
Adventure of love (discovering my identity)

Its has always been my dream to explore Rwanda especially Kigali the capital city of Rwanda the land of thousand hills, ridges, valley, flowering trees, bustling streets, wildlife and, expeditions visits like volcanoes, waterfall, the rainforest that home many African animals including Mountain Gorillas and the worlds largest natural park for Hippopotamus. It is one of the smallest countries on the African mainland but can boast of the cleanest country in Africa. I can imagine visiting the Kigali genocide memorial, volcanoes national park or, the Nyungwe forest national park, and the Gorillas guardian village, I wouldn't say I am an animal lover but who wouldn't like to see a gorilla even though it means being far away as possible, take pictures for remembrance and enjoy the view especially the nightlife scenes.

MY name is Alice Anderson I grew up in Nigeria with my dad and stepmom, I was born in the United States of American according to my dad but unfortunately, my mom died shortly after my birth my stepmom was a nurse in the hospital where I was born, she took pity on my dad and offered to help in taking care of me, after a year they got married and moved to Nigeria since that is her home of origin, we have lived there ever since until recently my dad -Andrew Anderson was transferred to Kigali as a manager his company J and J real estate started a real estate company in Kigali and wanted dad to manage it, I was so overjoyed my dream is about to become a reality. while my parent was pondering on how they will tell our relatives about the news I was busy rejoicing, arranging my luggage. To be honest, I have been to many countries and several cities but there is something in particular about Rwanda maybe because I haven't been there before.

A week after we arrived in Kigali dad company gave him a house and an official car I kept telling my mom to pinch me I am honestly in my dream country, my stepmom name is Olichi Anderson I mostly call her my mom because she never made me miss my biological mom at all, my dad will always joke saying 'Alice I guess we did a great thing in the past life to deserve this blessing in disguise of a woman'.and that just the truth

, from infancy till now she has always been there for me, nurturing me, teaching me, supporting me through my academics, she always treats me like the child she never had; I have heard and read a lot of stories about evil stepmother but mine is super B- Beautiful, Bold and Black, amazing, different, unique, and the best gift that my dad and I could ever receive.

Even though my dream of coming to Rwanda had not been a reality I will still be contented with having my mom and dad by my side

I am 21 years of age, a pastry chef I have always loved baking and cooking right from a tender age, I baked with mom and we prepared meal together for the family, most times I create my recipes and its always turn out great. my dad jokingly says the hardest question in the world is deciding who is the best chef between both of you, and my mom would add...' oh! I can't compete with her, all I have is the experience which she doesn't even need, she is a superstar.' they always make me seem special.

I am finally in Kigali my dream country we had the company driver come pick us from the airport to our apartment, the sight of Kigali city was so beautiful, the environment clean, the views beautiful, and the citizen accomodating and hospitable. I can't wait to explore this country.

It's morning I woke up feeling so famished, apart from the food given to all passengers on the plane, I didn't eat anything yesterday night, well I was too happy I guess, but right now I am so hungry, someone please tell me what's for breakfast- 'oh! you are awake sleeping beauty, I thought you will still be in bed till noon' mom reached sarcastically.

she is looking so beautiful today, mom is a very beautiful woman with her brown eyes, dark hair, and naturally stunning dark glowing melanin skin, my dad mostly calls her bony because of her unusual good skin, smooth, pretty tone, she is the apple of Mr. Andrew eyes, the most beautiful flower that brings joy every morning and oh!

her smile very contagious .she is the caretaker of our home, she wakes up as early as possible before everyone else no matter how tired the previous night could be. Today was no exception, she was dressed in a white pant and a beautiful blouse .... oh! my mom and white most of her clothes are white and all the decorations of every house we have been to was equally white I am sure after we have settled down, she will re-decorate this house to our home ... her idea taste, uncleanliness was not part of her either, despite from the curtain to the sofa and even the furniture was all white there were always sparkling.

I wish to be just like her, she is so perfect I don't seem to find any flaws in her, my no 1 role model

'oh! sweet mother good morning, hope you slept well?' I said while giving her a back hug she reciprocated by going me a bear hug

'where is dad' asked

'oh! he went out with the driver to get us breakfast there is no foodstuff in the house maybe later to the day we will go to the nearby market to get the same foodstuff.' replied mom

'ok .... though I would have preferred we all go for breakfast it would have allowed me to explore a little' i said

'says someone who just woke up in her pajamas' mom laughed and I joined, I am known as the long sleeper in the family

'hey I have the same warm milk while we wait for dad to return' mom suggested

'don't I have the best mom in the whole world' i said

'Sure you do'' she replied we both smiled.

in less than five minutes dad and the driver drove into the compound he came in with called chicken same fruit coffee toasted bread the aroma of all of this made me so hungry I hurriedly grabbed my coffee, bread, and chicken.

'Good morning dad welcome' i said

'Good morning sunshine, I hope you slept well?' dad asked

'Yes dad' i replied

I thanked my parent for the meal, got up to go freshen up we need to explore Kigali city today, upon getting into my room I looked at the four corners of my room it was just so plain I need to re-decorate this room if I will be staying here for long I told myself I apply my face mask, took some pictures and send to my best friend shalom.

Shalom is a Nigerian, she was my neighbor back home she has always been my childhood friend we grew up together, went to school together, baked together, we have our difference but we love each other. luckily for me she was online we ended up calling virtually we talked for hours I washed my face mask off, wash my mouth, took my bath we were still talking we both had a lot to talk about she helped me pick my outfit, and after about 2hrs:30 min of the talk we had to say goodbye I looked at myself in the mirror I look stunning with my blonde hair that rested on my shoulder my blue eyes that everyone talked about my charm and the flowery dress shalom picked for me, my white pair of sneakers and the necklaces my mom bought as a gift for me last Christmas I look very much ready to go I have always been a center of attraction my dad would say I take after mom with my beauty he says whenever I see you I see your mom, I felt glad hearing that when I was younger but not anymore because I feel anytime he see me he experience that pain all over again the pain of losing his first love. both my dad and mom biological mom are white so I get my facials and my blonde hair from them I went to the sitting room where dad and mom were discussing

'am ready to go' I announced

'Manners young lady' dad corrected

'she is just over-excited, pardon her' mom apologized on my behalf

'Young lady where are you headed to?' dad asked

'To explore Kigali city dad I need to take the picture and send it to shalom shes expecting them' i replied

' i will be heading to the office soon and your mother will be needing someone to accompany her to the market to get foodstuffs maybe during the weekend my love' dad said

'oh! this was not my plan' i cried heading back to my room

I called shalom complaining to her about my predicament she sympathizes with me, encouraging me to be patient.

