
My Beloved Bodyguard

Shamia Gyllette Sandler. Filipino-American. A famous Entrepreneur who owns the biggest magazine company, Shamia's Magazine located in London, the agency also has offices in New York City, Los Angeles, and here in the Philippines. And as for the moment she's giving her full attention to the SM located in the Philippines. Their other businesses such as Chains of Hotel and Restaurant are handled by her parents and her older brother. In her status in life, she badly needed a skilled and trusted bodyguard that can protect and defend her in anything that may happen to her. She also wants the kind of bodyguard that she can bring anywhere around the world because she has many appointments and meetings around Philippine premises and abroad. That's why he seems to have a hard time finding that kind of bodyguard because he can't just entrust her life especially in the state of Shamia's life. She talked to many agencies because of her family's suggestion but she hasn't met the right one for her. Until her friend, Krystaleen, mentioned an agency. And because she was curious about her friend's aforementioned security agency, she immediately communicated with it. The good thing about the said agency is that she can choose whoever she wants to entrust her life. And when she was ready to choose, the agency presented to her all the staff and bodyguards that the agency have, Shamia's attention got by a man. A man named Kaiser Pineda. She feels safe in his arms and when he is next to her. So she did what she thought was right. He took the man to entrust everything to his life. But was her decision right? What if she fell in love with her bodyguard? Will the he catch her? But what if he loves someone else? Will she fight for her heart or tolerate and release the man she loves, for his happiness?

sixpiem · Urbano
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22 Chs

Chapter Two

Name: Kaiser del Mar Pineda

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Parents: Karlito Pineda / Belinda del Mar


DEL MAR? How is he related to Ysabella? Shamia asked herself after reading the entire information but only the man's middle initial caught her attention. And the other is that he is a retired army commander. But why did he leave the service and just remain a bodyguard?

She immediately closed the files when someone knocks on the door of her office and her secretary entered.

"Mam, your friends are here."

She sighed. "Let them in."

She immediately obeys.

"What else do you need? As you can see I am busy. " She moaned angrily at them but they ignored her instead they sat on the chair in front of her table.

"You're so rude. We are also doing something, uh, but girls bonding can't be postponed. " Ysabella said while playing with her hair and scanning the whole office.

"By the way where is your bodyguard, Shamia? I'm so excited to meet him. " Said Lourine. And Krystaleen, who is the naughtiest of their friends, followed suit.

"He's outside." Shamia simply said and kept the bodyguard files aside. Then get the paperwork she needs to sign.

"He's hot even in the picture."

"Yes. And Oh em gee! Is he a military graduate? Omooo, and he's a former battalion commander?"

"Wait, how have you related Bella? Del Mar is his middle initial."

Shamia's attention was diverted from reading papers to her friends who were reading Kaiser's files.

And they caught her attention because of Krysta's question.

So even though she did not say so, she became interested in what could be the answer.

"I don't know. Maybe just pure coincidence."

She was a little disappointed with Bella's answer but she did not mind it.

"Maybe he was the son of your aunt whom you did not know?"

Shamia frowned at what Lourine had said. What does this mean?

"I'm not sure. Because I didn't meet my dad's brother?"

"What happens to your aunt?"She can't stop herself asking.

"Oh! In your 25th year of existence, you just responded to our conversation. " Lourine's curiosity frowned. "Uy, you interested in your bodyguard, no?"

"Of course not! I was just curious about your aunt, Bella. " Shamia refused.

"Eh, my aunt got married early so she didn't finish school, then my grandparents were angry and they didn't finish after the man she who took was poor - I'm not discriminating poor hah, I say that's what my grandparents told us ..." It paused for a moment then continued.

"...And when I'm asking Tita's name they don't tell me because they said she is no longer part of the family so there is no reason for us to know her name." She sighed. "When I think about it, I can't help but feel sorry for my aunt and I think how she is?"

"How sad ---"

Krysta could not continue the comment because the office door opened and her bodyguard entered.

