

“ how could you hide such thing from me don't you trust me to handle it the right way “ he spoke, his eyes looked sad with an hint of betrayal “ am sorry” Kelly cried holding her hand above her head “ there is no excuse for your lack of trust Kelly I trusted you I love you I respect you and every decision you take for us and the family I never one day doubted your actions because I love and trusted you , I trust you more than I trust my self how could you?” “ Please forgive me I was so scared of loosing you and our baby” she cried louder Seeing this man cired for the first time in front of her means he was heart broken he never cired not even when his grandmother who he had lived with almost all his life died of cancer “ and even thought, telling me the truth would cause you loose us and everything there is no excuse for your selfishness Kelly I harte liars “ he said again and this time he didn't let a single tears drop his eyes all red “ I was blackmailed trust me I never meant any harm" she cired again while putting her head down she has failed the one and only person who has always been her back bone her strength when she is weak he harte lies and she knew he trust her, he trusted other but they ended up breaking him how could she, what difference is she and those who have offended him and lied too him “ Kelly do you think I would judge you because you were rape by your cousin when you were little. You really do think lowly of me and you never love me from the beginning because love is trust, true love is trust Kelly am not gonna request for a divorce but I need time too get over it, just like a mirror you broke I don't think I could be amended” he spoke is voice low and it releases pain of betrayal and lack of trust. The nightmare she has always fear has come true after years of leaving her past behind her it has resurfaced.

Fejis_gold_James · Outros
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38 Chs


I walk in feeling everyone eyes on me but I wasn't nervous " if you are thinking of going in she isn't letting anyone in " Davis brother said too me I glance at him before I made my way to Davis room the door was locked but I knock as the family spyed on me

" Davis it me Kelly I want too see you I know you are hurt but remember our friendship friends forever" I said as I remove the little tears from my cheeks

" Davis if you are not letting me in am going back and I won't come again I promise"

I took a nervous breathe as I turned my back too leave and suddenly I heard the doctor open I turned quickly as I smiled I walk inside her room and she closed the door

the room was decorated with beautiful bed and her well place wardrobe and her library and her laptop were place neatly the whole room was designed with purple and pink.

I took a seat as I prepare myself for a deep discussion.

" Davis what happened too you ...?

" before any questions what do you want too drink?"

" I don't know"

" how can you not know okay we both will have coffee "

" yeah that sounds good "

few minutes her mom came with the coffee

" mom I didn't ask you too bring it?"

" I.....I.."

" mom just leave " Davis said angry and the woman eyes fell

" Davis you can't speak too your mom that way ?"

" then how Kelly you have no idea how hurt I am right? so it would be better if you will not just say anything"

" Davis..."

" what ?"

" ma am truthy sorry for her behavior "

" it okay I have gotten used too this " she said and left

this is unbelievable ? I turn too Davis furiously

" let have the coffee?"

" coffee? you mean you still want too drink coffee Davis we have to talk"

" Kelly stop pretending as if you know me or my family too well "

" no I don't but you don't speak too your mom that way or because you are hurt" I said angry

but Davis had a enough that she throws the glass of coffee at my head and i had it all

" do you think I treat my family like trash?"

" yes I just witnessed it "

" woa you are quite judgemental"

" judgemental? you say Davis because you are raped or hurt does mean you treat your mom that way she hurting...."

before I could say another word laughed and her eyes turn red

" she hurting, okay do you know why am hurting she was the one who found out I was pregnant and what did she do kill my baby damage my womb and before you say you can adopt any kid of your choice I don't want too adopt any kid I trusted her I trusted this family and you don't even know what it like to be raped Kelly you two betrayed me Kelly you and Sonia "

" Davis I can explain ..."

and before any other word could leave my mouth she push my hard on my butt causing me too hit my head against the wall

" I trusted you both and what did I get ?" she said furiously as she bent over

" Davis please hear me out .."

"oh you came too laugh at me here laugh I trusted you guys that foolish me blindly followed you guys right? I was too naive right?"

" Davis listen too me ..."

pam pam

she slap me hard on the cheek

" I will make your life unbearable Kelly" she said as we wrestle on the ground I push her off me she laid on the ground for quite a while I move closer too check if she hurt

" am so sorry...."

she suddenly pull me by my leg and I felt using my head too hit her coushion

my head hurt so bad that I felt blood coming out from it

I tired too stand up when I saw Davis pick up a knife and move closer too me

" Kelly do you have any idea how much pain am going through no you don't that why you called it just raped I was raped till almost dealth naked and disfigured got pregnant force too abort the baby lost my womb at the process betrayed by people who I called family and friends why are you playing with my life Kelly why ?" she raised the knife too stabb me but thank God her dad took the knife from her.

her brother help me out of her room to the living room as I sat across his mom

" miss Florida I want to know did you force Davis too abort the baby was she pregnant?"

she started crying the moment I ask her those questions

" I ...I...can explain after she was brought home two weeks later the doctor in charge of her treatment told us that

she was pregnant we wanted to keep it a secret caused we wanted our daughter too decided whether to keep it or not but the doctor reported the pregnancy to the chief defences and other authority of the school and they sent us a warning message to get rid of the baby or else our lives would be in danger we had no choice, we had no choice whether too keep the baby or not we were just so helpless we had to carry on with the plan Davis didn't want to get rid of the baby because she said she can't kill a different human because she didn't know the daddy and was raped we pleaded but she refused I had no choice but to inject her food and she slept of for 18 hours before then the doctor had already aborted the baby and I was so mad at myself few days after Davis started bleeding uncontrollably we had our family doctor come around and he was shocked when we told him we had Davis do an abortion he told us that Davis can't have any children because she lost her womb in the process I was so terrified I couldn't forgive myself for ruining my sweet daughter life what kind of a mom am I ? " she sob and her husband hug her while touching his eyes to stop the tears that threatened to Fall of his face " see .... I understand, you are free to judge us am a journalist and we had alot life threatened letter and we had some men in all black suck us every now and then "

" ma I understand I would take my leave" I said as I smile

" what about your injury let me clean it up for you " she offered

" Mrs Florida thanks but I had an urgent place too go " I took a quick look at Davis younger brother who seem sad with his eyes looking at the thin air I walk up too him.

" hey kiddo do you need an hug ?"

before I could say any more words he suddenly hug me

" it okay it gonna be fine okay"

" am sorry for the way I spoke too you earlier on am not a bad person"

" I Know you look like an innocent teen "

" no am not I already turn 17 this year "

" I see so you have a date someone gorgeous like me "

" are you asking me out too bad I have a girlfriend"

" oh that hurt young man"

I said and we laughed " am leaving take care okay if you noticed any thing supscious call me " I said walking away when he suddenly hug me

" thank you for making me laugh today I can't remember since when I had laugh whole heartedly "

" it okay take care bye " I said as I walk away waving my hand as a gesture of saying goodbye.

author here please comment I put in much hard work it my first book so tell me what you think. thanks alot