'Alice you are not in Kigali for a vacation you still have a lot of time to explore but right now I will suggest you help your parent settle in, I think this weekend is still ok if you ask me ' she said

she always talks so maturely and responsibly despite we are of the same age, I guess that one of the reasons my parent love her, she has a boyfriend, I can't count how many times she has bragged about getting married before me but to be honest, I don't care I will always be happy for her although I must confess that john and shalom does make a perfect couple it's not easy to find someone that loves you just as much as you love them. I have not been very lucky to experience love from someone else apart from my parent and shalom my best friends.

'ok ms adviser I have heard you; I replied to shalom and ended the call, although her advice didn't change much of anything because I am still sad it been my dream all along, and despite being so close to it I still have to wait, which I hate- patience is not a virtue that I possess., but then a thought crosses my mind I could still explore while accompanying mom to the market.

I hurriedly went to the sitting room,' mom when are we going' i asked

'oh! sweetheart I was waiting for your' mom replied

'then let's hurry I said

'ok after you' she said smiling.

Dad had left for the office already, the driver was ready to drive us to the market. the driver took us to the market called kimironko market in Kigali the busiest market in town it was a little far from where we stayed but it was worth every minute I got the chance to view Kigali city. we bought a lot of foodstuff from rice, green vegetables, meat, fish, fruits, tomatoes, and a lot more these were guys in the market who helped us with the load for some small fees, we also bought some ingredient for baking. I got home feeling so tired and famished but not mom. she went straight to the bathroom took her bath, changed her outfit, and headed back to the kitchen .you see the reason I call her my super mom.

'Alice why are you still sitting on the couch go bath and come help me out' .said mom.

' oh! mom, I am so tired .just let me be please' i begged.

you are getting older you know right as a woman you will have to settle down someday, you need to know how to do some certain things without being told, we both went to the market, I have taken my bath and change my clothes and you still in the same position left you, sweetheart, that's not good enough ' mom gave her usual sermon.

'oh! mom I understand but you don't expect everyone to be hardworking like you' i replied

'i was not born like this Alice I had to learn mom replied with a stern tone.

' ok mom on my way to bath' i rushed to the bathroom.

Apart from laziness, and uncleanliness, my mom detests argument I knew better than to stretch the matter further. besides she always right. I took my bath with warm water and guess what I dozed off.

It's been a year since we moved to Kigali, living in Kigali has been beautiful, the environment, weather, and the people- they have been very accommodative, hospitable, friendly, and nice. I have also been able to explore Rwanda which has been my dream, I started by going to the restaurants close then mount Kigali which had an amazing view, the convention center in Kigali mom was so engrossed in the redecoration of ou new home though when she was done she joined me in our tour and trust me she was a great company, dad was so busy with office work so he couldn't join us, we went to mont sabinyo one of the eight volcanoes in Virunga mount range I heard its shared with Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, I did hike although challenging. we visited Ile de cyuza an Idyllic island on the lake burera, the volcanic view was worth every penny and stress it took us to get there, Nyungwe national forest was one of my favorite destination its located in the southernmost part of Rwanda its a place where you find lush rainforest, waterfall hikes, and different bird species, we purchased chimpanzee permit for a chance to hike through the forest with park rangers in an attempt to find the chimpanzee family how cool was that! we also visited the tea plantation popularly known as Sorwathe, we had a tea production tour, lunch, and free tea tasting, and the views were refreshing. Rwanda has been known to harbor many African animal especially Mountain Gorillas which we did see after our long walk through the bamboo forest luckily we witness the naming ceremony of a baby Gorilla, we paid our respect at the Kigali genocide memorial where we saw a detailed well-crafted museum about the history of the genocide in 1994 against Tutsi and other personal stories, we went for shopping I got a neckpiece - handmade jewelry from kitenge fabric mom also got some art pieces to decorate the house, dad also wanted to experience the amazing views of Rwanda after we narrate our experiences he suggested we have a tour over Rwanda's hill we boarded Akagera Aviation to view the land of thousand hills all of these was amazing, breathtaking, beautiful. Shalom was so jealous when I told her about all my experiences.

I didn't just explore Rwanda in a year I also started a business, I started selling my pastries in the city of Kigali, my business grew famous in the space of a year I supply to both formal and informal event, houses, parties, and even offices. people love my product I have been able to earn loyal customers, so far I have two staffs -Fidel who do the deliveries, and Pamela who help me out in baking and serving the customers. am happy and contented at the level I am right now. I am 22 years of age and owns my own business which is doing well. though shalom, mom, and even surprisingly dad even keeps asking me about my love life, they ask questions like is there someone we should be expecting? if there is a significant other? and a whole lot of unnecessary question, early this year shalom told me about her engagement, and funny enough she never misses any chance to tease me about the fact that I am alone, which is not true because I have my mom, dad, and even her, she always argue saying she is getting married and soon have a child that will be my godchild and my mom and dad are married, so go get your own man she will say, how annoying she always is but I can't stop loving her. Her marriage is in the next 3 month and according to her she will want a destination wedding, that means I have to be with her a month before the wedding I am so sad she will be getting married, she has always been my best friend but now she has another best friend. she so happy, wherever we talk about her wedding there is always this glow on her face, she might be getting a bit stressed, anxious from the wedding preparation but there is still that obvious excitement within her, I guess I am just been selfish, thinking about her now makes me miss her even more, I decided to call her.

