
My Airport Mistake

At her work place, May refused to give her information out to a handsome young man. Who knew he would persistently chase after her. When they meet again, a misunderstanding occurs which led to May being kidnapped and transported to another world. In this mysterious world of magic and mystical beings, is it truly a misunderstanding? Does she really want to return home or stay there and explore this new found place?

Kurogom · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Run I

A snowstorm heavily came down in the afternoon and has yet to ease off. Many flights are delayed. The boarding lobby, full of stranded people waiting for their delayed flights, murmuring of unhappiness could be heard. Staff members passed blankets to those who wanted one. The lobby was chilly despite the many people around.

Eleven thirty on the dot, two girls who are working the evening shift at Roy's Easy Eats, are finally getting ready to go home. Due to the delay and last minute customers, they ended up closing an hour later. May, a few years older than Windy, redid her bun as she was waiting for Windy to finish her area.

"Hey May, sure you can take me home? My folks said they'll be here in about two hours," Windy asked.

"Yeah, it's fine. It's on my way home anyway," May responded. She pushed her baby hair back behind her ears and rubbed her eyes. The contacts in her eyes are getting uncomfortable.

"Okay. Thanks!" Windy said as she turned around and went to the back.

May watched a new group of business folks arrive at the crowded lobby. It's past eleven o'clock so most stores are closed now. All the restaurants are closed at the airport around 10 pm. No food except the retails for snacks. Much pity to be taken to the new arrivals.

"Windy, did you finish locking up?" May asked as she watched the new group of people settle down in front of them. A couple of young people moved out of their seats for the new arrivals. A mother and daughter sat down.

"Yeah, just grabbing my stuff now," Windy said.

Once Windy came up front, May grabbed her bag and they headed out. Little murmurs of dissatisfaction could be heard still. Some kids are crying and complaining somewhere.

"Mommy, I'm hungry!" The little girl who recently joined the boarding queue said loudly.

"All the restaurants are closed now, honey. Here is a snack bar, eat it and then go to sleep," the mother said. She was dressed in a navy business suit. Her looks and figure could rival that of a top class fashion model. Her daughter is cute as well. Hard to believe they were normal civilians and not some model family.

"But I don't like the snack bars! They are nasty!" the little girl wailed.

May looked at them with pity. 'Should I give them this? It is supposed to be my dinner. I'm going home anyways… I can eat later. They have nowhere to go,' May thought. She walked up to the mother and daughter and said, "Hello. I couldn't help overhearing but would you like to have this? It's a few hours old and cold now but it should fill you up." She handed out her take out box.

The mother and daughter looked up in surprise. "Oh no, it's your dinner. We can't just take it from you. You just got off work too. Thank you though," the mother said. The daughter tugged at her mother signaling she wanted the food.

"I'm going home anyways, and I can cook something once I get back. There's no restaurant open right now and probably won't for another 7 or 8 hours. She's hungry too. Take it, I don't mind," May said and smiled at them.

The mother looked at her daughter for a bit. She sighed and took the take out box. "Thank you," she said with a warm smile. The little girl's eyes beamed as she looked expectantly at the box.

"Oh! I have water too. It's unopened as well. Here you go," May flipped her bag around to the front and took out two water bottles. She handed them to the family and turned to leave.

"Thank you very much!" the mother and daughter said as she walked away. She nodded at them and turned around and left with Windy.

"You gave away your food? You haven't eaten since you got in today," Windy said with concern.

"Yeah, but it's cool. I'm headed home anyways and I can always eat something on the way. They won't be able to eat if they stay here. A night without food won't kill me. I just felt bad for them," May responded.

"Are there any fast foods on your way home?" Windy asked.

May thought for a moment before responding, "Hmm. I don't know. I'm not used to the route yet so I don't really pay attention to my surroundings. I know there are a few but I don't know if they open this late. It's fine though."

"If you say so," Windy said as she checked her phone.

They walked a bit before someone stopped them. A young tan colored man in a black suit asked, "Excuse me miss, I don't mean to bother you but my boss saw what you did for that family over there and would like to thank you on their behalf. May I have your contact information?"

May looked at the man, turned to the family who was eating the food she gave them, and then turned back to the man, "Do you guys know them?"

"Yes, they are part of the business trip we took. She is our secretary. Due to circumstances she had to take her daughter with her," he responded.

"Oh okay. Well, no worries. I just felt bad for the little girl so it's all good. Have a safe travel back!" she said and turned to leave with Windy. 'It really isn't a big deal.' May thought to herself.

The man stopped her again, "please leave your name and number. My boss wants to thank you personally."

"Where is your boss?" May asked. This guy is not leaving her alone.

"The man in the black suit by the wall," he turned and pointed to the opposite wall where a tall guy was standing and looking at them.

Both Windy and May turned their heads to see. He seems young and handsome but neither could make out any details. It was somewhat dark where he was standing and he wore a black suit to match the lighting. Is he a manager or something? An evil idea popped into May's head.

"Fine. Do you have paper and pen?" she gave in with a sigh.

"Yes!" The man handed her a memo pad and a pen from his inside pocket. "Here you go."

"I just got a new number so give me a moment. I'll be right back." May took the paper and pen and went towards the closest counter. She took out her phone from the back of her pocket and opened up the dial pad. A creepy smile appeared on her face. '33x8xx77x0. K. Done. Hehehe. I'm so smart!' She went back to where Windy and the man were and returned the man his pad and pen back with a straight face. "Here you go. Have a goodnight," she smiled and grabbed Windy to leave quickly.

