
My Brother's Girlfriends

No matter what Andre.. I will always be here to hold your hands that's what siblings do ********** Andre Smith the first son of Homer Smith a well known business man. The Smith family known for their years of successful business their company one of the best in new York. The Smith's were not only known for their business but Andre Smith has also successed in making himself popular alongside their family business. The Issues of not able retain a girlfriend was also widely known just like there company. Every time he venture into a relationship it always ends up with the press ...how stressful. Natasha Smith the only daughter of the Smith's.... Living the life of a popular high school pretty princess ..loves her elder brother so much and never hesitate to show it and boast about it whenever she gets the opportunity the two can be said they escape being twin. Kendra Jonah's a graduate hunting for any job just to keep her life on the track venture to the Smith's company and earn more than she bargain for

Ayodeji_8915 · Adolescente
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1 Chs

Chapter One


Cheer up already don't be so gloomy Natasha  grumble as she tug at her elder Brother's sleeves.

Just let me be for a moment Tasha honestly am fine I just want to be alone okay. Andre replied in a low tune trying not to upset his baby sister.

I was only trying to help don't get mad at me Natasha said quietly letting the word help, roll down her tongue slowly.

Andre stop staring at space and shifted his gaze to the cute girl squatting before him, her blond hair almost hiding her left eye.

She had always appear cute and childish to him and now looking at her giving him those puppy eyes he couldn't help a small smile form at the corner of his lips.

Yay is that a smile I see Natasha who did not fall to notice the slight change in Andre's mood pointed out in a singsong voice. Ok ok ..you won Tasha am smiling already is that not what you want? ma'am.Andre asked jokingly.

Nothing else Dre nothing else Natasha replied rising to her feet to hug Andre's neck cause he was sitting and now she was the tall one. I can go to school now knowing I made you smile am so happy Natasha whispered in his ear.

Why don't I drive you to school as a reward for making me smile and being a good girl huh? Andre offered.

The reaction he got was expected so he only smiled broadly as his 19 year old sister jump around in excitement.

Lemme grab my stuff gimme some minutes Dre and don't you dare change your mind. Natasha said as she skip towards the door existing Andre's room.

Oops Mom.. what are you doing here Natasha said rubbing her forehead after bumping into her mother on her way out of Andre's room.

Shhhhh don't make such fuss I don't want Andre knowing have been eavesdropping all this while.  Ashley whisper covering her daughter's mouth.

Why are you doing that Natasha said a mocking smile playing on her lips, you should trust that I will always cheer him up is not like I failed too the last time. she added proudly.

Ashley wipe an imaginary tears off her eyes  my boy has chosen you over me that's quite hurtful.

Learn to live with it Natasha said smiling as she head for her own room. Ashley couldn't help but chuckle watching her daughter sway her tiny waist as sign of victory. Well she made him smile so she deserves it.