
My Billionaire Mafia CEO

In her previous life, In a moment of profound desperation, she made the dark and sorrowful decision to sell herself to Alexander Salvatore, bound by a contract of marriage. Aisha's hopes were pinned on the money that Alexander could offer, enabling her to lift her family out of destitution. Conversely, Alexander saw Aisha as nothing more than a mistress to satisfy his forbidden desires. Theirs was a cruel symbiotic relationship in which Aisha's body was exchanged for financial security while Alexander indulged in his hedonistic desires. But Aisha was fine with it because she loved someone else and their contract was coming to an end soon. Yet as their difficult journey progressed, things took an unexpected turn that changed their relationship dynamics. Her presence causes Alexander's feelings to become intense. But she refuses to accept Alexander's emotions, so Aisha runs away from him and seeks refuge with her boyfriend Callious. However, her heart shattered when she uncovered his infidelity with her cousin, Penelope. To make matters worse, Callious betrayed her with her cousin by feeding her drugs and revealing their complicity in her tragic fate. Aisha's life also ended tragically, just like the innocent members of her family. But fate had a different plan for her. She was reborn, returning to the very night of her ill-fated wedding. Having gained a renewed sense of resolve, she vowed to take revenge on everyone responsible for her and her family's deaths. While setting out on her quest for vengeance, Aisha also commits to defending her loved ones and those who had previously shown her kindness. With her unwavering resolve, she sets out to confront the people who wronged her, ensuring that they pay for their deceit and betrayal. Will she succeed in avenging her family and finding true happiness in the process, or will the ghosts of betrayal continue to haunt her?

Flora_2480 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 2 :- Tangled Memories

Aisha found solace in the comfort of Alexander's lap, the softness of his touch providing a respite from the turmoil swirling inside her. She gazed deep into his ocean-blue eyes, her fingers lightly entwined in his long, cascading hair. It felt as though time had stood still, allowing her to savor this moment of intimacy amidst a world of chaos.

As she reclined against Alexander's strong chest, memories of her past life betrayal began to resurface. Aisha had been deceived by someone she once trusted, a love turned sour with lies and deceit. The scars from that encounter are still piercing her like a thorn. 

With each strand of Alexander's hair wrapped around her fingertips, Aisha pondered the similarities between her past and present. Just as her fingers delicately wove through his locks, she attempted to untangle the complex emotions knotting up inside her heart. She repeatedly experienced fear and wondered if the past would repeat itself.

Alexander sensed her unease but remained patient, his gaze fixed upon her. He understood that healing took time, he could tell she only left her family and also had a nightmare, she is afraid and going through a silent pain inside which is tearing her apart from inside,

Unspoken words drifted between them, a silent promise of understanding, and Alexander was willing to remain by her side in silence.

Lost in her thoughts, Aisha took a deep breath, savoring the scent of Alexander's hair. The fragrance, a unique blend of earthiness and warmth, merged with her thoughts and allowed her to dive deeper into her memories. She revisited the pain that had once consumed her, vowing never to let such darkness invade her life again.

As she immersed herself in the past, Aisha's grip tightened on Alexander's hair, reflecting the intensity of her emotions. She yearned to find closure, to sever the lingering threads holding her back from fully embracing her newfound love. Even though she was nervous, she knew that facing her past head-on rather than avoiding it was the only way for her to go forward.

Alexander, attuned to her ever-changing expressions, stroked her back softly, his fingers tracing gentle patterns. His touch provided a grounding force, a reminder that she was no longer alone in her struggles.

Gathering her courage, Aisha met Alexander's unwavering gaze. With her voice trembling, 

She said, "I want to have a deal with you, my lord."

Alexander was taken aback by Aisha's reaction because he knew she did not like him and would not choose to talk to him if given the option.

Gazing at Aisha, Alexander nods.

The pain and betrayal that had shaped her. Her words flowed like a river, carrying fragments of shattered dreams and broken trust, "My lord, please promise me that neither you nor I will betray each other. I will be honest with you, and you with me," 

As she spoke, Alexander listened intently, his eyes never leaving Aisha's face, he was looking at Aisha with disbelief in his eyes, He noticed Aisha's sudden change, but he was unable to be sure what to say or do.

The girl who told him this morning how much she hates him and that she could kill him with her eyes suddenly begs for his loyalty while flaunting her weakness in front of him.

Alexander's soft eyes offered Aisha a glimmer of hope to rewrite the script of her life.

Aisha loses grip on Alexander's long hair and softly looks at Alexander.

Though he is at a loss for words, Alexander finds it impossible to look into Aisha's tearful eyes.

 "I promise you, Gomez, there will be no betrayal between us," he spoke sincerely, his voice filled with determination.

A glimmer of relief shone in Aisha's eyes, and a bond formed between them. She knew Alexander was a man of his word, and she believed in his ability to protect not just her, but also her family. With this newfound assurance, Aisha felt a renewed sense of purpose.

Aisha's fingers trail along his chest, feeling the coolness of his skin and catching a whiff of the lingering scent of soap.

A rush of memories floods Aisha's mind as she reminisces about their past encounters. An old feeling of longing and desire is evoked by Alexander's touch and smell.

Aisha put her head on Alexander's bare chest "And I am ready to fulfill my duty as your wife." 