' hey john finance, how are you?' i said

'single lady I am great and you?' she replied we both laughed

'we spoke this morning, why are you calling again, I hope everything is fine ? ' she asked in a concerned tone

'am fine I just miss you ' i replied

'you see, when I tell you to get a man, you say shalom is too much, I will be getting married soonest, I wouldn't want you to disturb me with calls when om having quality time with my husband' she said laughing

'shalom to be honest that's not funny at all, you think a good man is someone you pluck, purchase or buy in the market just because you are lucky doesn't mean you will have to tease me all the time.' i replied

'I have heard you, you will always have excuses, have you ever tried?' what about sam- john friend? and other guys both here at home and even where you are currently, they all seem interested in you but you never gave them chance, you always have a negative comment about every one of them, you are just too picky dear and you know no one is perfect ' she said.

'Shalom do understand me it's not like I don't want a man in my life, I also want to settle down someday, have a family, have children. but I don't want any random man, I want a man that will treat me right, someone who will respect me, someone who will make me his priority without being asked, someone who knows who he is and what he wants in life, and until I find such a man I am contented being single.' i replied

' i understand I was only concerned ' i wouldn't want you to be alone all your life, do you want to be single at 30?' she asked

' i don't understand does married or having a significant figure in your life mean an accomplishment? I don't want people to think about the man I married but the impact I made on society, to myself, and the world, I am in my waiting period ok? so whether I find that Mr right or not, I am working on my legacy, I want to be remembered for the lives I inspired and impacted not the man I married besides I have my business, my career, I plan on creating new recipes for next week menu I said getting annoyed already

'ok I hear you, enough of singleness let talk about my wedding, before you call I was going through some wedding photo of bridal dresses, help me pick, I need an elegant, classic yet simple design ' she replied.

That's just typical of shalom especially now, she talks of nothing except her wedding, dress, or how romantic john is. its been 2 weeks since the conversation between shalom and me, things have been going smoothly, she always updates me on her wedding preparation I was able to create new recipes and the feedback was amazing, in the past 2 weeks I have gotten a lot of order from the new menu I have also been improving on myself, learning new skills, practicing good health habits, and focusing on myself and career. recently dad had talked about a young man moving into one of our guesthouse in the estate, my dad couldn't stop emphasizing how good-looking he is, how well mannered and responsible he seems, I am sure he was saying that to my hearing. well, I decided to write a letter to my future spouse that's if he exists.

Dear future spouse,

It seems like everyone around me is married

Engaged, about to get married

Have someone in their life with the hopes of getting married to them

I am not desperate for a man to love

Neither am desperate for a man's identity

I don't need a man to be complete either

Neither do I want a man to complete me

I live in a society

Where marriage, Having a significant other

Is seen as an accomplishment which I strongly disagree with.

I don't want to just be remembered for the man I married

I also want to be remembered for lives I impacted for lives I inspired

I want to look back in the latter-day

And be proud of the woman I became

though no matter how great bossy a woman can be

Her worst fear is to be all alone

Especially when her girlfriends are getting married, engaged

When people close to her are leaving the single-zone

Do not get me wrong either being single is great

I have time to be selfish

With time, money

Being single I get to focus more on myself

My career, healthy habits, emotional health

But I guess out of curiosity

I want to know what it feels like to be in love

I want to find that person that treats me just right

Someone I can rely on

A support system that will always be right beside me

A friend than a lover

A companion than just a wife, girlfriend

Someone that respects me that treats me as his 1 priority

Someone with a vision big enough to accommodate mine

My three best friend has shown me that true love exists

So I am going to wait for you

Just so you know am not perfect

I cant brag I don't have faults

I have a lot of flaws

Am far from perfection

But I hope in my imperfection

You will love me intentionally, unconditionally

I hope you will see me like a queen instead of a mess

Still waiting.

But while waiting I will try to be a better person

For myself first then for you.

Yours Sincerely

your future spouse

I finally finish my letter to my future spouse, I can't believe I wrote all this, although I feel so relieved, it's been a long time that I poured out my emotions in writing I guess I need to do it more often. I closed my diary, it was 6:oo am, one of my healthy habits I started practicing recently some exercise, I do some pushup and other minor exercises for beginners in my room but today I felt like taking a run. I took off my pajamas, I wore a more comfortable cloth, with my sneakers. I planned on running within the estate, on leaving the building I stooped to play some music on my phone, while I was scrolling through the music list on my phone I heard some footsteps I looked up and I saw a tall, young man with my assumption he should be in his 20's you could tell he works out a lot hence his well built, sharp features, and balance weight. he made firm contact with me and smiled I felt my cheek grow red that made me infuriated especially because it takes me a lot to blush, he made me weak from my stomach.

what does he think of himself?

am sure girls swoon over him?

although his physical prowess cannot be denied I bet he's like other good-looking arrogant guys that feel they have made it in life because of their good looks.

I recollected I came out for a run, I decided to go through the opposite direction, after about 45 minutes later I got home, showered, took some smoothies. I got a call from the shop I hurriedly ate my breakfast and headed to the shop.

Today's sale was great, we had new clients there were a lot of orders and supplies, I was so excited at the same time exhausted, I needed to restock for the next day sales at the nearby supermarket. luckily for me, I was able to get everything I needed while walking towards the cashier to pay for what I had purchased I heard a masculine voice saying 'hey! hey! hey!' i wanted to turn back just to know if he was referring to me but then I wouldn't want a scenario whereby he would be referring to someone else, I checked my handbag and the basket that contained all the content I purchased when I was sure that there was no reason for anyone to call me I continued moving towards the cashier, the footsteps were getting more closer, who could this be I asked myself? maybe he's coming to pay for the items he bought also I replied to myself, I got to the cashier desk I gave her all the item I had purchased in the basket, as she was checking the prices of each of the items, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned back and behold a very familiar face, where do I know this man from I asked myself.

'hi you were the one I met earlier while running right?' he asked

I had that same feeling- I felt sick to my stomach, he was so close to me I couldn't stop myself from identifying each feature from his good sense of clothing- simple yet classic, his bright eyes, sharp cute nose, his defined lips, the smell from his fragrance which was refreshing and clean.

