
My billionaire Frenchman

warning r18 "Chloe, my love, my heart beats solely for you," Charles declared, his eyes burning with passion as he looked at her. "I cannot see a future without you by my side. You are mine, and I am yours. We are destined to be together, forever and always." With a sweep of his strong arms, he lifted her off the ground, he held her gently in his embrace as if she were a precious treasure. Chloe's laughter and gentle protests were lost in the passion of his kisses as he carried her to his room, his strides long and purposeful. The world around them melted away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the all-consuming fire of their love. As he laid her on his bed, his eyes never left hers, drinking in the beauty and grace of the woman who had captured his heart so completely. In that moment, Charles knew that he would never let her go, that he would spend the rest of his days making her happy, cherishing and loving her, and basking in the joy that only she could bring him.

Arianalove · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

chapter 13

The next morning, Charles woke up with a spring in his step, feeling energized and enthusiastic about the day ahead. He stretched his arms, yawned, and threw off the covers, revealing a crisp white sheet. After a quick stretch, he headed to the bathroom, where he indulged in a refreshing shower, the warm water invigorating his senses.

Feeling revitalized, he wrapped himself in a plush towel and picked up the phone to order breakfast from room service. Within minutes, a gentle knock on the door announced the arrival of his meal. He opened the door to find a courteous waiter holding a tray laden with a delectable spread: fluffy pancakes, scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and a steaming pot of coffee.

Charles took a moment to savor the aromas before digging in, relishing each bite. With his hunger sated, he moved on to get dressed, selecting his signature custom-made suit, tailored to perfection to accentuate his physique. The feel of the luxurious fabric against his skin boosted his confidence, and he was ready to take on the day.

With a final check in the mirror, he grabbed his briefcase and headed out the door, feeling prepared and eager for his meeting with his partners. The day promised to be a productive one, and Charles was raring to go, his enthusiasm and energy propelling him forward.

As Charles stepped out of the hotel lobby, he was greeted by his driver who was waiting patiently by the vehicle. However, as he approached, he noticed a difference. The driver from the previous day was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a middle-aged man with a kind face and a warm smile.

"Good morning, sir," the driver said, as Charles drew near.

"Good morning," Charles replied, curiosity getting the better of him. "Do you speak English?"

"Yes, sir, I do," the driver responded, his English accented but clear. "My name is Xiang Chen, and I'll be your driver today."

"Nice to meet you, Xiang," Charles said, extending a hand. "I'm Charles Alphonse. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

As they shook hands, Xiang began to chat with Charles, sharing stories about China and its rich cultural heritage. Charles listened intently, fascinated by the tales of ancient dynasties, vibrant festivals, and the Great Wall's majesty. Xiang's eyes sparkled with pride as he spoke, and Charles found himself drawn into the conversation, asking questions and learning more about this fascinating country.

The drive to the meeting location passed quickly, with Xiang regaling Charles with stories of Chinese cuisine, the art of calligraphy, and the significance of the dragon and phoenix in Chinese mythology. Charles's interest was piqued, and he found himself wishing the journey were longer, so he could continue to learn from Xiang's vast knowledge.

As they arrived at the location, Charles couldn't help but be impressed by the towering structure before him. The building's sleek design and gleaming glass façade seemed to shimmer in the morning light, exuding an air of professionalism and sophistication. He stepped out of the car and made his way inside, where he was promptly greeted by a friendly receptionist.

"Good morning, sir! How may I help you?" she asked, her smile warm and welcoming.

"Good morning," Charles replied, extending a hand. "I'm Charles Alphonse, here for a meeting with my partners."

The receptionist nodded efficiently and made a quick call, her eyes flicking towards the elevator as she spoke. Moments later, two men emerged from the lift, their faces familiar from previous correspondence. They exchanged warm greetings with Charles, their handshakes firm and confident.

"Please, follow us," one of them said, leading Charles upstairs to a spacious conference room. As they entered, a group of individuals stood up, their faces a blend of familiar and unknown. Charles shook hands with each of them, his partners and their associates, their smiles and nods welcoming him to the meeting.

As they took their seats, Charles noticed a young woman sitting in the corner, her eyes fixed on him with a hint of curiosity. He soon realized she was the translator, provided to help bridge the language gap. Though the group attempted to speak in English for his benefit, the translator's presence ensured that nothing was lost in translation.

With the formalities out of the way, the meeting commenced, and Charles dove into discussions with his partners, their conversation flowing effortlessly despite the language barrier. The translator's skilled interventions ensured a seamless exchange of ideas, her presence a testament to the group's commitment to international collaboration. As the meeting progressed, Charles felt a sense of gratitude for the warm reception and the efforts made to accommodate him. He knew this was just the beginning of a fruitful partnership.

