

Sinking in the depth of darkness

i saw a beam of light

falling on my head,

then I lost my mind.

The light went inside my body,

it grew deeper and deeper

and my thoughts became

brighter and brighter.

I saw my greatest well-wisher.

My mother sitting alone at

the egde of a cliff, she was crying,

her cold like eyes were

now full of warmness.

My heart melted and i cried.

Suddenly that light pulled me up,

up to the sky and threw me down

i fell on the feet of my greatest well-wisher.

My mother, my hands rushed

to touch her feet but she

was moving backwards,

she was fading with that light.

i ran towards her and

hugged her tightly, we both were crying

i begged for her forgiveness but

before i could tell her more

she vanished from my arms.

I stood there without my mind,

i could see no more

i could breath no more

Again i saw that light on sky

i heard my mom calling my name

but i could not see her,

i looked everywhere but

i couldn't see her anywhere.

"I gave you my life, my everything

now its your turn to live well.

I always cared about you but

you only trusted your brain, not

your heart. I've always loved you

my dear and will love you forever."