With a confident move, Aisha removes Alexander's bathrobe, revealing his bare chest. Their lips meet in a passionate kiss, their mouths melding together in a fiery embrace. Alexander's hands roam Aisha's body, caressing her with tenderness and longing.

As their desire intensifies, Alexander softly removes Aisha's wedding dress. Aisha's fair skin becomes a canvas for Alexander's kisses, his lips leaving a trail of pleasure as he explores her body.

With each gentle bite, Aisha's senses ignite, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her veins. Their connection deepens as they surrender to the passion that consumes them.

Aisha's brown eyes meet Alexander's blue gaze, brimming with pleasure and anticipation. 

As the flames of desire burn brightly, their bodies unite in a symphony of ecstasy, a melody of moans and groans that echo through the room.

Alexander and Aisha's souls merge into one during a passionate moment. They make love until the dawn. 

In the morning when Aisha wakes up, she sees that Alexander has already left, 

she was the only one sleeping on the bed, then she looked down and noticed the bruises that Alexander had left behind from the previous night. 

She touched her face, her lips, and her chest. Her hands travel all over her body, feeling the soreness of her muscles. 

"He is always rough isn't he," Aisha murmured to herself.

I still could feel him inside of me. It felt great, even though it was my first time and the pain was unbearable.

In my previous life, my first night with him was horrible, and we shared the bed countless times, but he was not this gentle, nor did I feel this good. Perhaps the reason was that I did not give him my body willingly. 

But still, he should've been more careful, I am not a stone. My body is still aching and the pain is killing me. 

I can not sleep here because I need to speak with him before he leaves for work. 

Aisha gets off the bed, trying her best to get used to the pain.

And proceeded to the bathroom to have a bath. She could see her whole body, including the bite marks, in the mirror reflection.

After getting out of the bath, she noticed a bottle of water and pills beside the bed, which Alexander had most likely placed before leaving. 

In her previous life, Aisha's bag pack was thrown away, Which caused her to lose all her belongings. It was a heartbreaking experience for Aisha, as she had cherished many sentimental items in her backpack. 

Aisha stood in her room, coldly staring at the empty space where her bag used to be. So that person did not forget to play such a prank in this life as well.

Aisha sighed and went to the closet room to get a dress that Alexander had prepared for her.

As she entered the closet, she noticed that Alexander had stocked it with a variety of clothes for her. She selected a dress at random from the room.

And then she put on her body and left their room.

He may be at his study, completing his work, if my estimation is accurate.

She walks through the hallway, feeling the pain in her leg and her body. As she reaches the door of the study, she sees the guard standing outside, the guard notices Aisha coming and opens the door for her.

Aisha smells something familiar as she walks into the study. In her previous life, she stole vital information about Alexander from this room.

Alexander was sitting in his chair, typing something on his laptop. 

It seems unreal that my betrayal would cause such a wonderful man to pass away so soon.

After giving Aisha a quick glance, Alexander gets up and approaches her to offer her support.

When Alexander saw Aisha, concern flashed across his blue eyes. "How are you feeling?" he asked softly, holding her on his arm. 

With a nod, Aisha said "I am okay, just a little sore,"

Alexander is a little hesitant, "You can take a rest if you want."

 "It's alright, I am not sleepy anymore, and I came here to talk with you about something important."

Alexander places Aisha on his chair,

Then he sits on his knees in front of Aisha, "What do you want to talk about?" he asks.

Alexander conceals important information and keeps everyone out of his study, except Bill, his assistant. 

Because of this, there is only one chair in his study, and Alexander allows Aisha to sit on one while he kneels in front of her.

Now that I think about it, he has always been so warm and caring, even though this room was full of sensitive information that the secret police wanted access to. Despite this, he has always let me in without blinking.

Warm inside, Aisha grinned and remarked, "About last night, My Lord. I know we have a deal, and I will do exactly as you tell me to do." Then she stopped smiling and had a serious expression on her face. "Today the man who sold me to you will come to visit, right?" she asked.

"Yes," Alexander quickly responds. 

Aisha's brown eyes glowed with fire, and a twisted knot of emotions, a mixture of rage and anger, twisted in her stomach.

Aisha's nails bit into her palms as her anger festered. Aisha, struggling to remain calm, inhaled deeply and said, "Do not give him any money, not even a single penny."

Alexander frowned and said, "That's the deal with him to paying him off."

Aisha's rage was fueled even more by Alexander's words, and she clenched her fist. "Then call him and tell him you will pay the money to the woman who sent me here," she yelled at Alexander.

Seeing the serious look on Aisha's face, Alexander knew something was wrong even though he was not sure what to say or do in response to her words.

All he could do was nod firmly at her.

Alexander smelled the blood, Alexander's gaze darted from Aisha's eyes to her hand, where the blood seemed to flow endlessly from her tightly clenched fist. His mind raced with questions, but he remained speechless, unable to comprehend what he was witnessing. The weight of a secret she had kept from him was evident in her actions and her bleeding palm.

His curiosity was overpowered by a deep-rooted worry for Aisha's well-being. "Aisha," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper. "What have you done?"

Aisha glanced up, her gaze filled with defiance. "I couldn't bear it any longer," she confessed, her voice barely audible due to rage. "The pain inside me was eating me alive. "I needed an outlet to release the torment that haunted me."

Without a moment's hesitation, Alexander gently scooped Aisha into his arms, cradling her protectively. Fear and determination filled his eyes as he raced through the corridors toward the medicine room.

