
My Boyfriend (BL)

You're the man of my dream ♡ please come true ♡ I don't want to dream of you anymore I want you for real

Maxiiin_1 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


He was standing right in front of me.

The handsome man with his charismatic expression. brown eyes, grizzled hair, and when he turned back and looked at me. I almost had a heart attack. He slowly came closer to me.

It looks like a scene from a fantasy drama. The weather was very pleasant. The wind was blowing slowly.

He kept coming closer to me, my heartbeat started getting fast, and at one point he stood in front of me. Now looking into my eyes. That beautiful face I can't tell my heart was just about to jump out. He held my hand. I couldn't move. I Was frozen. Everything was going well, but suddenly a dog came out from somewhere, pushed me, and stood on top of me. I kept shouting for help. I couldn't even move. That dog was sitting holding me.

I could not open my eyes, but when I came to the real world. None other than that dog is my younger brother who was waking me by sitting on top of me.

And my dream remained incomplete.

Hi I am Jin I forgot to introduce myself

I'm living with my small family, my Mom and my younger brother, you already met him. We can't stay calm when we sit together.

"If you want to know about the man in my dream, the first thing is, I probably want to know where he is because he always torments me and at the same time makes me feel hysterical.

Now I am getting late because of him and today is my first day and I don't want to get late on my first day.

I am very angry with my brother for not allowing me to kiss him. On the other hand, I am thankful to him that he saved me from being late today.

Now I am ready for school after taking a shower. I wish there was no problem with me today because I always keep getting messed up.

Nothing bad should happen, how can it be possible, I just slipped down the Stairs.

"Mom" - What a boy, you couldn't have come walking comfortably?

I have kept your tiffin ready. Get up and go to school! And don't make any mess today.

Ok Mom, and I left for my school.

Wow! What a beautiful school.

I wish I could make good friends here.

I was on my way to the office when suddenly a ball from the sky hit my head very fast.

Now I was conscious.

This tragedy happened when I was entering the school and I went straight to the school hospital.

What bad luck I have.

When I came out of unconsciousness.

I saw that person of my dream.