
A Brawl

Saying that, Vance immediately began to sprint towards the old man, who appeared to be a mage. As this was the expected move for a fight, the young man immediately ran in front of the old man in an attempt to block Vance's approach. Vance, however, expected this move. He immediately sent an Ice Spike towards the man, causing him to change his movements in order to deflect it.

"You're so predictable for someone who was so cocky just a few moments ago."

Hearing Vance's taunt, the young man appeared to be quickly overcome by rage before the old man called out to him.

"Be careful, he's a dangerous one, so don't let your anger blind you."

Vance continued the charge. The old man seemed to be casting some sort of spell while the young man once again began sprinting at Vance. Vance of course , prepared to stop the charge, and kill the mage in one swift movement. But as real people, his opponents made sure to take precautions. The young man threw out an object. As Vance neared it, he suddenly felt his danger sense go off. He quickly dodged away from it. The object exploded powerfully. Vance of course was fine, but he noticed the two trying to reactivate the portal to escape. He decided to use his shadow abilities to shackle them, preventing them from running towards the opening portal.

"Did you really think I would just let you run away? How stupid."

Vance ran full speed at them while grabbing his sword of shadows. The old man appeared peaceful, as if he had accepted his defeat, while the young man appeared to be panicking. He asked the old man to save them. Vance, who was paying very close attention to his opponents, noticed that the old man's mouth was moving as if he was mumbling something. He knew instinctively that this was a magic chant, and a relatively powerful one at that.

"Damn. You guys are stronger than I thought."

Vance was finally in reach of the two and he was fully prepared to kill the old man, and was already swinging his sword, but the young man stepped forward and blocked it with his greatsword.

"You just keep being a nuisance huh? Looks like you want to die first."

Vance engaged in a battle of swordsmanship with the young man, all the while looking for an opportunity to kill him with magic, or to kill the old man.

Happy Holidays to my lovely readers. I'm might not be going to upload for a few days to celebrate, but hopefully I'll have some makeup chapters ready (if I actually take a break since I seem to like doing daily chaps). Enjoy yourselves

Xtremejetpackcreators' thoughts