
My Celestial Life In The OtherWorld

I can't believe I'd die in the very time the game ends, atleast I have it all maxed out I can die without regrets or not, to think that I'd get isekaid to a fantasy world and in my game character at that! I'm going to have an easy life as a Celestial God in the otherworld!

Justine_Animator · Fantasia
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43 Chs

Maria and the Apostles

"Your divinity? You want me help you return your divinity?" - Angel

"Yes, I need to have my divinity back in order to enter the hall of gods." - Maria

"I don't think I can help you with that, I don't even know what divinity is." - Angel

"But that's impossible! No human can become a god without divinity and yet you..." - Maria

"Explain it to me so that I know what I'm getting into" - Angel

"Fine.." - Maria

{There are two types of energy in this world that can turn you into a high being. The first one is 'divinity and the second is 'infernal'. 'Divinity' is the holy energy that is acquired through faith, hope and prayers that are directed at you which can evolve you into a holy being or a god while 'infernal' is the demonic energy that comes from sins that can evolve you into a demon or a demon noble depending on the amount sins you have.}

[So that's how ordinary beings become gods or demons, I guess it was correct to take the commission, I found out information that the system didn't gave me]

"I'm sorry but it seems I'm running out of divinity to maintain this realm." - Maria

"Yeah, everything is crumbling down, we need to get out of here." - Angel

"I can't, my consciousness is made from the fraction of divinity I obtained from you reading the book, therefore I can't come with you" - Maria

"Who said you need divinity to get somebody back alive? - Angel

"What?" - Maria

[Back in the game, I used to revive my juniors with the 'yang element' since they kept attempting elite soldiers despite being newbies.]

"What's this white chain?" - Maria

"Just hold it, we're getting out of here!" - Angel

Wait what!" - Maria

[I teleported myself back with Maria to the temple]

"Where were you Angel! And who's this woman? She kind of looks similar to the goddess in the painting or is it just me?" - Cyrus

"This is Aria, I found her outside the temple lost. Aria, this is Cyrus, he's a client of mine." - Angel

[I didn't reveal her name since she doesn't want to]

"H-hello" - Maria

"Hi, I'm Cyrus, a commoner researcher" - Cyrus

"Now that we've introduced ourselves and I've finished my quest, why don't we head back home" - Angel

"Yeah, I'm tired now, and I'm bringing this book with me" - Cyrus

"..." - Maria

[The three of us went back to the kingdom, Cyrus had stamped the quest paper as a proof of completion and he went back home while Maria decided to stay with me]

"S-so, what are we going to do now?" - Maria

"You can't stay with me and since you said that divinity comes from faith and prayers, I'm sending you to the village that worships me. If you make a grand entrance, you should receive some prayers from the villagers." - Angel

"But didn't you say that they worship you, how are they supposed to give prayers to somebody who isn't their god?" - Maria

"Well, my apostles are being worshipped as demigods since they are my direct subordinates, one of my apostles have been called as the 'Fist God' since he showed them his prowess in battle. If you show a power of yours in the village, you may get your own worshippers" - Angel

"Demigods? Does that mean you have your own pantheon?" - Maria

"Enough with the questions, I'm teleporting you to my sky realm, how you approach the villagers is up to you." - Angel

"Wait!" - Maria

{I immediately teleported Maria to my sky realm. The apostles were confused as to how a random woman was able to enter the sky realm.}

<Sky Realm>

"Who are you?" - Guan Yu says as he points his greatsword at Maria

"Calm down Guan Yu, only master or the three celestial apostles can bring a person here" - Chronos

[Maria, if they ever point their weapons at you, just show them this]

"I'm Maria, I was sent here by the benevolent Angel-sama and this is my proof." - Maria

"That's an apostle's pendant, that must mean that master chose you as a new apostle." - Chronos

"Just why would 'he' take in a new apostle, not only that, this woman is too weak!" - Akuma

"Akuma, are you mocking the master's choice right now? I'll burn your tongue with infernal hell you mere half-demon." - Ghost says as his body lights up with black flames

"You wanna go at it, Hell King!" - Akuma says as tattoo covers his body

"Please stop!" - Maria

[As both were about to clash, Chronos intervened by stopping time but the two forces were too strong to maintain the stopped time until one of the 'three' came.]

"Enough, anymore fighting and I will take action." - Abaddon

[Abaddon's main abilities were gravity and destruction and his max level is 2000, just by his words could create strong pressure that can push down the apostles.]

"Please let them go! Its my fault that the fight started, so please let them go." - Maria

"What's your name woman?" - Abaddon

"Maria" - Maria

"Then Maria, I'll leave this two to you, I hope that you can resolve whatever conflict you have with this two" - Abaddon

[Abaddon had released the gravity pressure, and left the sky realm through a portal.]

"So your name was Maria, please take my apology on behalf of Akuma, he has a bad temper due to his demonic energy so I hope you could understand." - Chronos

"N-no, its okay I understand." - Maria

"Please take your rest, the servants had readied your room in the kingdom while these two were arguing." - Chronos

"O-okay" - Maria

"Then please follow me.." - Chronos

[Maria had just witnessed a fraction of the true powers of the apostles and she has not yet met the other apostles. The tomorrow will be an exciting yet abundant morning for her and my next guild quest, noble escort.]

<Luminos Inn>

"I wonder if she's okay, I hope she doesn't cause any conflict with any of the apostles or she'll die." - Angel