
My Beloved Bodyguard

Shamia Gyllette Sandler. Filipino-American. A famous Entrepreneur who owns the biggest magazine company, Shamia's Magazine located in London, the agency also has offices in New York City, Los Angeles, and here in the Philippines. And as for the moment she's giving her full attention to the SM located in the Philippines. Their other businesses such as Chains of Hotel and Restaurant are handled by her parents and her older brother. In her status in life, she badly needed a skilled and trusted bodyguard that can protect and defend her in anything that may happen to her. She also wants the kind of bodyguard that she can bring anywhere around the world because she has many appointments and meetings around Philippine premises and abroad. That's why he seems to have a hard time finding that kind of bodyguard because he can't just entrust her life especially in the state of Shamia's life. She talked to many agencies because of her family's suggestion but she hasn't met the right one for her. Until her friend, Krystaleen, mentioned an agency. And because she was curious about her friend's aforementioned security agency, she immediately communicated with it. The good thing about the said agency is that she can choose whoever she wants to entrust her life. And when she was ready to choose, the agency presented to her all the staff and bodyguards that the agency have, Shamia's attention got by a man. A man named Kaiser Pineda. She feels safe in his arms and when he is next to her. So she did what she thought was right. He took the man to entrust everything to his life. But was her decision right? What if she fell in love with her bodyguard? Will the he catch her? But what if he loves someone else? Will she fight for her heart or tolerate and release the man she loves, for his happiness?

sixpiem · Urbano
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22 Chs

Chapter Twenty One

"It's delicious when it's free!" After dinner, Krystaleen immediately commented. Even when a woman is acting like she doesn't earn millions.

"Your face is thick!" Ysa immediately blocked because it was the one who was free now. It no longer pays them because it naturally reserves the entire beach resort for their bonding.

They are currently taking a walk on the beach. The three were walking ahead while Kai and I were in the back. Lourine periodically looks around at the band as a couple and catches them taking pictures with her white canon DSLR.

"Airdrop the picture to me later, uh!" Shamia was surprised when the man next to her spoke.

"Sure! With pleasure. " Lou said then wink at her.

"Post it on your IG, Kai uh! I'll check it later." Krysta instigated.

Kaiser scratches his forehead before answering. "Uh... I don't have any social media accounts."

"What? For real? " she asked in shock.