"Good afternoon Mam. I'll buy you lunch. " He said formally.

She nodded at him and then he immediately bid goodbye. She noticed her friends are secretly pinching each other until the man finally came out.

"Oh, My God!" Krysta and Lourine screamed as they fanned themselves with their hands while YsaBella who later stood up and jumped.

"So handsome! Oh My God."

Shamia was shaken by the reaction of her friends. She picked up the cellphone then videotaped them.

"What are you doing?" The first one to notice what she was doing is Bella.

"Taking a video of you hyperventilating to another man so I can send this to your boyfriends."

She threatened them. That seems effective because they look like a robot who stopped at once and looked at her badly. And she was about to be kicked out when she hit the intercom. And because they thought she was going to call her bodyguard they stopped. And like sheep who sit in their former places.

"It was just a joke." They said.

"Because she doesn't have a boyfriend so she's going to destroy the relationship." Krysta frowned. "Bitter."

"Should I drag you out, what?" She said. Krysta just signed peace with her left hand and finger heart on her right.

She acted nauseously and eventually made them laugh like crazy.

When they finished, they shared the lunch that Kaiser had bought.

In the following days, Shamia's schedule became hectic due to the upcoming release of her company's magazine. And she also has photoshoots in the next magazine.

It is the policy of SM. When the magazines are soon to be published, the photoshoot team will act again for the next printing. And she is the cover of the new magazine to be produced.

She is currently on set and looking around while she is not yet the next model to be in a photoshoot. She was followed by her bodyguard, Kaiser, so it is not surprising that her chest throbbed again.

And that is what worries her. How did it happen that Kaiser was able to seduce her heart? She did not even know it completely and then if her heart could react it would be as if her chest would be destroyed when he was close.

Because her mind was occupied, she didn't notice that she had collided with a staff member who was carrying a lot of things, so she did not notice her either.

It was too late for her to notice that so she could not avoid it. She thought she was going to fall on the hard floor but strong arms took part in her astonishing personality.

"Are you okay Mam?"

She has not recovered yet so she kept on hugging her bodyguard, he was not complaining though. Instead, he carried her over to her dressing room and make her sat on the chair in front of the dresser.

He left her for a while to get some water and immediately came back holding a bottle of water, Kaiser gave it to her.

"Drink this, Mam."

She accepted the water and then avoided looking at him who was watching her intently.

"Thanks." She said.

She couldn't look at her bodyguard because it seemed that what had just happened sink in with her. I guess he overreacted too much?

After Shamia reached for the bottled water her bodyguard stood in the far corner of her dressing room.

She looked at him for a moment. She was brave because her bodyguard was slightly tilted in his place and she could not be seen.

Shamia's attention was aroused when there was a knock on the door of the room. Her bodyguard immediately positioned behind her assistant who would open the door so that he could also see what was outside the room before finally entering.

"Mam, you're the next one." Her Assistant said.

He nodded at the woman then stood up and went out towards the set. Kaiser immediately followed her.

Kaiser is very quiet, and will only speak when necessary. She favors that when it comes to her employees but why when it comes to her bodyguard she does not want that?

The photoshoot has already begun. Her bodyguard, on the other hand, stays on the side, carefully looking around and his eyes looked like eagles watching her, especially when someone approached her to retouch her make-up.

She feels safe and secure when he's like that even though he has only been in service for a few days.

The photoshoot lasted all day. So she looks like a withered vegetable riding in the back of her Lexus LM Minivan. She was next to her bodyguard in the backseat. She had a driver and on the passenger seat was her secretary.

She doesn't know why Pia chose to sit there so her BG had no choice but to sit next to her. Sometimes when it accompanies him he is next to it in the back.

She no longer focused on it. She took the pillow back and put it around her neck to rest for a while because she was going to a family meeting.

And more than an hour drive to their hacienda. That's where the Sandler family also chose to have a meeting and dinner where her parents stayed when they wanted to rest and ordered her brother to run the business.

