
End of Day 4

"Holy hell. At the rate I'm going, I'm going to be invincible in only a few days more. I already basically can't die."

Saying this, Vance left the room with Celine in order to inform everyone that they should be getting to bed soon to rest and prepare for the fight to come. But as a group, they decided they would all relax in the living room together before they would head off to bed. Hearing that the time for training was almost over, the girls were understandably excited. They quickly finished up their sparring matches and headed towards the living room. Once they reached the living room, everyone sat down in various spots and they began to rest in their own ways. Alice read a book, Hope, Jess, and Sarah played a fighting game, and Celine read some stories from Vance's home world. Vance, however, went to talk to Ryoko about what was coming next.

"Ryoko, very, very soon, a war will occur amongst the humans. I have a horse in this race, in other words, the result matters to me. I need to help Hope and Jess' kingdom win this war. And after they win, I'll be able to help you with the turmoil in yours. Now I won't ask for you to help, but I do want you to be very careful when you come with us. Can you do that?"

Hearing Vance's concern for her, Ryoko was touched.

"Of course I'll be careful Vance. And since we're friends, if necessary, I will help you in this fight. Although I doubt you need it seeing just how powerful you are."

"Thank you Ryo. And although I am strong, I would rather be safe than sorry. I can't protect everyone, not yet at least. So I really only need you to protect the girls. As for the killing... well, that can be left to me. Now, putting aside the murder talk, what do you say we go and relax. We got some stressful times coming up, and I'd rather kick back while I can."

After saying this, Vance and Ryoko joined Hope, Jess, and Sarah in their fighting game, taking turns attempting to dethrone Vance, who had won almost all of his matches. After a a bit of time passed, the group all got tired and decided to head off to bed. Vance led Ryoko to one of the spare rooms that existed at the base, and let her stay there for the night.

Just realized that this technically has been one day. What an action packed day right?

Xtremejetpackcreators' thoughts