
My CEO and his brother Mobster

Luz was a well-known stripper in town, but after meeting Leon and saving him from an attack, she becomes the chosen one of this CEO who offers her a deal, a marriage contract so that he can protect his inheritance from the hatawhay family who tries to kill while awaiting the return of his mafioso brother who everyone thinks is dead. But his return was soon after his marriage, and upon finding the light Alessandra, whose one falls in love, a love disguised in a chase and attacks the girl who tries to endure the difficult genius of the man who over time is yielding to the charms of the light that ends up conquering the two men even unintentionally, but only one can win his heart.

CristinaCristey · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs



"Ah! What the fuck, what is this old man wanting now!?" He mumbles before answering.

"Hello, sir! ... May I what?" he shouts, getting up in surprise." Sure! I'll be back to work tonight." She agreed excitedly without blinking.

"But didn't she say she'd quit that life?" Murmured Kenny internally, as his friend jumped for joy.

"Pole dance, I'm back!" She shouted excitedly.

"Once you're on iron, you'll always want to be on iron" Continued the grumbling girl leaning over the coffee table as Luz danced doing laps around the room.

"Too bad I have a boyfriend." She mumbled." You might as well get a job at this club.

"You can't even walk five steps without stumbling, imagine dancing," comments Light, making Kenny show him his tongue, sulking.

Meanwhile Leon is still persevering in his investigations, he still needed to know where his brother was, since Levi never stopped in the same place.

"Have you guys found my brother yet?" Leon asked the man sitting in front of him in his presidential office.

"Yes, Sir, what should we do?" He asked, handing him some papers.

"Nothing, let them think he is still dead, when the Hathaway family thinks they have made a move, they are further behind than they realize. And the girl, do you know who she is yet?

"She is a stripper in a famous nightclub, but apparently she had been fired.


"We called the manager of the nightclub and asked to admit her for a day, it seems she causes a lot of trouble in the nightclub, she is a rare type who tries to create her own rules.

"Rules?" You ask frowning.

"She's a conservative 'stripper'. Doesn't do extra services, if you know what I mean." Scooby commented with a mischievous grin.

"Ah, I see. That makes her even more perfect, have you printed out the contract yet?

"Yes, sir, the rules are all clear in the contract, there are just more advantages for the girl than for you.

"Yes, but this matter is extremely secretive, so be extremely cautious, I trust your competence.

"Thank you, but from what I hear she will refuse to sign easily. She's a hard girl to buy.

"We all have a weakness and hers is her dear mother, we help her mother and that's the price." I said pointing to the sheet of paper with values and invoices." Organize everything. We're going to You&Me today." He warned with a corner smile and a mischievous look.

"You don't necessarily have to go, I can bring you here tomorrow morning easily.

"I want to see that woman dance a first and last time, I bet she'll miss it when she's stuck with me, stuck with an incapable man." He comments with a certain coldness and fierce look with a bit of malice in it.

"I believe Miss Luz will fall in love with you easily, just as it was in the old days and still is today, women still worship you.

"I don't have time for that, I have to keep my brother a secret until he returns and takes my place and for that I need this woman, nothing more than that.

As soon as the night came it was time to head to the nightclub, luz was excited to get back to dancing, it was what she knew how to do.

Marconi was very kind, it was already around 9:00 at night, Luz was prettier than usual with a silver dress, close fitting, short and low-cut, she wanted to give it her all this night in celebration.

The dancers, as always, gave her envious glances, while Luz only had to parade with a crown on her head, so proud of herself.

Her makeup was perfect, but she still wore a mask to hide her identity, it was time for her presentation and everyone was anxious.

Leon, in turn, had chosen the vip seat in front of the stage near where he would be privileged to watch Luz dance. Scooby had helped him to sit in the armchair where he would be more comfortable and he didn't even look like he was paralyzed.

Her grace spread already from her graceful walk, and her body with its well distributed curves made the movements even more perfect, in her small and low-cut dress, but when she began to show off on the pole is where her brightness drew the attention of all men, many dollars were thrown on her stage, but none could own her body.

She continued the dance, but in a slow descent leaning on the iron bar, their gazes met, her supple body slid to a stop on all fours with her gaze close to Leon's who just gave her a lighthearted smile that drew another shy smile." Little did she know that their destinies had already been linked, she didn't even recognize that it was that same man who had saved her life.

 Luz spent almost half the song dancing for Leon who didn't miss a single move. When the show was over, Luz went back to the dressing room so the girls entered the stage.

