
My Beast-System

Life can be complicated. Like now, I have entered my own novel, just to enter another novel in that novel. Ironic huh? A/N: Read 'Read before Reading' in the auxiliary volume, before continuing. PS: The cover is not mine and belongs to the respectful owner. Credits to the artist.

Akujin_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Awakened, now what?

How do you feel when there's a fight? When you get hit? When your flesh has been torn and blood is rushing out?

Most of you would be scared, troubled, and confused. Some would be brave and face the situation.

But Clay or say, both Clay and Jit were among those few who were thrilled and fell bliss by all of it. As the beast shrunk to human size, its bones relocating to a human body under the moonlight that made its disappearing golden fur glow, it giggled.

Its voice was still changing from a human to a dog. But soon, it was normal.

When he had become normal and reached his usual physic, his legs felt weak and gave out. He knelt and his chest was heavy.

But instead, the giggling got intense and soon became a hysterical laugh. He clench the area that contained his thumping heart and huffed.

"It was fun, so much."

His thoughts of how the hunt had smoothly worked were stopped when footsteps echoed in the forest. He turned his head so fast by instinct that some of the bones made a cracking noise.

"Clay! You brat!" he had expected a frightened or even a distrustful voice to meet his ears first, but it was none between those two. The voice reflected pride and joy.

James ran towards Clay before lifting him in the air with his bear hug. "Oh god! You have finally achieved it! The awakening, hahaha!" James was even happier than Clay after he had seen the system.

"I... I get that! So put me down you old junk!" Clay forced himself away but it didn't work. He was out of energy.

"Fine fine…." James put him down and muttered how the kid had gotten so weird as he grew.

James was partially taking care of Clay and his brother since the time Clay joined his party. He even offered to adopt both of them since he and his wife had yet no child.

But Clay refused. He wished to live with the last bit of what his parents had left with him. And that was his name, last name and most precious…his sibling.

So James just settled with taking care of the kids.

"But that's one weird Awakening huh? Just like you. There have been countless ones who awakened as Beast Summoner but you,...god, you BECOME a beast!" James was thrilled at the idea.

"But why had you even chosen a dog!? Are you insane? It was so embarrassing to see it."Though it was partially a lie. James had been cheering at his heels for the kid to win.

"Ugh, you are so noisy! It's not that I had any other choice. I only had a chance to combine with a dog. It only allows me to combine with any beast I have the soul of." Telling this much to James was no issue. Clay knew that he was trustworthy despite being annoying.

"Aw man, and here I thought I could make you show some cool form in front of Emilly!" he slapped the kids back hard but unlike always, Clay didn't fall. His legs shook but he stayed firm.

"Oh, you have gotten strong eh? Awakeners are on a different level." his rant kept on going until they reached their base where everyone congratulated Clay, except grey which he didn't mind much.

James didn't need explaining on how Clay knew of the approaching enemy since it was clear as day, how.

They packed their stuff since it was early morning already. The team they had fought was the last bit of remaining warriors of the opposing side. Since they wanted to try their last bit of courage, they had planned an ambush.

Soon, the little country that had tried to put up a fight with Clay's country would be taken under their control.

Meaning, it was time they all were glorified and celebrated the war's outcome.

When they all got out of the battlefield and the forest, Clay was surprised. He had thought the world would be of medieval setting since it had mages, monsters and more importantly,...wars like these. In forests men having swords for weapons.

But no, he was wrong. It was rather a developed world. More developed than Earth. They had flying cars, that extended development.

He could see a huge wall protecting the city they lived in. Since they were riding down the huge mountain where their battle took place, he could see the whole city.

Their ride was cavern since the team they were in had their huge turbo truck destroyed in battle.

They were all in caverns in duos or trios. Clay sat with James, who was staring at him for a long time.

"What!?" Clay finally, after a few seconds lost his temper.

"Whoa, quite short tempered aren't we?" the startled carven rider said in an annoyed tone.

"Clay, I was just wondering, but now you would probably take the adventurers test right?" his question made Clay think.

Adventurers were special humans. Just like warriors but they had a bad reputation in some places. Unlike warriors who were considered everyone's saviour, only a few hunters were renounced as such,

"No, not yet," he replied calmly.

"What! But why??"James was confused. The boy had been working so hard for money and yet decided as such.

"I mean, I would only be around the lowest ranked adventurers now. Pays won't be much more than what I am earning right now.

So I would like to train before giving it a try." Except for the last line, nothing was true.

He just didn't want to make an impression of an average person. What he wanted was, to cause an uproar by his rank and achievements at the registration destination.

On their way, James had shown him a fight of rankers on his smartphone which was, somehow, a wristband.

A holographic fight was displayed in front of his eyes and he was mesmerized.

'I need to reach that level. It would be fun. So Fun!" he was shivering with excitement.

They came to a halt. It was James's house. "Get going, I will be back after reporting," James said and the carven walked off as Clay got out.

He sighed heavily and looked ahead.

'It's nothing, just be calm. Everything will go as smoothly as it was with James.' he reassured himself while standing at the door,

But oh, how wrong he was.