
Where are we going?

"What did you say?" Janae and Nicole were shocked at the same time.

Darwin slowly tidied up his sleeves and said, "I mean, as long as Kamron goes to prison for five years, I will give you 100 million yuan. Now do you hear me clearly?"

"You... you, you, you..." Janae pointed at him angrily, her hands trembling. "How could you say something like that? Kamron is your brother-in-law, you..."

"He's not my brother-in-law." Darwin lifted his eyelids indifferently. "I've just said that I've never admitted to the Francis Family except for Nicole. If you want to extort 100 million from me, I'll ask for some interest, won't I?"

"Hmph, it's easy for you to say that, but Kamron didn't do anything illegal. Why should we go to jail?" Janae proudly lifted her chin.

"You're so stubborn." Darwin sneered and then looked at Nicole. "Tell her whether Kamron did anything against the law or not."