
My Best Dream of the Worst Love

...I stood there admiring his face. He grew out to be handsome. His jawline was impeccably defined, his dark brown hair cascading slightly over his forehead. His eyes, a captivating shade of gray, seemed to glimmer in the light. His height is probably a bit over 180 cm, and that fair complexion... .---. I always remember my dreams after I wake up, and every time they end up good, but this time around things changed. It was the worst dream I've ever had! It was a nightmare! My greatest love of mine rejected me! And it's gonna become true!... If it's gonna happen, then I'm gonna have to change it my way!! In my dreams I saw my hubby cheat on me with another woman, my best friend! This happened because of a trivial argument between me and him about a family trip! Perhaps, though he married me, his feeling might've always been for her! But that is a dream. Even if half- no- quarter of it came true, I'll change it! I'll avoid a fate where it involves him and me! This is the first dream I had about me and my lover, because usually I only see about other people, so its a must that I find my true lover and change this fate! Too bad I didn't get to see the rest of my dream because of my ALARM!...

C_A_Gunawardhana · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


During the brief five-minute break between the first and second periods, I walked over to Haruhi and Ayano's desks, positioned side by side at the front of the classroom.

"What were you two thinking?!" I whispered, my voice carrying a distinct loudness, as I approached their desks.

"Aya tilled me in on the details, so~ I thought that Jin kins was better for you and I kind of sent him your way..." Haruhi explained.

"Isn't he handsome? He isn't the cute shortie who rivaled you anymore." Ayano added.

"Riiggghhtt~" Haruhi exclaimed.

"To be honest, I consider him cute either way." I came back to my senses, "That's not the problem! When did you three become close? And you won't believe what Ayu--" I almost let it slip in front of Ayumi!

"Ayu? What?" Ayano questioned.

"Ayu... Ayu... Are you gonna do if he falls for me?!" Haruhi and Ayano exchanged amused glances, while I found myself flustered. I went back to my seat and pondered around, Ayumi was glaring at me! Did she realize? I'm getting the chills. Even Kimura has his face toward me, his chin resting on his palm. Did they overhear?

For some inexplicable reason, Kimura doesn't talk to me during period intervals. I wonder why... Now that I think about it each time he tried to speak with me, Ayumi wasn't there... No, that's not right. Right...? He stopped me after school and Ayumi wasn't there. Then after Basketball practice and she wasn't there... No, she spoke about me with Kimura this morning! Is he trying to two-time me? Why did my life turn out like this after a dream??? She spoke about me with Kimura this morning.

Ayano, Haruhi, and I concluded that it's wisest not to discuss anything in front of Ayumi.

During the break, Ayumi came and sat at Kimura's desk.

"Ayumi...what if he comes?" I said to her.

"Don't worry, he went to eat with Takashima." she edged a smile at me.

I almost questioned how she knew that, but then thought better of it; I knew that she was with him. That's when I remembered Jin's words, 'Tell me if Jiro bothers you...' I wonder if I could complain to him about Ayumi too.

Ayumi snapped her fingers, "Yuni~" she called, "I heard some ominous rumors about you two."

I lent her my ear, "who two?"

"You and Kimura."

"Really?! What may it be?" I have a hunch on this.

"He chased after you twice." she hesitated briefly, "They say you guys are having a lover's quarrel," she said awkwardly.

I knew it! I never heard such a rumor before! And other than today's chase, nobody else saw us running together yesterday! Unless someone was watching us... from the neighborhood? What if that someone was Ayumi?! No wait... Ayumi heard it from Kimura. I heard them this morning. A rumor in this school doesn't go through anyone's ears before mine. If it did, either Ayano or Haruhi would tell me. They're like detectives; always one step ahead. Sometimes they're scary... Oh! I forgot to reply! What should I say?

"...That's impossible... did you even see me once speak to him today? I wouldn't date anyone without telling you...guys..." I managed a lie. It's the truth though.

"You're right!"

"Besides, I won't start dating Kimura until two months from now, according to my dream." As if that scenario is ever gonna happen! I'm going to escape that fate!

"Haha, you've got it all worked out. Absolutely..." She chuckled, though her smile waned into a disappointed twist of her lips.

It's suffocating, Ayumi is a bad guy. And things might take a turn for the worse once Ayano and Haruhi share their sides of the story.

School ended and Ayano and I headed to practice while Haruhi waited for us after her chess club, which ended earlier than our practice. As soon as Ayano and I wrapped up our club activities, we rendezvoused at the school gates.

"Let's go to a café," Haruhi suggested.

Thus we went to the furthest café we knew. Reason: the closest café we knew was around Ayumi's neighborhood.

. . .

The three of us took all the safety measures we could for we were talking behind one's back. Just kidding! We went to 'Wendy's Café' and settled near the glass windows. The shop wasn't filled as much as we expected. By the window, couples shared quiet moments, while a family of three engaged in cheerful conversation nearby. Across from us, students were on group dates. As I glanced outside, the busy street unveiled a tapestry of lives in motion—pets trotting alongside their companions, weary workers retreating homeward.

A part-time waitress came to pick up our order. We ordered three slices of lemon cake, two chocolate milkshakes, and one mixed fruit juice.

*Munch munch*

As we savored our treats, Haruhi mumbled between bites, "Mya myow, Myamyumi... She was quite the cliché girl..."

She took another bite of the cake and drank her milkshake, "...she acted all friendly... myut... deep down...myall mye... did was scheme..."

Ayano's brows furrowed with irritation, "It either eat or speak," she rebuked.

Curios, I asked, "Scheming about what?"

"Scheme ways to take us down." Ayano reckoned, her tone sharp and assertive.

"Jealousy always gnawed her. She may be your friend outside, but all she wants to do is ruin you," Haruhi added.

"I'm surprised she wasn't eleventh on our last term test in middle school. She sure was lucky to get into this school." Ayano paused for a while. "Don't get us wrong. You know who we are. If we wanted to destroy your friendship, we would've done that ages ago."

"If anything, you have all the evidence you need right there," Haruhi pointed to my head.

They're right. Ayumi's behavior did seem peculiar whenever I shared my achievements. Not that I wanted to brag. I always encouraged her, but she thought otherwise. Why didn't I realize?

"Don't feel down~ Everything is gonna be alright. You're putting in a lot of effort to avoid a troublesome situation with Kimura, and you're on the right track. We're gonna support you! That's why we sent Jin your way hehe~" Haruhi chuckled.

"Why him?" I asked.

"A long, long... story~" Ayano chimed in, harmonizing with Haruhi's amusement. What is this story that I don't know?! Why Jin of all people?! What is going on?!

"For all the support we give you," Ayano said, "repay us with food.." Haruhi added.

"Yeah!" Ayano fist bump Haruhi.

That ended our serious discussion and for the rest of the evening till six, we blabbered nonsense and gossip. As I expected, there were no rumors about me and Kimura. Ayano and Haruhi told me a lot more about Ayumi, during the next few days.

I came to learn that there was a rumor surrounding her tumultuous time at her elementary school. She was disliked by all the kids at school. She also seemed to have cheated on her exams a few times, scratched Haruhi's face when she was trying to protect Ayumi from being bullied, stole Ayano's swimming kit, and chased after many guys during middle school.

Mostly all of these things I believe, because I saw what happened myself. Although no one accused anyone of anything and pretended like it was all by mistake. The majority makes sense now, The pieces fit. It's a lot to take in.