
Chapter 58 How much did my father offer you

She finally found Montreal on the terrace half an hour later.

“I’m going home,” Wendy said.

Montreal’s back stiffened. He turned around, a cigarette in his hand.

Strange. Until yesterday, Wendy had thought he didn’t smoke at all.

Montreal took a long drag, studying her with an unreadable expression. “Why? We’re supposed to leave tomorrow.”

“I talked to your father.”

For a moment, Montreal went very still before a sardonic smile appeared on his face. “How much did he offer you?”

“A lot. Only an idiot would refuse.”

Montreal turned away. “Congratulations. The easiest money you’ve ever made.”

Wendy eyed his straight back. “Well, we’ve already established I’m dumb, didn’t we?”

A pause.

Montreal let out a laugh. “You should have taken the money, Ms. Wyatt.”

“I don’t like him.”

Montreal turned around again and ground out his cigarette with his shoe. “No one likes him. It’s not a good enough reason not to accept the money. We know it would have made no difference.”