And because her older brother is a good son, he does not refuse even though he is also busy with his own business and family.

Soon drowsiness visited Shamia.

She woke up when the car stopped. And she noticed that she is leaning on her right side. She immediately acted to see what it was, or rather to say who it was.

Her eyes widened knowing that she was leaning on the shoulder of her bodyguard who was sitting straight and barely moving so that she would not fall. Her driver and secretary were also outside the vehicle.

Shamia immediately distances herself from leaning on the man.

"Thanks," she said then hurriedly got out of the car. Her heart is palpitating again.

They are already in the hacienda. And she didn't even realize it. Maybe it's because she enjoyed her sleep. Shamia smiled as she thought about what had happened earlier. She accidentally slept on her bodyguard's sturdy shoulders.

But her smile immediately faded when she was accompanied by her secretary. "Hey! Is it good to sleep on his shoulder?" She even raised an eyebrow as if teasing her.

She greeted the secretary. It is really difficult sometimes to be close to the employees because she can make fun of the Boss.

WHEN they arrived at the courtyard of the mansion, they were greeted by a maid and guided them to the dining room.

The whole families are there. Her father was sitting in the capital and her mommy was on her right. Her older brother is on the left with her family.

"Good evening." Her secretary greeted.

"Good evening everyone." Shamia greeted her family. She went next to her mother. Her bodyguard pulled a chair for her but she thought he was staying outside. She thought that Pia was the only one following her when she entered the dining table.

Kaiser also immediately stood on the other side after she sat down. Her Daddy's eyes chased after it.

"Who is that man?" Her mommy couldn't help but be curious.

"Is he your Boyfie Tita Mia?" Asked her five-year-old nephew. Savinna.

And when she opened her eyes, her parents and her brother and her wife were also waiting for an answer.

"Nope. He's my bodyguard, Kaiser."

Her daddy nodded. "Come Mr. Kaiser join us."

She was surprised when her father invited her bodyguard to accompany them to dinner.

"It's such an honor to join you on dinner Sir but it is against our protocol." Her bodyguard politely refused her daddy's offer.

Her father nodded and looks at her.

"Why?" She asks.

"He's nice. I want him as your boyfriend though not just your bodyguard. His stubbornness will hurt his head."

"Daddy, oh!" She complained to her mother who was just smiling. "It's embarrassing for Kaiser Dad. It looks like you are giving me up.” She even complained when her family laughed.

When she glanced at her bodyguard he was also smiling and when he saw that she was looking he quickly formalized and bowed. She was even more embarrassed because of that.

"What are you, Mia, Daddy is just saying his opinion." Her brother said. "And then something about you ah?" It continues to rage.

Her sister-in-law scolded him. "That's right Sherwin, Mia is blushing oh!"

Because of what her sister-in-law said, the whole family laughed even more and teases her. It is said that she is getting older so they will look for a boyfriend for her.

And what was even more shocking was when her mommy stood up and led the man to the table and sat down next to her. The teases were become louder because of that. Kaiser just smiled next to her.

Soon, he was comfortable talking to her family until the end of dinner.

And when she needed to go home, her parents did not allow her. They will spend the night there. So she just went to her room in that mansion.

She was surprised when her mother followed her and his bodyguard was with her.

"Son, you are here in the room next to our girl so you can still watch over her even if she is in the room." Mother said.

When the young man entered the room, her mother turned to her.

What was that?

Her family will not be poor but it is not like that which gives special treatment to the staff. But why is it that way towards her bodyguard?

Did they think that the man would hit on her? He may even have a girlfriend in his place.

At the thought, she caught her chest because it looked like a needle had pierced it.

"Ms. Shamia, are you all right?" Pia asked as she followed them.

"I'm okay Ms. Alvaro. Go to your room." She commanded the woman. The guest rooms are on the first floor and they stay there when she is with them.

Before entering her room, Shamia glanced first at the man's room.

She did not know how to deal with the man in the future because of the commotion made by her family.