
My Boss's Son

James Benson has always been attracted to his older, untouchable boss. Now his boss's son is home from school. A chance encounter leaves them wanting to know more about one another as things get physical.

He_Mil · Realista
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1 Chs


The atrium was a glass room that separated the front house and Carol Manor house, the actual lived in family residence. The front house was a small, pleasant single family home with all the working amenities. It was the house the Carol's to entertain guests they did not care for. The stale rooms and stiff furniture did not encourage one to stay long. The atrium was always wet as it housed exotic plants that needed to be kept constantly moist, it discouraged most from making their way into the actual Carol residence which was the idea. One of the atrium's walls did pull away to reveal a wonderfully inviting pool, if one found themselves inclined to go swimming.

Noah Carol was eccentric and did not care to entertain people in his actual residence. Except on rare occasions it could not be helped, or when his comfort level and use of a person grew so that having them around made life easier. Such was how things were with James Benson.

It was not uncommon for James Benson to work Saturday mornings at his boss's Manor house. They both lived closer to each other than to the office building, a fact discovered after 2 years of commuting 6 days a week, and when Noah Carol had suggested not having to travel into the office but rather James meeting at his home that extra day a week he'd was happy to agree to the idea. This has led to an unforeseen issue for James, his boss's attractiveness hadn't been properly assessed and had increased exorbitantly in the home setting however a few months in and he had mostly adapted. The other man's rigid professionalism helped. If he knew James thought he was sex on legs, he sure made no sign of it.

James's walked through the atrium in his way to the front house so he could leave for the day. The sliding glass door that led to the outside pool area slid open. A gorgeous young man with a stricking resemblance to Noah Carol stood in the doorway, his blonde hair went from swimming.

His almond shape green eyes slightly softer then the ones James was used to. They looked him over.

"Do you work for my dad?" that triggered a memory from a few days earlier at the office of Noah telling James his son was returning from university. James nodded.

"I do," he looked the blonde over carefully sure if he cared to keep this conversation going. He was busy. Perhaps it was best to continue to leave.

The blonde leaned on the door jamb and his green eyes again looked James over, lingering in certain areas that left James curious, he looked back to James's eyes with an inviting smile.

"That's great to hear. he doesn't often hire people with any attractiveness." The other man's voice had changed, the sound all but a purr that went straight to James's groin. The blonde turned away and to a few steps it the door called over his shoulder, "Come outside," and he disappeared. James chose not to think, he took no time as he followed the other man.

He entered a pool house, the blonde man was stopped just inside. James reached out and grabbed him before he ran into him and they both feel over. One hand grab a delicate and soft wrist, it was warm and he could feel the other man's heartbeat pounding. His other other landed on the man's hip. He squeezed, to get a feel of the tempting man in front of him.

"What's your name?" James demanded. he needed to know what to call this fellow.

"Oliver," he smiled and James eyes were distracted by his perfect lips, "What's yours?"

"James." Oliver, without moving away from James so they stayed crowded together, grabbed a swimsuit from a pile thrown onto a chair. If James were to guess he would say the pile was the ones Oliver had rejected when deciding what swimsuit to wear himself. They were all the same style skippy shorts at any rate. They look showed off Oliver's long legs well. His bare chest, and dusty pink nipples James found very enticing. Oliver sliced a pair of swim shorts at him.

"Put that on we're going to swim." James hadn't let Oliver go yet, but did so now. He grabbed Oliver's cheek with the hand that had been on his hip. Oliver watched curious to what James would do, but let him. James ran his hand back through Oliver's hair and then at the back of his head gave him a small yank.

Oliver gasped and the eyes watching him seemed to have lost the ability to blink. James savored the feel off being stared down as his other hand let go of Oliver's wrist. He grabbed his chin and and rubbed a thumb over Oliver's lips. He put a finger in Oliver's mouth, between a set of gorgeous full lips all while being stared at by large green eyes that watched his every movement. James lean close and whispered, "I want you to make me need to go swimming."