
My beautiful you

I love your presence_ A story of a girl whose parents were killed by her stepmother but that time she laughed, smiled and cried with her best friend, who was the only one with her. But in a mean time, they developed feelings for each other but being a lover's is not easy in today's world. To prove their love, they faced obstacles in their journey of becoming each other's forever'.

vvershhaaa · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
77 Chs

He held my hand

They both went in the same direction and reached the house. They were welcomed by Louis's mother. She never had any problem with Lisa, staying there for the night because she knew that Louis likes her. They had dinner. Louis's mother made to sleep in the guest room after a quite long session of talking.

The next morning, she woke up and went towards her house to get ready for school. There she was welcomed by her stepmother.

Lisa didn't say anything to her because she thought that karma would make her pay for everything she did wrong. But she was interrupted by her.

"Don't you want to yell at me for killing your father?" she asked but Lisa said only a word to shut her mouth and that was "karma" and started getting ready for her school. She made herself breakfast but she missed how her dad used to have breakfast with her every morning. She tried hard not to cry but that wasn't of any help for her. She took her bag and made her way towards the front of the door. But as soon as she took steps ahead, she found Louis waiting for her with a smile. She smiled too because then he was the only reason to make her smile. He forwarded his left hand and asked her to hold his hand. She held and started walking towards the school. In their ways, he made sure to make her laugh so, that she couldn't feel the sadness around her.

They reached and took their seats. Tessa made her way in Lisa's direction to make her morning worse even more than before.

"Lisa, What happened? You seem to be sad. Did anything happen at your house?" she asked and laughed inside.

"None of your business, and it would be better if you mind your own business," Lisa said with a straight face.

"I just asked you because you look sad over something but it's okay if you don't want me to get involve in your personal life," Tessa said and went towards her seat.

Time passed to their free time, Lisa and Louis made their way to the library because they didn't like any other place to go other than the library. But there she encountered Mr Robert who was sitting there and reading a book. She didn't say anything but soon Mr Robert moved his gaze and saw her finding a book with her friend. He smiled because he always thought that Lisa was a good girl as well as intelligent enough to be Class President. He always found her adorable but he was engaged with Tessa so couldn't dare to say anything to anyone. Soon a teacher approached Mr Robert and asked the reason for smiling secretly. He couldn't think of any reason and asked.

"What are you here for?" he asked that teacher.

"Nothing but I wanted to hand this list to you," the teacher said and went away. He slapped himself slowly for smiling without any reason.

On the other hand, Lisa was trying to avoid him because she thought that he was involved in any kind of affair with Tessa. But in actuality, it was not the case Mr Robert was impressed by Tessa's grade at first and started giving her tuition classes so, that she could score even more. That's how she became Class President. But Tessa started having feelings for Mr Robert. One day, in her tuition classes, she confessed to him which made Mr Robert kinda shocked. He refused her and asked her to stop her tuition classes from then but being a bad girl and a daughter of a gangster lady, she tried to threaten Mr Robert but he didn't and thought of complaining about her behaviour to the Principal. Tessa stopped him from doing and asked him to go with her for spending some time. He didn't know what she was up to. At first, he declined her request but Tessa asked him for this last favour for her. He agreed and got on his way with her. They went far from the city. Mr Robert declined to go any further with her but they already reached the destination that was meant for Tessa. Soon two men came from behind and gave him some punches on his face to make him unconscious. He was taken to an unknown place.

After 10 minutes, he came back to his senses and tried to make himself free from the rope, he was tied with. Tessa's mother( Lisa's stepmother) came and pulled his face up by his hair. He flinched out of fear.

"You rejected my daughter? huh?" her mother asked him to which he agreed with and said, " She should know her limits being a student."

"So, you will teach my daughter about limits," she said with an angry expression while Tessa was enjoying the scene.

"What do you want from me?" he asked straight to get free of.

"Agree with her to be in a relationship otherwise I can't say if you will be able to go back home from here," she said, holding a gun in her hand. He agreed so easily because he didn't want to die but he didn't know that living would make him cry every day out of regret.

After that, she made him go but warned him about everything.

"Listen, remember if you tried to make any move against any of us then I guess you can know what would happen to you," she warned to which he agreed out of fear.

That made him get involved with Tessa. He regretted it a lot. That's why Tessa was so possessive of him.

He was so involved in a book that he didn't realise about his lecture in Lisa's class. Librarian made him aware of time and he went straight to take his lecture. Whereas Lisa was also engaged with her reading. Louis checked the time because he realised that their free time was taking so long to get over. So, he checked and asked Lisa to go back to the class as soon as possible. Before Mr Robert could get into the class, Lisa and Louis entered the class and sighed when they realised there was no teacher in the class. But after few minutes, Mr Robert came in, which made Tessa curious about him and Lisa as both came just after the difference of few minutes. She looked at Lisa but she couldn't notice any change of expression on her face. So, she thought to herself that might be that was a coincidence but when she heard one of the friends talking about Mr Robert, she turned her gaze towards and heard that Mr Robert came from the library. Then she could imagine the image clearly because she knew that Lisa always spend her free time in Library but what made her amazed was Mr Robert because she never saw him going to the library as he always sent someone else to the library if he ever needed any book. Then she didn't think of teaching lesson to Lisa but to Mr Robert to maintain his distance from her.

Anything like what she imagined never happened between Lisa and Mr Robert but an evils mind always thinks evil.