
My Chimeric System

The world went to ruin at the start of the 22nd century when the aliens, dubbed Otherworlders attacked the Earth. Different alien races that seem to have developed an interest in Earth and want to claim it for themselves. This led to a chain of wars between the invading aliens with the humans caught in the middle of it trying to defend Earth. It was a difficult time for the human race as the war was one-sided, favouring the outworlders who are superior in terms of strength and technology. Their presence led to the occurrence of unnatural phenomenons which further doomed the Earth like the appearance of dungeons and beasts, but in their desperation to survive, humans awakened abilities and discovered strength which gave them a fighting chance in the war, and access to use and improve on the technology gotten from these aliens, ushering in the New Age. The age of abilities and technological advancement for the human race. In the world of abilities and technology where everything is determined by strength or wealth, Ian Yaeger is a sixteen years old boy with a sickly medical condition which causes him to faint at random times in the day. He lived a life of isolation and ridicule, until........ [System activated.] [Syncing with host....] [Race: Chimera] [Life expectancy: Ten months.] Everything changed with the appearance of the system both for good and bad. Follow Ian on his journey to discover himself and create a destiny like no other. PS: Also, the art on the cover isn't mine. I would gladly take it down if the owner asks me to. Thank you for giving my book a chance and I would appreciate whatever corrections and critics you can give to help improve my book. Just please give it a try. I promise it won't be a waste of time.

StarzX · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Beast Weapons Class (1)

The practical classes were the most important classes for the students of the academy. In these classes, students are taught to improve themselves to prepare them for the outside world.

They are taught to improve their abilities, effective use of beast weapons and combine weapons with their abilities. They are also taught some fighting tactics and strategies.

Students who excel in these areas are more likely to become successful after graduation and get scouted by prominent organizations or families. They were also the only classes without discrimination among tiers.

Those that wished to combine their weapons with their abilities chose the beast weapons class, some chose the ability training classes to improve their abilities while the non-ability were supposed to go to an ability acquisition class.

"I refuse," Ian calmly said when Alan suggested it to him.

"Why?" Alan cocked an eyebrow, sitting at his desk in the class. "It's understandable if Alia refuses, considering her family's policy, and Jake already went there. Why won't you?"

Ian immediately pulled up his system watch's holographic screen, showing Alan his stats. There was nothing special about it and there was nothing to hide.

He did notice a change in the watch though. His stats changed.

[User: Ian Yaeger]

[Health: 10/10]

[Strength: 5]

[Agility: 6]

[Stamina: 5]

[Dexterity: 5]

[Combat Ability: 10]

[Ability Affinity: None]

Alan's eyes widened at the sight of his ability affinity and his surprise soon turned into pity as he stared back at Ian.

"You never know," he said soothingly. "Having no affinity could also mean you can learn any ability."

"We both know that's a risk no one would want to take," Ian sighed. "I don't need your pity also. If this means I have no affinity towards any ability, we both know elemental abilities pose the biggest danger to me, and that is all you have here. I would rather keep my life than undertake such a risky gamble."

Alan remained quiet for a few minutes before letting out a sigh of his own. "You are right. So, I guess your best bet is the beast weapons class."

"Yes, sir."

"Okay then," Alan smiled. "I wish you good luck. Don't forget to reach out to me if you need anything. I'm your homeroom teacher after all."

"Of course," Ian said as he made his way out of class.

"I'm late," he sighed as he hurried down the hall, following the watch's directions to the beats weapons class.


Ian slid open the door of the beast weapons class as quietly as he could and snuck inside, hoping the teacher didn't notice him.

Unfortunately, he did.

Dressed in a special outfit made for comfort and easy movement, the baldheaded stared at him for a few seconds before continuing the lesson and ignoring him.

"After the war and humanity's counterattack, we discovered a variety of technology on the captured planets. One of them was the beast crystal technology. At this time, Earth was already undergoing mutations and weird animals have been slain, but we knew nothing about crystals.

We discovered crystals could help us make even more powerful weapons that would help us slay these Outworlders. These helped us make the war a great deal easier and reduce casualties on our side.

That was not all though, as another discovery was made as we used these beast weapons. We realized that these weapons didn't only protect us but also empowered us. We also discovered the use of active skills which depended on the beast crystal used in the creation of the weapon or armour. This was like a second boost for our cause and it is rumoured that this newfound strength finally scared the Outworlders enough to think twice about invading Earth again.

There are other technicalities related to beats weapons, but those would be taught to you in your regular classes. Here, you are supposed to learn how to use beast weapons."

"Yes, sir!" the class replied in unison.

"Good," he said. "Now, I will tell you the classifications of the beasts and beast weapons.

The beasts are given seven general rankings based on their perceived strength. You must have heard of the classifications here and there but I'll advise you to listen carefully.

The seven classifications are as follows; Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Monarch, Mythical, Demon, and Deity ranks. These are ranked in the order of increasing power, with the Deity rank being the most powerful. In the history of the world, only two Deity-ranked beasts have been detected and none have been slain yet. They are strong enough to destroy a whole city in seconds.

There is one more classification for beasts, and that is the Rare rank. The rare rank is one that can be attached to any of the seven beast ranks. They are beasts characterized by having two crystals, and just like the name suggests, they are rare. A rare basic ranked beast is equivalent in strength to an intermediate beast and the trend follows in that order.

Rare beasts are incredibly tough to handle since most of them have higher intelligence than their normal rank, which makes them incredibly tricky to deal with. At this stage, if you find a rare beast, even if it is a basic rank, run for your lives."

"Sir?" one of the students in front raised his hand. "Can I ask a question?"


"What if we can defeat an intermediate-rank beast? Wouldn't it be enough to defeat a rare basic rank beast?"

"No, it wouldn't," the teacher replied swiftly. "Heed my warning and run for your lives if you ever meet one."

"You don't have to tell me twice," Ian thought.

"About beast weapons, they are ranked according to the alphabet. The ranks are as follows; F, E, D, C, B, A, S. These ranks just like the beasts, signify increasing strength. Even though active skills aren't restricted to rank, active skills are better in higher-ranked weapons. A rare beast's crystals can create a weapon of a higher rank than it is. I mean a rare basic beast's crystals can be used to forge an E-rank weapon instead of an F-rank. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir!" the class yelled in unison, including Ian.

"Now that I've told you every theoretical aspect of the beast weapons, let's get to the business of the day."

Please bear with the long history lessons my last two chapters have been. There would be more growth to the story from here onward. Please Vote, Comment and drop your Reviews if you enjoy the story so far. A few Power Stones would also go a long way.

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