"Thank you! Have a goodnight!" he bowed as the two girls left.

'Asian? Only Asians really bow like that but I can't tell if he is or not. It's whatever. I'm Asian too,' she thought to herself.

"Did you really give them your info? He was very pushy. I wouldn't have," Windy said with disgust.

"Nah. I gave them my nickname and said 'don't worry about it'. Hahaha," she responded and turned to look in the direction the underling was in. 'Hmm? Why are there three of them? Why are they headed this way again? Did they figure it out already?!' Her heart sank. 'I'm doomed!' She grabbed Windy's arm and pulled her forward hard, "hurry, let's get to the car!"

"Ow! What happened?!" Windy exclaimed as she looked up from her phone but stepped forward quickly as well.

May looked back again and saw that the men were getting closer. 'Darn these short legs!' she thought to herself. "I'll explain later! For now, run!" They took off as fast as they could to the exit.

"Wait!" The girls heard the men shouting behind them. May knew they started to run as well because she could hear heavy footsteps behind them getting closer. 'May, what have you done? Who did you offend?!' After some turns to get out of the building, May scrambled through her bag for her keys. Once she had the keys in her hand, she pulled Windy towards the left side of the car lot. Windy was about to go right since May usually parked on the right side. May unlocked the car with the remote key and started her engine. She pulled out quickly after a quick glance around her for other vehicles. Luckily not a lot of cars were nearby either and headed for the exit. There was a car in front of them and several behind them once they arrived at the exit.

Windy looked back and saw the men looking around for them. Windy was huffing and puffing, "what was that?! What did you write on the paper that offended some mafia to come after us?!"

"I just wrote my name and don't worry about it! Kinda. Hahaha," May responded out of breath.

"Don't 'hahaha' me! What did you really write?" Windy glared at her while trying to catch her breath.

She responded sheepishly, "I wrote 'Tarus but 'don't worry', in number form, about it'. You have to see to understand. I don't remember the numbers I used for it. But if anyone asks about what happened or about me, don't say anything. I'm honestly scared. Hahaha."

Windy looked at her in disbelief and said in despair, "You screwed up big time! They know how I look. I can't deny anything about this if they come and ask me. I work tomorrow afternoon too! Argh! I hate you so much right now."

"Please! Think of this as payment for all the times I took you home! Please!" May begged as she continued to drive them home.

"Fine. But if things get difficult, I'm selling you out!" she puffed.

"Deal! Thanks!" May smiled and laughed at the whole situation while internally dying. 'I should quit or just not go to work for a week or so. I need money. I'll just tell the boss something urgent came up and not go to work for a week. They should be gone by then. Right?'

May woke up from a sudden ringtone. 'It's 7:43 am.' "Hello? Why are you calling so early, Tin?" she answered groggily.

"The hell happened yesterday, May?! Some guys in suits were waiting at the front like they are about to hunt down someone. I asked if they needed help and they said that they're looking for a girl who worked here last night with a bun. Said they needed to talk to her. I asked for more details and they said you told them your name is "Tarus". I told them you were off today and tomorrow. What did you do??" he asked with concern.

May got up quickly from her bed at the mention of the men in tuxes. Her heart sank more than the night before but started to beat twice as fast. "Um, haha. I'm in trouble, Tin. Thanks for not selling me out. I don't know who they are but they asked for my info and I gave them some fake info and I guess they realized it super quick and so I ran from them. All a very scary misunderstanding. Haha. Windy knows what happened. She can tell you more details when she comes in. Imma be out for a week to hide. That okay?"

"Sighhhhh. Okay. But if things get tough and the law gets involved, we may not have a choice, understand? They looked like serious business thugs," he reluctantly responded.

"Yeah, I understand. If anything, I may have to quit. In fact, I will. I am quitting today. That way you can just say I no longer work there and don't know where I've gone. You also can't give out employee's info anyways, so done deal! Yeah?" May excitedly said.

"That's for the best but we're already short on staff. You're our Friday and Saturday night closer," Tin plundered.

"I'll come back once things settle down. Maybe in a month or two. Okay? Just say I don't work there anymore but don't let them know I'm coming back later. You're the store manager so you get the final say," she urged.

"Fine! I give you a month to come back!" he said in disappointment.

"Two months! Just in case! It may be sooner but at most two months!"

"Okay. Be safe and keep in touch. I'll let you know if they come back."

"Thanks!" May ended the call and laid out on her bed. She looked at the ceiling with a blank mind. 'What did I do? What do I do? Have to tell my roommates first so they can cover up if needed; and just to give them a heads up if I go missing. Hahaha. Scary…'

The men in tuxes showed up every day after that for a week. May's managers informed them that she had quit, and by law, they could not give out employee's information. The men could still be seen sometimes throughout the month on random days keeping watch in case she came back for something. Tin is a really good manager. He told her she shouldn't come back at all since it seemed like a dangerous place for her. May agreed and left officially.

May informed her roommates, Rune, Crane, and Tess, about the situation shortly after. They kept scolding her for being mischievous and that she deserved it, but also told her to be careful. She only responded like she usually does - "always!" with a big smile.

Just something I thought of that could be fun. Not sure where I'm headed with this. Not sure if it'll be more of an adventure type or romance type or fantasy type or I don't know...something. xD Not sure if I'll finish this either...many stories left unfinished since I'm a beginner writer. After some time, parts of this may be changed/edited...

For those that read this, what do you think about this so far? Criticize please! This is my first openly posted thing so ... :)

Kurogomcreators' thoughts