'excuse me, ma'am, your bill is 300,000 RWF' the cashier said

I did not realize I have been staring at him, I paid the cashier to take the item, as I turned to leave I noticed he was right in front of me there was no way I could ignore, avoid him.

'you haven't answered my questions ma'am, you are the lady I saw earlier right?' he asked again.

his voice the gentleness that comes with it and his British accent were so authentic, original, the expression of his voice melted in my heart.

'is this some kind of interrogation? why do you keep asking the question repeatedly?' i replied.

'please don't be offended, your face seems familiar that's why you reminded me of the lady I met while running this morning' he said apologetically

' it fine I am the lady you saw, how may I be of help to you?' i said

'oh! I knew it, just wanted to be sure, my name is Royland, nice to meet you' he replied

'my name is Alice is nice to meet you also, I love your accent you are not from here right?' i asked

'yea I came for a vacation, am from the united kingdom' he replied

'oh! I see so why Rwanda? has it been your childhood dream? where have you visited? for how long have you been here? ' i asked my inquisitiveness got the better part of me.

'it seems like it been your childhood dream, we could talk over a cup of coffee or drinks if you don't mind' he said

It wouldn't be a bad idea after all this would prove to shalom that I do mingle, I put the items I bought in the car, locked them and we walked to the restaurant which was a stone-stroll from my parking space. he decided to answer my questions he has been here for three days, he is still getting accustomed to the place, the environment he's staying in, he will be here for up to a month, he chose Rwanda because he hasn't visited it before and it been his childhood dream to travel, explore all the continent of the world. he loves traveling and he's glad he is by himself this time. we ordered some drinks and snacks, they are not as great as mine but I ate them any way we talked in length about our passion, career our adventure, values, family, friends and a lot more, we had a lot in common, mutual goals similar values, same age .he studied computer engineering, loves and play basketball. he has a very attractive personality, polished behavior, and a very good sense of humor, there is always a usual spark in his eyes whenever he talks about his passions which are so cool.

we were so engrossed with our conversation until the waiter told us they will be closing soon, we looked around and we saw we were the only one left, we both smiled, he paid the bills, walked me to the car, I offered to drop him off, but apparently, he brought a car. I got home late, as usual, mom was surprised coupled with curiosity she started asking questions

' young lady you are back later than usual' she said

' i am sorry mom' i replied

' busy day? she asked

' not exactly ' i replied

'haw was sales today 'she asked

' we made great sales ' i replied

' well done, hungry? she asked

' no, eaten already ' i replied

' you ate with your staffs ' she asked

I knew where she was headed and there's no way I could avoid it.

' no mom, with a friend ' i replied

'which female friend do you have I don't know about? she said

' it was a man, we met earlier today, had some snacks together and talked ' i replied heading upstairs to my room

' young lady am not through with toking to you' she said raising her voice so I could hear her since I was halfway up already

'mom am tired, am not ready for all of this ' i replied

' ok go rest but remember this discussion is not over ' she replied in a very high tone. I didn't see the essence of replying to her so I went to my room, freshen up, put on my pajamas, and went to sleep, planned on telling shalom everything tomorrow. I woke up earlier than ever today, I listened to music, some podcast did some meditation, I decided to prepare breakfast for my parent today, took my bath, changed into a more comfortable cloth. on my way outside the building I met my mom, I guess the aroma of the food woke her.

'Good morning mom' i said giving her a bear hug

'Good morning sunshine, hope you slept well?' she asked

Sure I did, how about you I asked

'The same darling, you prepared breakfast?' she asked in a surprised tone

'Yes mom' i replied

'Sweetheart won't you tell me what happened yesterday, you came back home tired but also with a glow on your face ' mom said

'Mom it's nothing stop over-worrying yourself, I just went out to eat, that's it.' i replied

'Babe I need the full story, or are you no keeping secrets from me?' she asked

of course not, mom is one of my best friends I can tell her anything without feeling judged, I decided to tell her everything in detail.

'all alright babe, you can go and be just be careful ok?' she said

Coming out of my apartment I saw Royland standing at the entrance of my house.

'Good morning Royland what are you doing here?' i asked

'Good morning Alice, I want to appreciate you for taking out your time for me yesterday, I haven't talked to anyone in length like we did yesterday thank you, I was hoping we run together today' he replied

'oh! it was nothing I also had a blissful time with you, enough of talk can we run now?' i replied

we did run and had some chit chat, he asked me if I could take him around Rwanda, he needed someone to accompany him on his tour around Rwanda, he perceives me as a great company, I had to make him understand that I own a business and I can't leave it unsupervised and accompany him on his tour. his face went from that of a confident man to that of a puppy, I guess he was certain I wouldn't refuse, maybe he thought he would be doing me a favor. we ran in silence after that, on getting to my house he promised to come by at the shop for lunch.

'Welcome back sweetheart' mom said with a smile when I got in the house.

'Good morning Alice ' dad said

'oh! good morning dad' i ran giving him a hug I got a peck in return.

'your mom said you have a new friend' dad said waiting for me to affirm

I looked at mom she pretended to concentrate on the food.

'oh! Alice darling this food is delicious, I could tell you put in a lot of love in preparing it' mom said smiling.

' i agree darling' dad added

'thanks please excuse me, I have to freshen up' i said

'sure babe do go ahead' they both said while exchanging a weird smile.

I decided to give shalom a call to update her about the latest besides I feel so bad I turned him down, she picked my call on the second ring, I explained it to her in detail.

'oh! Alice why can't you agree to accompany him, what harm will that do to you?' she asked I should expect that from her anyway.

'shalom didn't you hear what I just said, I have a business to run don't you understand?' i replied.

