
My Spiritual Connection

Do you ever feel like you don't belong somewhere? Spiritually I mean? Like you feel like you should be somewhere else at a different time? Ever been told that "You are so young and yet you have an old soul"; or that your soul craves a different place like say you are raise to be White, Black, Brown, and Yellow but you crave different cultures and different foods. Your White but you get along so much better in Japan and their Culture or you're Black and rather have Mexican food and speak Spanish? It's like you have a spiritual pull to other places but you're stuck here where you are? No one is purebred anymore we are all mixed with something? Am I right or wrong? It feels like your Ancestors are trying to tell you something but you can't seem to make the words out...But its on the tip of your Soul.

It's not like you are trying to steal or copy a culture for the hell of it. But you truly feel a spiritual tug or maybe you have an ancestral compass trying to show you the way.