
My Cheat IS Unrivaled!

Seth, a webnovel otaku like you and me, who is broke asf, has a mother in coma, and a dead father, - and running a dying noodle shack while he's at it, is transmigrated to an eastern fantasy cultivation type world. Whoopie! Its a dream come true! He does not care how it happened, and neither does he care why. What he does care about though, is growing strong like the MCs he had read about and making sure he leads a far better life here than he did on earth. He instantly begins to find his own 'cheat' that would set him apart from the other cultivators in the sectdom, be it a thousand year old spirit herb, or a magical beast that obeys him. Why wouldn't he, when, his life manual is basically a lifetimes worth of movies, anime, and online novels? But hey, shit happens and it turns out that the 'cheat' he manages to obtain is a very unlikely one that is far more than meets the eye. Who the hell would have thought that his last name, Serpentis, wasn't just a hell of an awful name, but also the title of a very powerful clan who could rival even the gods? "Sethren Serpentis, the Prince of Serpents, and heir to the Throne of Venom... I think that has a nice ring to it." With an uncanny cohort made up of a soul broken young mistress with sort of a personality disorder, a lecherous jade beauty dual cultivator whose... questionable techniques are rather disturbing, a blind swordswoman.. for some strange reason, a wimpy excuse of a cultivator who can see the future - so she's not completely useless, and a red headed dude who might as well be the sturdiest guy alive, Seth uses the power of his cheat to... Er... do what again? Ah, I can't really remember. I guess you'd have to read the rest of the book to find out. ✌ ;-)

Renegade_Daoist · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs


Lee Chun Hua froze on her spot as she remembered her transgression. Her ears and face turned a shade of red, as she scratched the back of her hair and let out sheepish grin while bowing from her waist.

"Uh... I'm really, really sorry Mr noodle boy. I thought you were a crazy fan and ..."

She continued to ramble on and on, while Seth took a glance over his condition. He was defeated in less than a second, and had his hands and legs mangled from the impact of her attacks. He was literally in so much pain that he did not feel any pain at all.

'So strong...'

If this were to be a webnovel, then this fair lady would most definitely be the female lead.

By the time he refocused his attention on Chun Hua, she was already done with her apologies. Chun Hua, however, had a deep frown over her face.

'His magical energy reserves are so shallow that this attack is supposed to be life threatening for him. How did he even manage to survive?'

She did not really wish to kill him, only to permanently maim him or something. However, his energy reserves were far lower than that of a new born baby. If she didn't do something, then he would die as her foreign Qi had invaded his body and was destroying his bones.

'The only way left would be to withdraw that leftover Qi.'

Lee Chun Hua blushed even deeper and her skin became tomato red as she covered her face with her pretty pink hand fan.

"We shall have to drain your Qi through an oral orfice transfer."

Seth's ears perked up from the last two words. Didn't that mean a kiss? The saliva in his throat dried up as he stared at her with widened eyes. He was still unable to move at all so he could only ask with a trembling voice...


It was not that he did not want it though, who wouldn't want to lock lips with someone who would be classified as a few realms above the top class jade beauties he had read about in any chinese novel?

'Forget about the money and everything, this is worth far more!!!'

Lee Chun Hua bowed once again as she said.

"I am deeply sorry, but I thought that you were a crazy fan, and I had hit you with an Invading Qi attack. I didn't know that you were so weak that it would become life threatening, but it turns out that my Qi is too strong and is grinding your insides into dust at this very moment. There isn't a healer in sight, and the only other way to remove my Qi would be through dual cultivation. My Qi energy would mix with the Yang energy you would release into me during the process and would then be expelled from your body, thereby saving your life."

She did not really know why she was doing this though. For her, the young noodle guy just had a certain mystical pull towards her.

'Almost like he's from another dimension entirely'

She knew that she was responsible for the pitiful state he was currently in, all because she had acted rashly. With crimson red ears, Lee Chun Hua gently leaned forward a bit, her lips glowing with a golden hue. Seth's eyes grew really, really wide with expectation, only for a bald man to run into the scene.

"Junior sister Chun Hua! I'm so glad that I found you. The sect head wishes to see you, and summons your presence instantly."

'Curses!!!' Seth screamed in his mind. Why did the dumb dude have to appear now of all times? WHY NOW?!

Lee Chun Hua frowned slightly as she alternated her gaze between the bald guy and Seth a few times, before she sighed.

"Senior brother Zhang, would you please heal this man for me? We had a little... um how do I put this. . . let's just call it a misunderstanding of sorts."

The bald man called Zhang sighed softly and made his way towards Seth as Lee Chun Hua hurriedly stood up frok her kneeling position and went in the direction of a magnificent pagoda far in the distance.


Seth found himself slowly walking back to his noodle shack in disappointment. No, it wasn't the incident that was about to transpire with Chun Hua before the Zhang guy showed up that disappointed him, even if it still stung whenever he thought of it, instead it was the lack of his cheat.

"Come on! I'm the transmigrator here!! Where is my own magic pendant or ancient teacher at?

Heck, I'd even manage with a system..."

Then he realized what he had just said to himself. What blasphemy was he spewing?! How in the world could he call receiving a system 'managing'? A system was the best tool he could possibly receive, and was the overall fastest way to grow stronger!

Correcting himself, Seth coughed.

"...Where the hell is my own system at, I mean."


Lee Chun Hua could very easily be called a genius of her time. At the mere age of eighty seasons, she was already at the eighth stage of the Soul Qi manipulation tier. In the whole continent, she was the strongest cultivator having passed through nine stages of the Bodily Refinement tier, the nine stages of the Qi awakening tier, and had reached three whole stages into the Qi manipulation tier. She was easily the strongest Soul Qi manipulation tier cultivator yet, but she herself was mystified by the strange otherworldly sensation that she felt while being in close proximity with the noodle boy.

It was especially very strange. The sixth sense that all vastly powerful people had for recognising other vastly powerful people was currently tingling for Lee Chun Hua towards the noodle boy, even though he was infinitely weak. Sighing, Lee Chun Hua crashed on her bed.

"I'll have to get to the bottom of this."