"Go up to her and tell her I want to see her." He ordered as Marcone approached, so he ran like an obedient puppy to Luz's dressing room.

Leon saw that she was really loved by the customers and found it impossible that with a reputation like that, she could have resisted the desire to have fun with some man, Leon signaled Scooby to follow Marconi, as soon as he spotted her, he gave Scooby room to pass so he could follow her to try to persuade the girl.

"Luz Alessandra!" He called to her pausingly.

"No!" she replied dryly thinking it was some intimate request, not even facing the man who was following her.

"You are still so rebellious, just go find a client, he just wants to talk to you and lucky for you he is exactly the one you danced for a long time, I realized you were teasing him, naughty girl." Spoke Marconi jokingly.

"Him?" She did in surprise taking off her mask turning to face them, finding Scooby.

"Yeah, he just wants to talk to you.

"That's not necessary, miss." Scooby said taking the lead.

"Go to this address if you want to change jobs. The Insury company has an opening for you." I said mechanically as if I had rehearsed.

"The Insury!" he exclaimed with surprise. Insury One of the most influential companies in town.

"Yes, that man is the owner there, he's expecting you for an interview, don't miss..." She ran past him into the hall looking for the man, but he was no longer there.

Scooby disguised his smile as he realized that she had taken an interest in his boss, so it would be easier to execute Leon's plan.

"Well?" Leon asked as soon as Scooby got into the car.

"She took an interest in you, I said, the girl is yours.

"I told you our relationship won't be that intimate, I just need to keep her close enough so I can be safe from the Hatawhay when I sign the contract.

"Will you tell her details about the wedding?

"No, but they can deduce, A young and attractive girl next to a screwed up billionaire, they will investigate and they will find out." he comments as Scooby starts the car and they drive home.

Luz in turn drove home excited, she had never left that place so lucid, since she loved a drink after a show, but tomorrow she had an important day, that opportunity seemed to have been dropped by God in her lap.

As soon as she got home, she found Kenny and his boyfriend lying on the couch sleeping amidst a mess of packages and pizza boxes. They always left the house so dirty that it seemed like days since she had cleaned it, she had no idea where so much packaging came from or if they recovered the ones she had thrown away.

In the morning Luz had already organized her suit, black heels, stiletto heels, stockings, the skirt of the suit covered only halfway up her thigh, which was short for a company like Insury, yet she didn't mind.

Leon was also ready in his office looking forward to Luz's arrival, he had worked hard to look impeccable for this epic day wearing his navy blue suit, his hair was well done, his skin was fresh after a relaxing shower.

 He breathed in his own smell satisfied with the good work, Despite the 10 years in that chair, Leon did not neglect his appearance, always taking care of his body, after all he has always been a vain boy. He hated to depend on others, even in his condition, but it was no problem for him to receive help from Rejane, an old lady who groomed and cared for him like his own mother, the housekeeper in his mansion.

Luz Alessandra, as soon as she passed through the big glass door that opened automatically, it was totally normal for her to see so many stares in her direction, but her way of dressing differed from what was usually seen in the company, although she was wearing a suit, let's say the skirt broke the whole elegant look.

"Good morning! ... My name is Luz Alessandra." She began to say uncomfortably as she noticed the attire of each passing employee.

Scooby, in turn, had been waiting for her for some time sitting in the waiting area by Leon's order, so he observed the situation analyzed her outfit finding it funny, at the same time as sexy.

"In the president's schedule there is no Luz Alessandra." the receptionist spat the words after looking at the computer and facing Luz again.

"Oh, no? It's just that a man handed me this card and instructed me to show up here today " she stammered trying to explain, wishing all her efforts wouldn't go down the drain.

"Ma'am..." He takes the card from her hand to look at it.

"Anyone could have handed you this card, so I can't help you, but if you want more of these cards there are here on my desk, they are available to anyone who wants them." He said arrogantly showing the stack of business cards handing the light one over as if it was dirty.

"That was too good to be true," she grumbled disappointedly, leaning on the receptionist's desk, who stared at her with disdain.

Scooby watched nearby holding back his satisfied laughter as he saw people's reaction to seeing her, she aroused admiration and envy at the same time, yet she didn't realize it.

"Can you get off my counter? I have work to do." he asks gesturing with his hand kicking her out.

"Look, is there any way I can talk to a... He's a tall man, he looks like..., he's kind of cheerful, arrogant looking, a little thin, but strong, very short straight hair, you know?" He tried to describe while making gestures with his hand indicating his height.

