
Chapter one

The face of trauma

Isabel Perkins is getting ready for her parents wedding anniversary joyfully she calls her dad to inform him that she will be at the house soon. " Am here dad mom happy anniversary the party will be at the hotel later this evening but now I have to go to work". She leaves the both of them and went to the office she worked fast so she could meet up with the celebration" her phone ring " Isabel don't forget to send the address to use". " Okay mom" she sends the address through SMS later in the evening Isabel worked fast so that she could meet up on time as she was about to turn off the television in her office the news came on " welcome to today new it has been reported that terrorists have realized bomb on the chi gal company opposite the public school and the following houses near there were affected the Stevens estate,the choise garden estate and finally the" the news continued her heart pounding heard in her chest a call came through telling her to report at the Daffodils hospital as her parents were fighting for their life she couldn't believe what she was hearing, all she could hear was ringing in her ear she gor intobher car and drove as fast as she could on gettunt to the hospital she was told that her parents situation is very critical immediatly she fainted and a nurse took her to a ward and she was on drip when she was conscious the doctor broke yhe new to her thwt her parents were dead Isabel couldn't believe it she ran to the ward her parents were in the nurse was about to cover their face with a white cloth when Isabel shouted " stop it don't do that to them they are sleeping mom, dad wake up and lets go home please wake up" but no reply " miss isabel they are dead okay try to move on" she couldn't cry she just got up and walked out of the hospital looking like a mentally disturbed person . She walked till she reached the place of the incident she just starred at what remained of their house she broke into tears remembering the happy moments Isabel could tell if she was actually loosing her mind or her world she got up and was about to cross the road without looking she crossed the road and was hit by a car she lost consciousness.

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Chapter two

The face of a stranger


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