
Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Eight

 Ella POV

Two more days and we will be back home, honestly, I enjoyed every bit of this vacation despite Max's weird behaviour during these last days. I guess the work issue must have taken a toll on him for him to be distracted most of the time, we are together. Last night he said he wanted to tell me something very important but he couldn't cause before he came out of the bathroom I already slept off, maybe I will ask him later what is it that he wants to tell me. Today we decide to stay in the suite, swim and laziness around without going anywhere and tomorrow we will go for shopping to get souvenirs for those at home.

We were having our breakfast when I saw that lady from before, what is her name again. May, yes that's her name. when she entered the restaurant, she smiled at us and waved at us, I returned her gesture but others ignored her including Sarah. I understand that Max and George are avoiding getting Sarah and me jealous but I don't understand the deal between Sarah and that lady. I don't want to believe that somehow my best friend is feeling insecure right now, cause that will explain why she is giving cold shoulder to the lady that is just trying to be friendly.

I don't think she should be feeling insecure cause George really loves her and will not look at any other woman apart from her. I turned to my best friend cause I want to know her reason for giving that lady a cold shoulder. Hey, why didn't you greet her back? I asked her. Who? She asked back pretending not to have an idea of who I am talking about. May of course that lady from the other day, I explained to her waiting for her sarcastic reply cause she is surely coming with one, no doubt about it.

Oh! May that lady from the other day, she exclaimed pretending to just remember her. Yes, I mean her, I answered. I don't like her, she simply stated. I looked at her checking if I am looking at my best friend or her doppelganger cause it's hard to see or hear Sarah hate someone could this be as a result of her being jealous. This is so unlike you to hate someone you just met, I said to her. Well, I don't hate her just that there is something about her that seemed off to me, Sarah explained. She wanted to say more but decided to shut up already.

I don't notice anything about the lady guess I am not paying much attention to her, for Sarah to say something like that she must have seen or noticed something, maybe she saw the lady trying to flirt with George. I leaned closer to her and whispered to her cause I don't want George and Max who are our audience to hear what I am about to tell her. Are you perhaps jealous and insecure? I asked her. Her eyes rounded while she stared at me, are you kidding me? Me insecure? Because of her? She asked pointing in her direction.

Come on Ella you don't mean what you are saying, I mean why should I be insecure? I trust George and I know what he is capable of doing, Sarah said in a low tone. Okay, I just want to be sure cause like you said, I also trust George that he will not hurt you no matter what, I told her. I have heard you and for the record, am not insecure neither am I jealous of her, I just don't like her vibe she seems to me like someone that is up to something and whatever it is, is not good one bit, Sarah said.

I looked at May again but she doesn't strike me as someone who is up to no good, she is even busy eating not sparing our table a glance. It's everything alright? Max asked with a creased forehead. I wonder why he is asking that question maybe he noticed that I am looking at that table. Yeah, everything is alright am just having girls talk with Sarah, I told him. He nodded with a smile on his face. The breakfast went well and we all went back to our suite. We entered our suite, Sarah walked straight to the balcony followed by George and Max.

I did not follow them cause I want to get my swimming suit and get it ready for swimming at the pool later. I finished with what I am doing and join them on the balcony, I sat beside Max. Lately, I want to be close to Max than before, following my heart made me freer to be physical with Max, though it's just kissing and cuddling it is still something big to me. I can't believe that I will end up dating the notorious playboy talk more of having this unexplained feeling for him.

Also recently Max is so off and always in deep thoughts all the time, now that I have decided to give this relationship a trial and try to be sincere about my feelings. He is acting weird all of a sudden, somebody that always seem eager to be with me every chance he got, now seems like am the one forcing myself on him. Maybe he already got tired of waiting for me to return his feelings. I shuddered and smiled to myself cause if Sarah were to hear my thoughts she will surely scold me. Penny for your thoughts? George asked.

Huh? I looked at him, confused with what he is getting at. You are smiling so I thought you were smiling at what we are discussing, guess your mind is not here, you are in your world, George commented. I bowed my head cause am so embarrassed, I spaced out while they are having their conversation.