'i heard everything you said madam, firstly you have staff to handle it, secondly, your mom is on leave, if you don't trust your staff mom wouldn't mind helping you supervise until you are back. besides your dad should know him, he lives in your estate am sure all his personal information will be in the company records and you told me you enjoyed the little time you spent on your date, babe give yourself some break and have fun.' she said

' i will think about it, I will have to discuss it with mom' i replied

What she said made sense, I mean its wouldn't hurt to give it a try besides I know J and J's real estate company to be very security conscious they wouldn't give an apartment to anyone without a clear and proper background check on the person especially their criminal records, I also enjoyed the little time I spent with him, though I still need to discuss with mom because if she would not be available to supervise my business for me I can't accompany him and that is final no matter what any other person has to say. I freshen up, wore a pant and t-shirt keeping it casual with my sneakers I arranged my hair into a ponytail, applied sunscreen and deodorant, I remembered that Royland will be coming for lunch I applied a little bit of makeup with a promise not to stress myself before noon so I wouldn't look a mess when he arrives. I left my room for breakfast.

'someone is looking extra today' mom said the moment she saw me.

'oh! mom stop exaggerating I dress this way to work every day ' i replied

' i can sight some trace of makeup, I can't remember when you applied makeup to work' mom said

'mother and daughter enough of your banter, am off to work'. dad said

'Goodbye dad I love you' i replied

'i love you too my angel, have a successful day' dad said

Mom gave him a kiss they seem to forget they have a young single lady in the house.

'oh! mom and dad I am her, could you stop already or at least get a room' i said

' your first mom was engaged, preparing to get married at your age' mom replied

'don't mind her honey' dad replied

'have a blessed and great day honey' mom said

mom accompanies dad to his car with his suitcase.

'why do u always still act like newlyweds all the time, you guys have been together for more than 20 years now.' i asked mom when she got back inside.

'we don't act dear, love is a choice, it's choosing to be committed to this one person all your life, in every relationship, there are bound to be conflict but when there are commitments that bring about trust, it will be hard to give up on each other. love is choosing to fall in love with each other every single day, so every day is like the day you first got married, but for the relationship to be longlasting its has to be mutual. don't worry you will experience it soon' mom replied.

'I have to be at my shop now mom, do have a great day I love you.' I said

'I love you too darling, have a successful day '. mom replied

I couldn't discuss with mom about accompany Royland on his tour to Rwanda because I was late to shop, I planned to talk to her when am back from work. At 11:45 AM Royland walked into my shop looking dashing as ever, he had a t-shirt and jeans on, it was like it was planned, we looked like two couples with matching clothes, we talked, ate, took a walk within the environment, he begged me to accompany him on the tour.

'you are the only friend I know and trust in this country and it will be great to have a friend accompany me on this tour its will be fun I promise, please consider it' he begged

I didn't want to seem inconsiderate so I told him I will think about it, we had a lot of customers today, Royland offered to stay back to help out, I was overly grateful, and he was such a great help, his mom bakes according to me and he helps out, he also mentioned that my pastries remind him so much of his moms. After the day's work we both went home together he wanted to meet my family and I wanted to treat him to dinner in appreciation of his help, my dad was not home yet but my mom was super happy to meet him.

'Hello dear you are welcome, Alice has told me nice things about you, this would be her first time bringing a man home, her dad is still at work but I made dinner I hope you can join us for dinner?' mom asked

'thank you for your hospitality ma'am, a bachelor like me can't refuse such a generous offer ' he replied with a smile

'oh! Alice, I like him already' mom whispered

'oh! Mom, I am relieved' I said sarcastically

'oh! Dear, I prepared egusi soup [melon soup] and cassava flour it's a Nigerian delicacy I hope you would be able to eat it.' Mom said

'yes ma I had a Nigerian friend back in college through him I got to taste a lot of Nigerian delicacies ' he replied

'oh! That's great Alice please show him to the dining' mom instructed.

I just don't understand why mom is so overly friendly they talked like they have known each other for years and they made me feel left out, he ate like a true Nigerian he left the cutleries and made use of his hands. After the food he offered to wash the dishes, mom and I declined but he persisted, then mom suggested they do the dishes together so they will have more time to continue their discussion before he goes. I felt so irritated I decided to go freshen up and prepare for the next day, on my way out of the bathroom I heard mom calling me to escort the visitor outside, I reluctantly came down after putting on a comfortable cloth.

'you look more beautiful without makeup 'he said the moment she sighted me.

I looked at mom I could see smiles on her face.

'thank you, can we go now? I asked

'sure, thank you, ma'am, the meal was delicious, I enjoyed every bit of it, it's the best Nigerian food I have eaten so far.' He replied while giving mom a peck on her cheeks.

'good night Royland, thanks for today I am grateful.' I said after we left the apartment.

'good night ms Alice, there is no need for thanksgiving over again we are right? And thanks for the meal, I enjoyed it.' He replied

'do have a goodnight's sleep' I said

'sure, I would and I hope you also have a good night's sleep' he replied with a kiss on my forehead, which was unexpected. He got into his car and drove off.

'Royland is a very nice man, he seems like someone from a decent, responsible, well-mannered family, did you noticed he offered to wash the dishes. He told me came for a vacation here in Kigali, he is looking for someone to accompany him, I feel you would be in the right position to accompany him, don't you think so? It's like expressing the excitement of exploring Rwanda over again, it could also be a stress reliever, you will also make new friends '. Mom advised

'mom did he put you up to this, I told him I would have to think about it, besides who is going to look after my business if I accompany him?' I asked

'of course dear I would love to supervise your business for you while you are gone, you should have asked me, I am on leave for a month from now and he didn't put me up for this we were just discussing and he decided to confide in me.' Mom said

' alright mom, but I would have to inform dad' I said

'don't worry I will talk to him, Royland is a good man, this is a mother instinct talking to you remember that African adage that says ' what a parent sees while sitting down, a child cant see it even though he climbs the tallest tree'. Accompany him ok?' mom advised

'I have heard you, I will talk to him, I will use this weekend to put everything in order at the shop, and if he's willing to wait till next week we can start our adventure.' I replied

'very good my dearest' mom replied with a smile.

I was so tired I had a hectic day at work today I need to rest because tomorrow is likely to be another hectic day.

'good night mom, I need to rest.' I said with a hug

'good night dear have a peaceful night rest' mom replied

I woke up later than usual today with body aches I guess I over-stress myself last night, I lazily took my bath, dressed up, and headed to my shop, surprisingly I saw Royland sitting in the shop.

