
Chapter Forty Three

Sarah POV

I was wondering where we are going he don't have any appointment with anybody if my memory served me correctly. Why don't you get your ass moving and stop asking unnecessary question unless you want to be fired my inner mind scolded me.

I grabbed my purse and headed towards the parking lot,getting to the parking lot Boss is already inside his car on the driver side waiting for me. My Boss is the one driving himself that means that wherever we are going is very important, immediately I entered inside the car he drove off without saying anything to me.

We reached our destination it turned out to be a restaurant, my heart was beating so fast is he taking me out to pay back for yesterday and if that is the case he should have told me instead of hurrying me the way he did. I was so lost in my thoughts that I did not noticed that am about to walk into a man that is leaving the restaurant luckily my boss saved me from that embarrassment. 

Where is your mind? My boss asked me in a calm voice,his calmness threw me off cause I was expecting him to shout or scold me. Em...mm am sorry Sir I was lost in my thoughts I apologized, I will advice that you get yourself together because we are about to meet with important people he calmly said to me. Wait so we are not here for lunch rather we are here for business meeting and am already daydreaming how our lunch is going to be,poor me I mused while pouting.

The meeting with the investors went well and my boss was able to signed a new contract, after the meeting we are now on our way to the company when my boss asked me a question that surprised me. Is there anywhere you want to go to Sarah? I got over my initial shock,am now thinking of the response I will give to him, I was contemplating whether I should tell him what's on my mind or just let it be to avoid opening an old wound or him getting mad at me.

Listen Sarah whatever is going on in your mind tell me I promised not to be mad at you he assured me. Wow my boss kept on surprising me today is he now into mind reading. I can't read your mind but I can tell from your facial expression, I decided to tell him what's on my mind. Boss am thinking about going for shopping, for Christmas decoration items I want to decorate the company because nothing inside or outside it indicated that we are in Christmas period, I said patiently waiting for him to ask me to leave his car.

Do you know where you will get the items you needed for the decoration he asked me,yes sir I know where to get it I answered. Put in the address of the Store that you want to go to. I will take you there so that you can get what you need for the decoration my boss said to me. I was very surprised by what I just heard but I immediately put in the address before he changes his mind.