"Miss... Light, it's Light, isn't it? That discretion... If you're a security guard you're still far below who you want to reach, even more so dressed this vulgarly.

"Lady Luz, you seem to have a good memory, even though you saw me so quickly." He heard the soft, striking voice at his back.

"That's him!" He said naively to the secretary who seemed uncomfortable with his presence.

"Mister Scooby!" She babbled in surprise.

"I'm certainly more than a security guard, Miss Luz." He continued to speak ignoring the receptionist.

"And you much more than a receptionist" Pinned the receptionist.

"Follow me, I've been waiting for you for a while." She said as Luz stumbled lost in the appearance of the tall man with erect posture. Scooby is really attractive, she had no idea what he could be, but he seemed to be more elegant than any man there, plus they watched him with a certain respect.

"Why did you call me here?

"Don't you want to work?" He asked without facing her, just staring straight ahead with a discreet smile.

"Of course I do." She replied trying to imitate his serious air and posture, but only ended up raising her breasts as she tried to stand upright, he could tell through his reflection, after they entered the booth and he pushed the button to finally climb up.

"My name is Scooby and today I will introduce you to Leon the president of Insury." He spoke mechanically after exiting the elevator.

Then she followed him with trembling legs, she didn't expect to meet someone so important, she thought of just one position at least general services, but that was being too much for the girl's heart that tried to keep her steps graceful, but the nervousness made her trip over her own legs.

 When Scooby opened the door to the President's office, he revealed all the luxury of the place. A table in the center, two long sofas located against the wall, paintings of modern art, cubism, behind the presidency table a large glass wall where he could watch the entire view of the city of London, Light was lost in the landscape, forgetting the man who was behind the table.

"Does having the name Luz in the great city lit up, make you shine like her?" She heard the comment and an amused voice that attracted her attention, until her eyes met his and she remembered the man she had danced with last night." Have you gone mute?" asked Leon, furtively analyzing her robes.

"I... I... I speak very well.

"Ah! I see, why don't you come closer and sit down for a while." He suggested as she had braked almost ten feet away from him.

"Come along Miss Alessandra." Scooby led her gently by pulling the chair for her to sit down, giving Leon a discreet look, who made a discreet, positive gesture with his head.

"I will speak once more, good day Miss!

"Good Morning!" She replied pressing her lips together and looking away to the scenery while sitting in the chair Scooby indicated.

"Do you remember me?

"Yes..." She squeezed her fingers as she intertwined them, swinging her legs, impatient.

"In which of the situations?

"I don't understand?" She stared at him once more and found his soft, fixed expression in her eyes.

"In which of the situations?

"I only remember one situation... Look! I'm leaving, I didn't know it was you." She commented getting up, but he motioned for her to sit down.

"Don't worry about yesterday, don't be embarrassed, although I don't mean that situation.

"What situation then?" Until then she hadn't realized he was in a wheelchair, until he turned it on and made his way around the table stopping beside her." Don't you remember?

"You still don't remember?" He insisted, while she was lost in her thoughts.

"No..." "maybe he'll give up on that and let me go."

"Of course he does, you lost your exclusive model heels from the C&C line.

"Where are they?" she asked interested.

"Do you still want those shoes?

"Of course I do!

"I threw them away, but you can have as many as you want, just work for me.

"Sorry, I don't provide that kind of service, I know you saw me dance yesterday; that's why you're having this interest, but I'm not the person for it." She said disappointedly getting up to leave, her hopes for a job dashed.

"But you haven't even heard my proposal.

"No matter what kind of proposal you have, I don't accept it.

"Even if it's a job as my assistant?

"I wonder what kind of auxiliary." He ironized, while watching him.

"It's not what you're thinking.

"Yeah, it's exactly what I'm thinking.

"Because of yesterday? Why were you throwing yourself at me?" He inquired amusedly as his cheeks flushed.

"That was... That's my job, it doesn't mean you can hire me as an escort.

"Who can?

"No one!

"Interesting, but if you only dance that doesn't give you that much money to take care of expenses in London and your mother in Brazil." In the same instant she turned back to that man, but his expression was no longer one of shame but of surprise, few knew about her mother and why she submitted to that place.

"How do you know?

"I looked into it.

"How dare you invade my privacy?" asks impartial.

"Read the contract and we'll talk." orders also serious handing him some stapled sheets.