
My Consort Has Gone Mad!

Before entering the body of Imperial Consort Pan Yu Mei, Ju Ming only remembered three things from her old life; how to make sleeping pills, love pills and fragrant pouches. Her once carefree life roaming the city came to an end. Died by accident, now stuck in the body of the unfavored consort. Ju Ming strives to live to the fullest. A woman who cared more about food than her husband. Not paying him any attention will only attract his attention. What happens when a carefree and simple girl meets the handsome but cold prince. *First time attempt at light, fluffy and slightly humorous* Picture taken from: https://www.pinterest.se/pin/339740365620600461/

Lotuspalm · História
Classificações insuficientes
135 Chs

Lantern Festival Part 1

Within a flash three days went by for Yu Mei and Pei Nan as they spent the days walking along the garden and making small talks. Yu Mei had learned many of Pei Nan's hobbies; such as archery, hunting and poetry.

He too found her likes. Although not as impressive as his, he still found it quite cute. She liked sleeping, eating and lying outside as she pointed out shapes and animals in the clouds. Nothing new to him but it was still fun to hear her tell him her hobbies.

After the fourth day, the annual Lantern Festival was finally here. Yu Mei was in her room standing like a statue as Chu'mei eagerly dressed her in a dark pink three layered tunic. Her hair was lavishly adorned with pearl hairpins and her makeup was done lightly. Enough to accentuate her round eyes.

Even though she did not like to dress fancy, she complied. Sadly the only thing she struggled with was the tightness of her dress. It took her several attempts to convince Chu'mei to loosen the gown. Chu'mei argued that it made her look slimmer but Yu Mei did not care to look slimmer. She wanted to wear something loose and comfortable.

An hour passed and she was finally finished. A carriage was waiting outside her door. She walked outside thinking it was Pei Nan only to be caught by surprise when she saw Ji Er. Ji Er was getting out of the carriage with the help of her maid. Yu Mei was in awe. Ji Er was more beautiful than she had ever seen before. From top to bottom, she was adorned with white pearl and lace hair accessories and a white flowing tunic.

Without another thought, Yu Mei picked up her skirt slightly showing her ankle and impatiently sped towards Ji Er. Her arm wrapped around Ji Er's as she smiled happily. "Ji Er, I haven't seen you in so many days and you've become so beautiful. I feel like I'm seeing an angel." She teased, looking her friend from top to bottom.

Ji Er simply smiled at her. "And what about you? His highness might faint from shock when he sees how gorgeous and mature his little Yu Mei has become." Ji Er tapped the tip of Yu Mei's noes gently.

Yu Mei blushed at the thought.

Then she shook her head. "Let's not talk about him. I want to know more about…" She looked around before whispering, "You and Hou Lei."

Ji Er didn't look too happy when she heard his name. Ever since their last meeting, he had been avoiding her.

She faked a smile. "Hou Lei and I can never be. It was only childish love. I've given up on the thought."

Right as Yu Mei wanted to say some words of encouragement, Ji Er stepped into the carriage. "His highness has already left for the Grand Palace since morning. We should also head over before mother arrives. It wouldn't be proper to arrive after."


The entire time to the Grand Palace, Yu Mei felt like Ji Er wasn't acting like herself. Once in a while, she would look up as if she wanted to say something and then look down again. Their conversation also got more awkward the closer they got to the palace. But no matter how many times she asked Ji Er if something was bothering her, she simply smiled and said no.


Their carriage entered the palace. They were coming from the right and another carriage was entering from the left. Both carriages met in the center and stopped at the same time. Yu Mei anxiously got out of the carriage first and looked at the neatly organized main hall of the palace. The entire palace was decorated in red with bright yellow and gold lanterns. She turned around and there he was, Prince Shao. He was in the other carriage.

She wanted to rush over to him but Ji Er reminded her that it was not proper. And so she could only wait until he came to her. "Greetings to Consort Nuan and Consort Pan," He politely greeted.

"Greetings to his highness," both girls spoke back to him.

Yu Mei immediately saw the bruise on the corner of his mouth. "What happened?" She asked shocked, about to reach and touch his wound when Ji Er held her wrist. "Yu Mei, remember there are eyes in the palace. You should not do anything that will make people misinterpret your relationship with his highness Prince Shao." Ji Er whispered to her.

Gu Shao nodded at Ji Er. He was glad at least one of them could think of the bigger picture.


The three of them walked side by side towards the entrance of the hall. "Brother Shao, what happened?" Yu Mei who was standing next to him asked quietly.

He slightly bent his head her way. "That day by the willow tree...your petty husband saw us. He actually hit my beautiful face. What's worse was I got beat up in my own home." Gu Shao pretended to cry.

