
Gāoguí's Confession

"Hey, You can let go of me now" Yanglé told Gāo and Gāo let go of Yanglé's arm and starts asking with an angry tone

"Why are you with him" Yanglé told Gāo

"He told me that today is he's birthday" then Gāo starts to ask another question

"And Why aren't you answering my calls?" Yanglé smiled

"Relax, I forgot to charge my phone, by the way why are you so mad?" then Suddenly Gāo cooled down his temper

"I'm not mad, I'm just worrying about you" then Yanglé smiled and starts teasing Gāo

"Oww Look, Mr. Tough guy isn't that really tough at all" Then suddenly Gāo told Yanglé

"Get In the Car" then Yang was kinda shocked and asks unconsciously

"Ey?, Seems like someone is pissed off" Then Gāo looked at Yanglé fiercely

"Get In The Car Yanglé!" then Yanglé replied

"Okay, Okay, I'm getting in the car" and Yanglé starts to gets in the car and when they both get inside the car Gāo looked at Yang.

He saw Yanglé was looking so sad and He starts asking

"Yanglé, What's wrong?" Yanglé answered without looking at Gāo

"I feel so sorry for Hai Yi"

"Why? You Think that I'm going to let you go back to him?" then Yanglé replied

"Please, Can You please treat him nicely?, I don't know why you are so rude towards to your step brother" then Gāo replied

"I hate him, I will never going to treat him as my brother" Then Yanglé suddenly told Gāo

"I'm so sorry but I can't go with you" Then suddenly Gāo starts to drive and it made Yanglé kinda shocked

"Hey, Stop the Car!" Yanglé yelled at Gāo then Gāo replied

"I'm not until we totally find a perfect place to talk" and Yanglé starts to arguing Gāo

"Gāoguí!, Stop the car!" and Then Gāo Angrily replied

"I'm not going to stop the car, please Come with me We're going to a place that no one will ever be able to bother us" And Yanglé Asked

"What?" Then Gāo replied

"I have something important things to tell you" Then Yanglé angrily replied

"If your going to say something, Say it now!" Then Gāo yelled

"I'm not going to tell you Until we arrive at that place" and after hearing that words from Gāo, Yang did not resist anymore and starts calming his self while driving Gāo Noticed something

"Ey, I saw that car behind us earlier, I have a feeling that he's following me" Yang looked at the back of the car to check it and When He saw the car, He told Gāo

"Maybe you're just thinking too much" He starts to lean his back to the seat and turns his head to the window of the car


"We're here" Gāo told Yang, and Yang quickly takes off his seat belt and gets off from the car and Gāo was kinda surprised

"Ey, wait for me" He quickly takes off the seat and quickly gets off from his car and quickly rushed his self to Yanglé. While approaching near to Yanglé he starts asking

"What's wrong with you?, Is there something bothering your mind?, Ey talk to me!, Yanglé!" and when he reached Yanglé he quickly Grabbed Yanglé's arms

"Hey, Stop, What's wrong?" He quickly asked Yanglé


While the two of them are talking there's a guy who's sneakingly taking their pictures

(back to those boys)

"Let go of me, it hurts" Yanglé told Gāo and Gāo quickly replied

"I'm not until You say to me what's wrong" Yanglé sighs

"I'm just sad and a little bit mad!" Gāo pulled Yanglé's arms causing Yanglé's body crashing to he's and they both ended up hugging each other

"I'm sorry" Gāo replied Yanglé while hugging him and Yanglé was kinda shocked at what happened

"It's, Okay besides I'm not totally mad at you" and Gāo was kinda relieved hearing that from Yang

"I thought.." He told Yang then suddenly

"You can stop hugging me now" Yanglé told Gāoguí then Gāoguí replied

"Can you please let me hug you a little bit longer?" Then Yanglé teased Gāo

"Why did you missed me" Gāo answered

"Yes" Yanglé was kinda surprised when Gāo answered his question then suddenly Gāo gently release Yanglé from his tight embrace and he told Yanglé

"Yanglé, I have something to tell you" after hearing that from Gāo, Yanglé's heartbeat suddenly rushed and he asked nervously

"What is it?"

"I, I," Gāo nervously replied

"What?" Yanglé asked nervously and Gāo starts confessing his true feelings for Yanglé

"I Like You Yanglé, not just for being a close and a good friend to me, Yanglé I really like, like You!" Yanglé was stunned by Gāo's confession then Yanglé suddenly notice a piece snow drops from the sky and he starts looking at the sky and when he looked at it, He told Gāo

"Gāo, It's snowing, Winter season is coming" Then Gāo replied with a serious tone

"Yanglé, Don't change the topic, are you going to give me a chance?" Yanglé looked at him and replied

"I'm so sorry I cannot answer your questions right now" Gāo starts to ask again

"Why Yanglé?, Why?" Yanglé sighs

"Look we're both guys and it will be inappropriate for them, Like you're Grandpa, My Uncle and Aunt and Also my brother" And Gāo quickly Hugged Yang

"I don't care what other people say, I'm willing to give up everything I have just for you to give me a chance to be your Boyfriend, Yanglé Please" Yanglé starts pushing Gāo away but he can't resist the force of Gāo's tight embrace

"Gāo..." then Gāo replied

"No matter how hard it is, no matter what other people say, I will love you, Yanglé, Mark my word, I will not giving up on you"


After Recording Gāo's confession to Yang, Kresha's spy send the video to her

(Meanwhile in Kresha's house)

Kresha was taking a bath while drinking wine then suddenly Her phone rings, She quickly Approached to her phone and when she opened it she a video of Gāo confessing to Yang.