'Good morning Mr. Royland, hope you slept well?' I asked

'Good morning ms Alice, I slept well thank you, what about you?' he asked

'I slept well also thanks' I replied

' you seem tired, I hope you are good?' he asked in a concerned tone

'I am fine thank you, I am just a bit tired from yesterday stress, what do I owe this early morning visit' I asked

'well I didn't see you while running today I presume you might be at the shop so I decided to drop by and check on you and I also want to have my breakfast here' he replied

'oh! Thank you so much for your concern and your patronage' I said

I called Pamela to take his orders, I decide to seize this opportunity to talk to him about his request for me to accompany him on his tour to Rwanda I already promise mom that I would talk to him.

'Royland about your request to accompany you on your tour of Rwanda I have thought about it, and I have decided to accompany you.' I said

'really?' he asked excitedly

'yes, apparently someone had to inform my mom about it and she convinced me that it was a good idea, it would be a stress reliever for me and it would be a good opportunity to experience Rwanda again, make new friends, and know you more' I said

' I am sorry Alice I didn't mean to tell you to your mom, our discussion leads me to open up, thank you so much though for accepting to accompany me' he replied with that puppy face which made me smile.

'it's fine, we are friends right no need for the thanksgiving over again' I said

'you are using my words back at me, right? He asked and we laughed

'well….. ' I said

'what about the shop, who will supervise it?' I asked

'mom, she is on leave this month' I answered

'ok that's nice' he said

His food was brought to him I decided to excuse myself.

'if it's fine by you we could start our adventures next week, I have to prepare this week, excuse me.' I said

'sure' he replied we exchange smiles I left for the kitchen.

We spent over two weeks touring Rwanda exploring the mountain top views, volcanic views, waterfall hikes, rainforest, Rwanda's delicacies, and many other interesting places in Rwanda, we traveled from one city to another, I had to spend some night outside my parent's house, we slept in hotels, guesthouses, motels there where sometimes we had to camp outside, Its was an adventurous journey, I enjoyed every bit of our journey and Royland was a very great company, he never made the journey boring he's either making funny remarks, telling me about his funny childhood memories, telling me jokes, he made the tour worth every single minute of my time, in just 2 weeks we got closer than I ever imagined. It was beautiful, fun, entertaining, joyous, and adventurous. It was funny how people mistook us as couples. I guess mom was right Royland is a good man.

He took care of me during our journeys, I could label him as an overly protective man, he treated me like royalty, he saw me as the only woman during our journey -no flirting with other women, he gave me his full attention, I was able to talk to him freely I told him things I had not told anybody before, he understands me, he listens to me, he doesn't judge me for my action neither does he criticize my behaviors, he is genuinely concerned of my well-being, feelings, career, dreams and my aspiration in life, apart from my parents and shalom he's the first person that I have known who has a genuine care for me.

He doesn't just listen to me, he talks to me also, he tells me about his wildest dreams, fears, insecurity, I guess that m

ade me more comfortable to confide in him. No matter how tense I am he just knows how to bring smiles to my face.

We are back in Kigali from our tours, he will be leaving for his country in 3 days, I am already missing him, I don't think I missed shalom the way I am missing him despite that he hasn't left yet, the fact that my subconsciousness has registered that he is leaving soon, makes me miss him. It's like we have known each other forever, he has been the most open, honest, transparent person I have ever known. he decided to take me on a dinner date, he promised to pick me up the next day by 6:00 p.m after the days work. I felt work early to prepare for my dinner date, mom had that usual smile, she even helped me in picking my outfits and my makeup, by 5:40 p.m a car drove into our compound I looked through the window and I saw Royland but he was looking tensed than usual, he wore a suit which was not his usual style but it looks so god on him its reveals his broad shoulders and all his masculine structures, it's made me remember the hiking competition in mount sabinyo, we competed against another couple and we won, we were so happy that we hugged for a long time, that was the best hug ever it took me to another world, I felt like we were the only person in that place, just remembering it made my cheeks grow red. today he was more self-conscious than ever, he was busy checking how he looks through the car wing mirror, he adjusted his hairdo a lot of time, he was trying so hard to look perfect, after staring at the car wing mirror for what seems like forever, he started pacing around while whispering to himself. I had to come down to meet him because he was acting so weird, the moment he saw me, he stared at me dreamily for a long time, it was weird but also very beautiful.

'so are you guys going or are you planning on just staring at each other throughout the night?' mom asked interrupting our beautiful moment

'good evening ma'am, I didn't notice when you came out' Royland stammered

'Sure you wouldn't notice, Royland I didn't know you stammer' mom said in sarcasm

'you had better start going, I wouldn't want Alice to return home after midnight' mom added

'alright ma' we both replied

'enjoy yourself' we heard mom say after we entered the car

'you are acting weird Royland' i said when started driving

'weird in what way, Alice?' he asked

'i am certain you know what I mean' i replied

'you are beautiful' he said

'I know you Royland you are trying to change the topic, what are you up to tonight?' I asked

'nothing Alice I just prepared something really small for you as an appreciation he replied

oh! Is that the reason you are tense?' I asked

'Alice relax, I am fine, everything is fine ok?' he said trying to sound assuring

'ok if you say so ' I replied

'we are here ' he announced

'where?' I asked

'the last time I checked we were on our way to a dinner date right?' he replied while opening the door for me

'nice place but why does it seem so familiar?' I asked

'Is it? Maybe it seems familiar because it's your shop' he said with a smile

'oh! You brought me to my shop for a dinner date?' I asked a little bit disappointed

'please let go inside, it's getting chilly' he replied

We walked inside my shop, as the owner, I couldn't recognize it, he practically renovated the place, there were decorations, balloons, our pictures on the walls, the smell was refreshing also.

'oh my! This is beautiful, how were you able to do all of this in few hours?' I asked

'well I had some help' he replied

'Pamela and Fidel, I should have known there was something fishy going on with their attitude earlier' I said. We both smiled.