"WHAT!" That loud shout escaped before she could cover her mouth, leaving Ji Er surprised and Gu Shao almost bursting into a laughter.

She once again kept her composure. "He hit you? Why didn't you tell him you and I were just friends?" She asked worriedly.

"And do you think he would believe that? He even saw us holding hands." Just as the two of them were speaking of him, Pei Nan stepped out of the main hall and was now standing a few feet away from the entrance, eyes darting down towards them. It was as if he was waiting for them.

By the time Yu Mei realized he was there, it was too late to keep a distance from Gu Shao. Her feet immediately took two steps away from Gu Shao.

If things couldn't get any worse, Fei Ning came out of the main hall too. She was now conversing with Pei Nan when he did the unthinkable. He held her hand and reached to fix a hairpin in her hair. This scene was so sweet it almost made Yu Mei jealous. Then the two walked back into the main hall hand in hand.


Everyone was now situated at their own long table. Pei Nan had the table closest to the stage where the emperor and empress's table was set. Gu Shao sat on the opposite side of the room with some of the other court officials. All the important court officials and their wives were present too as they busily greeted and conversed with one another.

It seemed the only table not enjoying table talk was Prince Nan's. Or at least just Yu Mei. She sat at his left and Fei Ning sat at his right with Ming Yan at her side. Ji Er wasn't fully keeping up with Yu Mei and her conversation to make things worse. She had been too busy looking over at Prince Shao's table, where Xu Hou Lei was also sitting. He looked refreshing in a dark purple robe instead of his usual court attire.

Several minutes had passed and Pei Nan still wasn't talking to her. He was simply laughing and talking merrily on the right side where Fei Ning sat. Even when his and her majesty arrived, he made no attempts.

An hour into service and he still hadn't acknowledged her presence. She picked up her wine cup and chugged it down angrily before putting it back down. It was only after Fei Ning stood up to go to the restroom did Yu Mei get her chance. She leaned closer towards Pei Nan. "Are you mad?"

No reply. He continued to drink his wine.

Yu Mei cheekily grabbed his cup of wine at the same time. Her hand wrapped snuggly around his. Their little skin ship almost made Pei Nan spit out the wine in his mouth. He sharply turned to face her for the first time tonight.

She innocently smiled at him and leaned closer to him.

"Your highness, if you don't talk to me, I will keep touching you inappropriately until someone catches us in the act." Her hand on top of his slowly yet teasingly went towards his wrist and then gradually went to his arm as she used her thumb to draw a few teasing circles before ending their skin contact.

He grit his teeth. She was such a tease. He almost wanted to kiss her but remembered he was still angry with her. When he saw them together under the tree, he thought he could ignore it. It worked the last few days but when he saw the two smiling at one another tonight, he almost lost it.

"Consort Pan, mind your behavior. It isn't bad enough that you were flirting with my own blood brother, now you are openly being shameless in front of so many people." He scolded.

"It's not like anything happened between me and Prince Shao. Why must you always think badly of me." She complained.

"Nothing happened? But your behavior says otherwise."

A tear almost escaped her eyes before she turned away from him. Pei Nan closed his eyes for a moment to calm himself down. He knew in his heart that there was nothing going on between the two but just now…he let his jealousy get the better of him.

He reached and grabbed onto her hand.

She tried to pull away.

"Yu Mei, I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of that. I just…"

Before he could finish his words, she cut him off. "I need some fresh air. Please excuse me." She said tugging her hand free from his.

Chu'mei followed after her lady and they almost ran into Fei Ning and Ming Yan who was returning. Fei Ning rolled her eyes before returning.


Chu'mei was slowly starting to lose Yu Mei who was aimlessly walking along the outside hall. She was afraid she was going to lose her lady when a loud crash occurred. Pan Yu Mei ran into a maid carrying a tray of tea and osmanthus cakes. The maid had fallen on top of Pan Yu Mei before she immediately got off and kneeled in front apologizing several times.

"I'm the one that needs to say sorry. I was not careful." Pan Yu Mei said immediately to the young maid who had just dropped the tray of osmanthus cake. Pan Yu Mei helped her pick up the cakes off the ground, but the girl started to tear up. "These were for Consort Nuan. Now what am I going to do?" She cried.

"It's for Consort Nuan?"

After a few minutes, Pan Yu Mei explained to the maid that she had a plan and that she doesn't need to worry. After wiping the osmanthus flour off her hands onto her dress, she headed back.

Sorry guys, this chapter was a little rushed b/c I do not enjoy writing about such banquet scenes. But bear with it, we are almost out of the palace and into the wild

And yes, PN is stupid. I know...but I need a good reason for YM to leave. ^___________^

Plus the greatest support is moral support. Don't forget to comment. Keeps me encouraged to read reader's comments :)

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