Following a highly productive and successful meeting, Charles's partner, Mr. Chun Fu, extended an invitation for lunch, which Charles gratefully accepted. He had been looking forward to sampling some authentic Chinese cuisine, and this opportunity seemed too good to pass up.

"I'd love to join you for lunch, Mr. Chun Fu," Charles replied, his stomach growling in anticipation. "I've been eager to try some local specialties."

Mr. Chun Fu beamed with delight, his eyes sparkling with hospitality. "Excellent! I know just the place. We'll take my car, and Xiang can follow behind us."

As they stepped out of the building, Charles was struck by the sleek black sedan awaiting them. He slid into the passenger seat, feeling the soft leather envelop him, while Mr. Chun Fu took the wheel. Xiang, their trusty driver, trailed behind in the other car, a discreet presence that allowed Charles to focus on the conversation with his host.

As they glided through the city streets, Mr. Chun Fu regaled Charles with stories of Beijing's culinary delights, his recommendations ranging from spicy Szechuan hot pots to delicate Cantonese dim sum. Charles listened intently, his mouth watering at the descriptions, his mind eager to experience the flavors firsthand.

Their lunch destination, a cozy restaurant tucked away in a quiet alley, proved to be a hidden gem. The aroma of savory dishes wafted through the air, teasing Charles's senses and building his anticipation. As they sat down at an elegantly set table, Charles knew that this meal was going to be a truly unforgettable experience.

As they settled into their seats, a friendly waitress approached their table, her notepad and pen at the ready. Mr. Chun Fu, familiar with the menu, promptly placed his order, while Charles took a moment to peruse the extensive list of dishes. The menu read like a culinary journey through China, with each entry more tantalizing than the last. After a few minutes of deliberation, Charles made his selection, opting for the Chow Mein and the renowned Peking Roast Duck.

As they waited for their food to arrive, the conversation flowed effortlessly, shifting between topics with ease. Mr. Chun Fu proved to be a fascinating conversationalist, regaling Charles with stories of his family's business ventures, their triumphs and tribulations, and the lessons learned along the way. Charles found himself drawn into the narrative, his own experiences and insights weaving into the discussion.

Their conversation meandered through various subjects, touching on the importance of family, the challenges of international trade, and the beauty of Chinese culture. Mr. Chun Fu's knowledge and passion were infectious, leaving Charles feeling enriched by the encounter. The wait for their food seemed to disappear, overshadowed by the pleasure of their conversation.

When the dishes finally arrived, the aroma of the Peking Roast Duck wafted up, teasing Charles's senses and building his anticipation. The first bite was nothing short of spectacular, the flavors melding together in a harmonious balance of savory and sweet. The Chow Mein, equally impressive, showcased the chef's skill in crafting a delicate yet flavorful dish.

As they savored their meal, the conversation continued, flowing as smoothly as the tea they sipped. Charles felt a deep connection forming, a sense of camaraderie born from their shared interests and experiences. Mr. Chun Fu, indeed, was a remarkable individual, and Charles felt grateful for the opportunity to know him.

Following a truly delightful lunch, Charles expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Chun Fu for the exceptional culinary experience. Every bite had been a masterful blend of flavors, a testament to the chef's skill and craftsmanship. As they parted ways, Charles felt sincerely appreciative of the opportunity to share a meal with such a fascinating individual.

With a warm farewell, Charles made his way outside, where his driver, Xiang, waited patiently by the car. The sleek vehicle gleamed in the sunlight, a symbol of comfort and reliability. Charles slid into the plush interior, feeling the soft leather envelop him once more.

As they pulled away from the curb, Xiang inquired about Charles's preferences for the return journey. Charles, content and relaxed, simply asked to be taken back to the hotel, where he could spend the remainder of the day unwinding and preparing for his departure to Paris the next day.

The drive was smooth and uneventful, the scenery blurring into a gentle hum of activity as Charles gazed out the window, lost in thought. His mind wandered back to the lunchtime conversation, replaying snippets of dialogue and savoring the memories of their time together.

Before long, the hotel came into view, its familiar facade a welcome sight. Xiang expertly maneuvered the car into position, and Charles stepped out onto the curb, stretching his legs and taking a deep breath of the crisp afternoon air.

With a nod of appreciation, Charles dismissed Xiang, watching as the car glided away into the bustling city streets. He turned to enter the hotel lobby, his footsteps echoing off the polished marble floors as he made his way back to the comfort of his room, where the rest of the day awaited, filled with the promise of relaxation and preparation for the adventures that lay ahead in Paris.