
Chapter 287: "I dare to cleanse the Orange Star once, do you?"

When it came to firepower.

He never conceded to anyone.

If he took out his "C-Poria Neutron Cannon," not to mention some chaotic forces, even the firepower of Ash City on Orange Star wouldn't compare to him; of course, North Creek City was the main city of Orange Star, so it was a different story.

But facing the "Ervin Hawk Tax Collection Company"... he never dared to take out his "C-Poria Neutron Cannon."

That's not even the same concept.

The seven major tax collection companies in the Star System Federation have the legal right to purchase all series of weapons from the Star System Federation Weapons Research Institute; of course, the price is five times that of selling to other federal governments of inhabited planets.

But so what...

All illegal revenues over one million need to submit 45% in taxes.

And of this 45% tax, the federation takes 30%, and the tax collection companies take 70%.