

In a world which was destroyed by rain and we're the weak were discriminated and the strong were accepted How it ended up after the battles of the Angels and demons causing the creation of a very big harvoc to either realms The ANMON system having the power of both demons and angels and when unlocked to full potential it can never be stopped How will Gin manage to overcome the trials of becoming either a demon making darkness shine in earth with no single light and life and cancel the existence of angels or become an angel and cancel the existence of the demons

Gina_Baby · Ação
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4 Chs

the BIG news

after the news of Mr chail being not able to read their minds spread in the entire place

some people began to fear both Gin and Jia why some thought of them like gods but the truth was that

they were nothing to be afraid of

in the interrogation room their was a crystal always refered as lob orb which allows no one not even the heads to use their own extraordinary powers it was mostly use for holding big meetings within people of the earth and from other dimensions , to avoid using of powers to intimidate or attack the other.

the orb was kept their to avoid the kids or the old couple from using their super ability .

the heads not remembering of that took very highly

of Gin and Jia and thought of them as a threat to them

because of this silly mistake made the reputations

of the heads were at stake.

after Mr fang and his wife left they kept on gazing on the little kids their expressions were blank not knowing what to say or think, while they were walking Gin and Jia got a little famous making people whisper and gossip about them some were jealous

while some were with blank expressions etc

Mr Xiao found the right chance to approach them

after they entered a quiet and little dark place

Mr Xiao appeared out of no where which scared them a little, they couldn't see his face that much they struggled but with their old age it was not possible him seeing them straining their self to see him he came forward and his face was very visible

be Because he stood in the only source of light there

they gasped seeing him they thought he was going to say something wicked as he always does

but to their own surprise he grew them with a bow

which made them feel very uncomfortable and they rushed towards him to get him up

with a confused look on the couples face he chuckled and said i did not come to hurt you or the kids i came to negotiate instead he paused after the sentence

and was waiting for a reply but he got non so he turned around with a face of question mark.

Mr fang who just went through truma because of what the heads said about the execution

he nodded a no , his reply made Mr Xiao very angry

he was like who is this old man to avoid my proposal

he wanted to blow up but he remembered he needs to humble his self

he tried his best to negotiate but they refused

he left anyways having a brilliant plan ahead

While the heads were still shocked about the event

they kept on thinking what was the possible explanation for this until the lighting of sense striked

Mr Quinn about the lob orb he went to check if it was still there and to his surprise it was

his actions were very strange so Mr chail and Mr Lin Decided to follow him and check for his strange actions.

Mr Quinn shouted a YES! because he already found out the source of their problem