I looked around I didn't see anyone and there was no food on the table either, but there was this pleasant aroma coming from the kitchen.

'did you order for food? Or did Pamela cooked before leaving?' I asked

'dearest Alice you worry a lot, but to answer your question I didn't order food and I wouldn't want to bother Pamela by asking her to cook' he replied

'so what are we going to eat? Did you say dinner? Which means eating right? Besides, there is this pleasant aroma from the kitchen' I asked

'Alice I told you to relax right? Trust me please, I made the dinner myself' he answered

'you cook?' I asked with a surprised tone

'I told you I do help out my mom In the kitchen, I was also in college for 4 years Alice, of course, I can cook, it might not be the best but I can assure you its tasty. No much salt or seasoning I promise' he replied. We both smiled

'ok then cant wait to eat it then ' I said

'before that, just so you know I only cook on special occasions and for special people' he said

'ok… do enlighten me what occasion is this?' I asked

'I have the most special beautiful lady with me tonight' he replied while staring right into my eyes, my cheeks grew red I had to look away, he stood up and left for the kitchen. He brought the food, apart from the amazing aroma I was getting the packaging was so superb.

'Royland is there something you are not telling me?' I asked

'like what ' he asked also

'well…. This food right in front of me doesn't look like it was prepared by a beginner who cooks only on a special occasion, it looks like it was prepared by an expert-an an international chef, be honest did you perhaps attend culinary school? I asked

'you ask a lot of question Alice at this rate this food is likely to get cold before you get to taste it, just so you know I was taught by my mom and our chef how to cook and some little practice, my mom will say I was born for it, although cooking could be stress that why I cook only on special occasion and the secret recipes are love, a lot of them so eat up please' he replied

We smiled again, I decide to eat the food so I wouldn't have to hear any more complaints from Royland.

'this taste heavenly, all the flavors combine well, I must say, this is the second-best meal I have ever had, my dad usually says the hardest question for him is deciding the best cook between mom and me, I can only imagine what he would say when he tastes this meal, this is so yummy I guess I have a competitor now.' I said while still eating I could get enough of the food, I could eat this food every single day- it's that amazing. He got us an appetizer, then the main course followed by the desert. I noticed he didn't eat much he mostly stared at me.

'Royland is anything the matter, you look tense and you are not eating either, you can trust me you know right?' I said

'I trust you, Alice, something has been bothering me for some time now and its concerns you' he replied

'concerns me? Then tell me ' I said. He took a deep breath,

'I love you, Alice, this is the first time I will ever say such words to any woman apart from my mom, it started from an attraction, the day I saw you when I was running, throughout that day my subconscious kept thinking about the perfect figure I saw and when I saw you at the grocery store I was so happy I got to see you again, from just an attraction this feeling developed into admiration and now it has blossomed into love, am not so good with words but if there is something I am so sure about is my feeling towards you, Alice Anderson I want to be by your side forever, I want to grow old with you, I want to wake up every morning to see you by my side, I want to help you accomplish your biggest dreams and help you overcome your biggest fears and insecurities, so will you accept me? am not perfect, I may not be your ideal man, but I can promise you that I will try to be a better man for you and our children, a man you will be proud of as yours, I will always stand by you no matter what, respect you, honor you, listen to you, support you, care for you, protect you. I didn't know I will find love this way but right now I don't see myself with anyone but you, Alice do you want to join me on another adventure of our love? ' he said

My cheeks have gotten so red, my eyes were heavy also, I kept drinking water, and he kept looking at me straight in the eye maybe he wanted to read, understand the expression of my face, I was short of words, I honestly didn't see it coming it was unexpected, but his words were so sincere and genuine.

'Please excuse me I will like to use the ladies room' I managed to say

On getting to the ladies room, I started pacing around, this was the first time someone will ever confess their feeling to me in such a way, I even saw some drop of tears, I decided to call shalom.

'hey girlfriend you have decided to abandon me right?' shalom said as soon as she saw me call

'shalom he confessed his feelings to me' I said almost immediately

'who' shalom asked

'Royland of course, who else?' I replied

'like right now?' she asked

'yes some minutes ago, I was so short of words I had to excuse myself to use the ladies room, it seems weird, too good to be true ' I replied

'ok? But why does it seem too good to be true?' shalom asked

'I don't know shalom, all the guy I have ever taken interest in never seem to notice me but here is Royland the ideal man of every lady telling me he wants to spend the rest of his life with me, he said he cant Imagine himself with anyone but me, it's just weird shalom' I said

'to be honest, I don't understand what is weird about it, you found love Alice, or don't you love him?' she asked

'I don't know Shalom, I like him a lot accompanying him on the tour of Rwanda brought us closer than I ever imagine, I enjoy every second I spent with him, I got to know the Royland within apart from his physical features-his broad shoulders, his abs, his defined lips, bright cute eyes, his whole masculine structures, I got to know a kind heart, a gentle soul, a forgiving man, a cheerful soul, I met someone that understands me, just in a month I got to meet that ideal man, someone I only saw in my imagination, dreams.' I replied

'when you think of spending your life with him what comes through your mind?' she asked

'fun a whole lot of them, romance, it might not be perfect but it will be beautiful' I replied with a smile.

'How does he make you feel in his presence and absence?' she asked

'beautiful, special, royalty, happy, he brings out the little girl in me' I replied

'has he ever abuse you verbally, emotionally, physically, sexually?' she asked

'of course not, I can't imagine him ever doing that' I replied

'So who will he say he is to you even before he proposed to you?' she asked

'a friend, someone I can talk to, someone that listen to me, my confidant, my support system, he pushes me to be a better person, someone I can rely on, someone that understands me and my needs, someone that try as much as possible to bring out the best In me.' I replied

'he would be leaving in a few days from now how does that make you feel?' she asked

'I can't even explain, it's like something is about to leave me, I feel sad and I am so going to miss him ' I answered

'what exactly will you miss about him?' she asked

'everything but most especially his presence' I replied

'have you felt this way for anyone before?' she asked

'not exactly this feeling is different' I replied

'if you were to pick a word to describe this feeling what will it be dear?' she asked

'love' I answered after much thought

' I wouldn't want to keep Royland out there forever besides it's getting late, you have to be home before midnight right so listen to this question very well, are you ready to commit to him all the days of your life? Or have you ever had a hard time just thinking about it? Do you think he is worth every moment of your time? Can you sacrifice your happiness for him because that what love is all about? Are you certain he can do the same thing for you?' she asked

'Alice are you ok? Is anything the matter?' royland called out

'shalom I will have to talk to you later, Royland has been waiting out there for quite a while, thank you so much.' I said

I washed my hands and went out of the ladies room, meanwhile, Royland was standing outside waiting for me.

