
Chapter 451: Moral Police

Eren could get out of it on his own. The only problem was that it was going to take more effort and time. Fortunately, there was no need to worry about time.

As long as he didn't ask a question using the voucher, the effect wasn't going to run out anytime soon.

"Four months and no less!" The Author also grew stubborn, albeit going down on the duration as well.

"You have a deal!" Eren brightly reached out his hand towards the Author.

"You are truly something else..." The author also shook his head lightly.

He reached out his hand, grabbing a hold of Eren's hand. He pulled Eren out of the darkness that had been trying to devour him before the time was frozen.

With the author's help, Eren was pulled out of the quicksand-like darkness, landing on the ground in the distance.

Eren was finally able to catch a breath of relief as he sat on the ground, feeling the numbness in his legs.