
My Beast Boyfriend

Most believed the beast is ment to kill, Absorbs, distruct and destroy but a girl from a small town village proves them wrong, as the advantures goes on she belived the Beast is the one keeping people safe from other Creatures, Their journey together ended up falling for eachother.

milliyfah · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Day 3 History

Salwa ran over Iyaad and stoped next behind him no one saw what happened Iyaad was standing still as blood started flowing from his neck, his head droped down from his body and died.

"Anyone else who wants to make the first move?" Salwa was staring at them.

"What have you done?, you killed a Panther Salwa congratulations now we will be hunted down by panthers"

"That's your problem as I said if you want to die then make the first move, I don't care if we grew together or what am capable of doing what am saying"

"Really now? Are you capable of killing your own sister?"

"Look into my eyes and tell me, is this a sister or a wolf system runs into my veins right now?"

"This will not end here, we will come back for you" Ishaly backed up with her people as they walked away and left them all alone.

Salwa turned her eyes back into normal.

"Thank you for saving us" Caroline said

"The one who deserves your thanks is locked away not me, am just here for his behalf" Salwa stares at Tine but she was quiet all along. Salwa turned around she wanted to walk away.

"Is this true? You were one like them a monster?" Tine asked Salwa turned to face her with a smile on her face.

"Let me tell you one thing Tine, not every supernatural being is a monster, in your world anyone who can turn into an animal is considered to be a beast or a monster, but in our world not everyone of us is a monster, there are those who are good people and use their gifts to save people like you and those who use their gifts as a reason to hunt human down and kill them. In your world you consider us monsters but we consider our abilities as gifts" Salwa didn't want to say much as she turned around and vanished away.

Iyaad's body that was lying on the floor slowly turned into ashes and disappeared.

"What can we do now? I mean these monsters are hunting us down, why don't we just leave this place Tine, let's go somewhere far from this please, we have already gone through so much already"

"No Caroline running away won't help, this is our life we have to fight through it, n matter where we run, where we hide these monsters will always find us"

"So what are you suggesting we should do? Am tired being afraid whenever I see those monsters I need to something"

"Then we have to learn on how to fight them, how to survive"

"Are you kidding me? How are we going to fight them? They use what they call their gifts through everything, they can vanish and appear behind you, they can pick up objects by just staring at them, they can transform into other creates look at us, how do you expect us to fight them?"

"We give in all we have"

"Then we definitely need a teacher for that" Tine stares at Caroline with a smile on her face.

"We have a teacher"

The other side Harry was in woods running while looking for Jason he ran as much as he could but he didn't manage to find him anywhere. He was walking in the woods as he find something was shining down the grass he walked closer and saw a sword. It was Milan's sword.

He pick it up with knowing it was Milan's as he started practicing on how to slay.

"My God it's very sharp" He smiled and packed it.

Early in the morning the other day Milan was changing his eyes were turned green as he couldn't be able to turn them into human again. The poison inside his body was affecting him.

Salwa showed up behind him inside the cell.

"Did you manage to help them out?" Milan asked Salwa as he felt her.

"Yes, by killing their friend Panther who considered the alliance they made"

"And what do you think will happen once the panthers realizes their kin is dead?"

"They will definitely come for Ishaly, she is the one who came up with the idea"

"You are putting your own sister in danger did you realise that?"

"She can save herself"

"We are talking about Panthers here Salwa, we both know they are ruthless, anguish, and dangerous among all kind"

"Let them come she has her friends who can manage to fight them, how are you doing?"

"As you can see" Milan turned to face Salwa she was shocked to see him changed.

"You know it's not too late Milan, I can help you please let me help you, the poison is craving for you, soon you will change"

"I still have four days before that so I can manage any word about Belle?"

"Nothing I can't smell her scent, I cannot find her anywhere, she turned off her system and her sisters are worried sick about her"

"What do you mean she turned off her system, thats another level, I remember it took you three years to master it and she is just a beginner?"

"I aasune she has met someone or she is dead"