

Julia Davis, a very beautiful,smart, hardworking 24year young lady finds herself working in a noble business institution as an interpreter under her strict boss Kerry Harrison ,whose seen as a workaholic and a "no joke, no distractions" when it comes to business. Although she dislikes his whole being and personality including the way he treats women, she makes sure everything she does goes into accordance with his instructions, especially business matters. She works in accordance with his rules because to hell she needs this job to take care of her mother and young sister, her worlds. She knows her boss very well and doesn't want to mix personal feelings with work. Nervousness kicks in when she has to work even closer to her strict boss as his personal assistant for six months. Kerry Harrison, the 27year youngest owner of Harrison &Sons Corp . He's known to be cold, a workaholic business man who doesn't mix personal feelings with work. Being the youngest and only son to his parents,he had no other options than to inherit everything his father left, upon a long time separation with his mother. Although he's main objective was to become a doctor owning his personal hospital facility and not to become the next of kin to his father's company. His dreams was shattered right after college when he had to save his father's company from collapsing and going bankrupt. Now, the raising of his father's property is entrusted to him and that explains his personality. Although he does not do relationships but he adores women who possess good work ethics most importantly when they're very hard-working towards their job. He easily discards anyone who tries to pull him back when he's progressing. Now, there's Julia to whom he made his personal assistant for six months. Will she be able to meet his criteria, standards and love codes? Will he be able to tolerate her? Will she ever get used to him ,let alone get attracted to him? **** Let's dive into their world

MartFord21 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter Twelve

Harrison's POV

In my car....

For some days now, Julie has being extremely quite. I've been watching her every time she comes my way and in her cabin at the office when she's lost in her thoughts.

Right now, she's holding on a poker face completely lost in her thoughts as she stared out the window. One thing I was expecting from her is to read out today's meeting schedules out to me but she hasn't.

"Julie?",I called her while we were on our way to work.

"Sir",she answered bringing her out from her reverie looking at me from her side.

"What's wrong with you?", I asked her raising my  left eyebrow in a demanding way.

She sat silently still looking into my eyes as I searched into hers waiting for her to speak up.

"Nothing I'm fine!",she said in a little bit harsher way but gasped upon realizing what she just did.

"I'm so sorry sir",She said too embarrassed to look at me again as she opened and closed her mouth like a fish out of water.

"You seem  sad, I want to know what's wrong with you? " I'm sorry if you think I'm being pushy but if you keep losing focus because of a problem you might have, it's going to have a negative impact on the business".

"I'm so sorry sir, there's nothing", she said quickly to cover up but deep down I knew she was hiding something.

"Is your family ok?".

"Yes sir",she answered nodding her head firmly.

"Then what is it?",I asked again.

"Um..um sir it's- it's  relationship problems..yes", she said it like she was giving herself an assurance and sighed heavily.  I was still not convinced. It felt like she was telling a lie through her teeth.

"Do you want to talk about it?".

"No, no sir",she said not looking anywhere but me.

"Ok",I said keeping it short and simple. I didn't want to interfere in someone's problems so I decided to keep it that way. 


At my office.....7am

"Ohh the ever looking beautiful Julie, how are you doing today?",I heard Persus say to Julie as  I entered my office but he got no response from her. She was quiet , hurriedly preparing my stuffs on my table passed by heading to the door and left.

Taking my seat, I looked back at Persus glaring at me.

"What's going on?",he asked

"With what?

"Julie", he said

"Oh, she's having relationship problems, that what she told me when I asked her", I said typing out some information.

"Hmm..that's strange. " She told me the other day during our get together that she wasn't in any relationship and she's not thinking of going into one now",Persus said out of nowhere making all hairs on my neck stand up. Then he smirked.

What the hell did she ask the girl?

"Why would she tell you that?".

"I spoke to her trying to make a possibility of us you know..",he said and winked at me while I glared at him. I don't know why what he just said affected me that much. I just don't like it when he talks about Julie, she's my personal assistant and only mine.

I swear I'm not saying I have something to do with her.

Damnit! I want to deny the fact that I've got some feelings for her deep down.

I'm amused about how she's able to handle certain things on her own without any help from others.

"What's that?. "The fact that she works for you doesn't mean you own her?", He said.

"What are you talking about?

"The way you were throwing daggers my way, I'm terrified",he said with a laughter.

"How I'm I  doing that?. "Enough of the talking!." Can we get to work?".

"Don't talk to me anyhow man",he said ending a glare from me.

Persus can be annoying at times.

"Do you realize you're in my office?",I told him which shut him up.

"Alright, alright, let's- let's continue",he stutters , clear up his throat and continued working on his laptop .


Saturday.. .. 12: 45 pm At Julia's apartment

Since I figured out Julia's apartment on my own through some investigations, I decided to pay her a visit today and to find out the reason  behind her extreme quietness. This is because she hasn't been her usual  self lately after I recovered from fever the following day.

Knocking on her door to her apartment , I heard an unfamiliar voice respond.

"Who's there, I'm coming!!", the voice said.

The door opened to reveal an unfamiliar face prior to Julie's but there was a resemblance. Could she be a family to her? I don't know.

"Hello?", She spoke up raising her eyebrow.

"Hi, Good evening, I'm here to see Julie",I told her.

"And you are?",she asked confused.

"Her boss, Mr Harrison".

"Oh. My. God!!!!!", She scream excitedly which had me shocked for a while from her reaction.

Then she embraced me tight that for a second I felt suffocated and drag me in all too excited.

"Aggghhhh!! Mr Harrison!! ",She exclaimed happily getting me a bit startled for a moment.

"Sorry for my reaction. I'm just happy to see you . "You're so handsome, Julia's been talking about you",she said to my surprise.

Oh I see...

"Thank you. "You're pretty as well",I said politely.

"Ahuh! Thank you!', she responded happily and blushing flipping her hair to the side.

"Please get comfortable on the couch, I'll go call Julie down right away.

"Oh ok but I won't be long here, I prefer to stand , just want to have a word with her".

She grinned widely and headed upstairs.

She came down with Julia who was in a baggy dress shirt to her knee and her hair tied into a messy bun. Looking at her from head to toe, I realized she's got dark circles under her eyes, she seemed exhausted somehow.

At first she was surprised to see me and avoid eye contact as she approached me.

"Good evening Julie".

"Good evening sir,um please it's there a problem", she asked confusedly. I knew she might be wondering how I got to know where she lived .

"Something came up at the office", I said making her alert from her facial expression.

Please motivate me by gifting with powerstones and coins and I'll be grateful. Enjoy reading