She starts screaming

"YANGLÉ! YOU FAGGOT! YOU DARE TO TAKE MY GĀOGUÍ AWAY FROM ME?" then she throw the glass.of wine to the wall causing it to shattered into pieces


after a long minutes of hugging Gāoguí finally released Yang from he's tight embrace

"Gāo let's go home it's getting late" Yanglé told Gāo and he starts to walk towards to the car and as for Gāo he followed Yanglé to his car



Ruo quickly rushed his self towards to the door and when he opened the door

"Prof Hai Yi?!, What brings you here in this hours , Come inside professor" then Hai Yi starts to entering the house, While entering He told Ruo

"Ruo, You can just call me Brother Hai" Ruo smiled

"Okay, Brother Hai Yi" and they both walked their way to the living room and when they reached to the living room

"Take a sit Brother Hai, Want something?, Coffee, Juice, Water?" Hai Yi smiled

"Anything is fine" and He sits on the couch and Ruo walks his way to the kitchen


After a long way of driving Gāo and Yang finally reached Yanglé's Home and Gāo starts to Park the car and he suddenly noticed that there's another car was parking at the front of Yanglé's house and He starts asking

"Hey, Yang who's car is that?" Yanglé Turned to his left

"It's Hai Yi's car?" Then Gāo was kinda surprised

"What?" and they both gets off from the car and when they gets off from the car they immidiately walked their way towards the house


Brother Hai, This is your coffee Ruo slowly Approached Hai and when he gets near to him, He gently handed the coffee to Hai then suddenly the door bell rings

*Ding Doung*

And Ruo quickly rushed his self towards to the door and when he opened the door

"Brother Yang, Brother Gāo, Where have you been?" Yanglé and Gāo starts to enter the house while Gāo smiled at Ruo

"We were just hanging out, I'm sorry for not inviting You" Ruo smiled and Reply

"It's okay at least I know that my brother is safe with you" and They all walked their way to the living room and when they reached at the living room Hai quickly rushed his self to Yanglé

"Yanglé You forgot Your phone" He handed the phone to Yanglé

"Thank you so much Hai Yi and also I'm sorry for bothering you" Hai smiled

"It's okay" then Yang suddenly told them

"You guys wait for me, I'm just going to cook dinner" Then suddenly Hai refused

"No it's okay besides I have to go" then Ruo suddenly Interrupted

"Really?, You'll going to regret this , don't you know My brother's cooking skills are awesome" then Hai Yi was delighted and changes his mind

"Really, Okay" then suddenly Yanglé gently tapped Ruo's head

"You are too exaggerated" and He starts to walks his way to the kitchen leaving the three boys in the living room and they start to seat on the couch then suddenly Ruo's stomach was kinda aching

"Guys excuse me" and He quickly rushed his self to the comfort room.


"What are you doing here?" Gāo asked Hai, then Hai smiled

"I came here for Yanglé" Then Gāo replied

"You can rest Your worries now cause I'm already here" then Hai replied

"How can I rest my worries if he is with you, I think that it will be more dangerous for Yanglé to hangout with you" then Gāo replied

"You , Your trying to get in my nerves!" Hai Yi smiled then suddenly Yanglé Interrupted

"Are You arguing?" then The two was kinda shocked and they both smiled at Yanglé

"No we're not arguing we're just talking" Hai Yi replied then suddenly Gāo agreed

"Yes, We're not arguing" then suddenly Ruo's voice Interrupted

"What's going on here?" the Asks Then Yanglé replied

"You, Keep An eye on them, Tell me if their arguing" and He starts to walk his way to the kitchen Leaving the boys behind then suddenly Ruo Yang starts asking the both of them

"What did you guys do this time?" Then Gāo replied

"Hai Yi started it" then Hai Yi looked at Gāo

"Wow, Childish" Then Gāo quickly Grabs Hai Yi's shirt then suddenly Ruo told Gāo

"Gāo if you don't stop I'm going to tell Yanglé about what happened to the both of you on the other night" then suddenly Gāo let Hai's shirt go.


"Guys the Food is Ready, Come let's go to the dinning table" Yanglé told the boys and Ruo replied

"Really?, That's good I am really hungry" And Ruo rushed his self towards to the dinning table and as for Hai and Gāo they also both walked their way to the dinning table and when they all reached to the dinning table

"Woah, So many foods, Indeed that I am so very lucky" Ruo told Yang and Yang laughs

"I'm going to teach you how to cook, in the mean time let's all start to eat"

And They All Began to eat