" She enraged.


6. Most importantly, the ex-wife is only allowed to do what the ex-husband asks for. There is nothing more and nothing less to do.


"What the fu*** is this?" She was frustrated that she couldn't think straight.


What did she wish for, and what did fate demand in front of her?


She simply wanted to crawl out of Dae-Seong's life, but he proposed to her indirectly in the name of a seductive slave.


Quickly, she felt her milk coming out. She looked down.


In a trice, Dae-Hyeon's hands seized her underarms, lifted her, and made her sit above the table surface that had been nearby them.


The contract paper slipped down.


He undressed her upward, all the way out of her hands, while Sun-Hwa was still processing what was happening to her. He then unplugged her bra hook and slightly slid it down from her big breast as he glanced at her inert, out-zoned gaze as it fell on him.


His right hand held her back waist, and his left hand went all the way up to hold, sustention her back head from falling backwards before his lips clutched her right breast nipple and he began to suck like a baby.


As she felt his lips sucking her breast nipples, her cheeks reddened, and her right hand came forward without her permission and was stroking his back hair.


She had a hunch of rapturousness when his lips sucked out her milk intoxicatingly. She even ravished, waving her head left and right like she got drunk as Dae-Hyeon's hand behind her head embedded his fingers slightly tight over it, preventing her from falling behind.


As his front hair caressed over her naked, front shoulder, along with the rhythm of how his head motile up and down while sucking up her milk out of the heavyweight breast, her other silently rested hand flipped his hair up and kept gripping it from tickling her soul.


After one minute of floating over heaven, she moaned just as he pulled his face away from her right breast to shift to her left breast.


Before his lips stretched to lick her left breast, she blocked his face by pressing her hands against her forehead.


Even so, hand pumping and manual pumping were a cramp to her hand, and she intended to choose those methods over his adulterated lips.


"I can do it with tools," her gasp-mixed voice declared, licking up her lips seductively.


"The contract starts today; obey me." He voiced tutelage.


She gritted her teeth, unable to control her sexy wetness streaming out hot between her thighs, when his lips clawed her left nipples and began to suck up passionately.


She was quick-witted enough to grip his forehead-length front hair and drift it away from tickling her fair-skinned front shoulder, which appeared as oily skin along with her sliding drops of sweat.


With closed eyes, minor gasps kept escaping from her shivering lips as her hand kept stroking his back hair hypnotically.


Is she enjoying his sucking? Didn't she develop hatred towards him earlier when his hand touched his back head??


Yes, she did. But now, she was absolutely wallowing in.


Pointedly, she hated him only when his hand performed alone. Right now, his lips and his caressing face claim the first position rather than his hand's contribution.


All of that dug up her buried love that was shrouded by her sorrow over her dead baby.

Hi, guys... Thanks for reading. Keep support. If any queries, feel free to comment.

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