'are you alright? You were there for a long time, am so sorry if I startled you with everything I said, you can take your time to think this through, I will wait' he said after I came out of the lady's room.

'Royland I appreciate your feeling towards me, but just like you just said I will need time to process all this in, so till then let's just maintain an intentional friendship' I replied he smiled and held my hands

'thank you for not rejecting me and I understand everything you have just said and like I saw earlier I will wait for you, no matter how long it takes because you are worth every single second, I mistakenly read your diary, I also mistakenly read the letter to your future spouse then I realized my heart was right by choosing you' he said

'my diary is a personal property' I said

'am sorry I only remember when I finished reading it, my curiosity got the best part of me' he said with a smile which I reciprocated

'it's time to go, it's late' I said

'Sure dear' he replied

It was getting chilly so he offered me his suit jacket, we drove home we also had some chit-chat while driving, he told me he would be leaving for his country tomorrow, while I was in the ladies room he got a call from home, he was needed back home urgently. His family holds a banquet every year which is in 2 months from now, it's usually a big celebration with a lot of dignitaries and important people, he had to go home to supervise the preparation for this event. He also wants me to be the pastry chef of the event, he believes that would be a good opportunity to expand my career. Shalom wedding is also in 2 months from now, she plans on having her destination wedding in Dubai, I honestly don't know how I will manage this, the banquet is just a week after Shalom's wedding and shalom also want me to be with her a month before her wedding, Royland insisted I have to be there in 2 weeks from now for the preparation of the event and I also have my business that will be left for two months without supervision because mom has resumed back to work.

Royland dropped me off at my apartment, we exchange goodbyes and we had a very long tight hug, he made me promise to send his regards to my parents before he left.

'welcome back young lady how was your dinner date?' mom asked as soon as I got into the sitting room

'oh! Mom, you scared me, shouldn't you be asleep?' I asked

'why will I be asleep when my daughter is still out?' she asked

'am sorry for keeping you awake, what about dad?' I asked

'he is sleeping, he has an early morning appointment tomorrow' she replied

'oh ok it time for me to sleep then, good night mom' I said

'where do you think you are going to? Come tell me everything from the start to finish leaves nothing out' she said

'but mom it's late, let's talk tomorrow, it's midnight already, I will have to be in the shop early tomorrow' I replied walking to my room

'he confessed his feeling right?' she asked, I stopped and looked at her

'how did you know?' I asked

'I thought you are so tired, do worry go and sleep' she said

I couldn't go to sleep with this suspense, how come mom knew I didn't tell her anything, I came and sat close to her,

'mom tell me, how did you know?' I asked again

'if you want to know, tell me about the dinner date then I will tell you how I got to know ' she said

I had to give in, I told her everything not missing out on any detail.

'sweetheart I m proud of you, a wise man once said "whatsoever you rush into, you are likely to rush out of it" so do take your time my child, well Royland visited both me and your dad when you were at the shop he told us his intention towards you and requested for our blessings' she said

'wow! He didn't mention anything of that sort to me' I replied

'well, I am sure he has a reason, about the banquet and shalom wedding I think you should talk to shalom first a sure she will understand, this is a golden opportunity for you, the pay is huge and it's a platform to expand your career and your brand name, you can take an excuse to attend her wedding. Don't worry about your business I will take care of it, I will be in the shop during the day and at night I will resume my duty in the hospital' she said

'oh! Mom what will I do without you thank you so much ' I said with a hug

'you can do absolutely nothing, my love time to sleep, have a peaceful sleep' she replied

'good night mom, sleep well. I love you' I replied

'I love you too dearest' she said

I decided to call shalom to tell her about the latest update of my life.

'babe it's midnight already, some people need their beauty sleep, you should know that ' she said the moment she received my call

'am so sorry babe, just need to tell you something very important' I replied, I told her everything about the banquet

'so you wouldn't attend my wedding is that it?' she asked

'of course not, your wedding is one week ahead of the banquet, I will excuse myself and be there I promise' I replied

'so all my plans are ruined, I guess I should start looking for a new female friend' she said

'babe I am sorry' I replied

'it's fine Alice am so happy for you, just make sure you will be there for my wedding because you are my maid of honor, you have to stand right beside me ' she said

'Alright, thank you let me allow you to have your beauty sleep, good night babe I love you' I replied

'good night I love you too' she replied while I ended the call, I freshen up and went straight to sleep.

It has been two weeks, I have been able to prepare the menu for the banquet, and also put my business in order, Royland came personally to pick me from Kigali airport to the united kingdom. It was so beautiful, we hugged like we haven't seen each other since forever, I cried out of excitement I was so happy and at the same time surprised that he came from the UK to pick me up in Kigali despite his busy schedules. On arriving in the united kingdom he suggested we hand out before we headed home, he also told me he had something very important to tell me. We boarded a taxi to a restaurant close by. At the restaurant I noticed people gaze at us, some were taking pictures, while others were whispering among themselves, even the waitress and waiter had a weird expression, I was worried I looked at Royland, he was perfect as always, I felt there was something wrong with my outfit or probably by hair is a mess, I didn't apply makeup so maybe I look so plain, I decided to ask his opinion.

'Royland is there anything wrong with my outfit?' I asked

'no' he replied

'my hair?' I asked

'of course not it perfect' he replied

'what about my face, its looks plain right? Do I need to apply makeup?' I asked

'you look perfectly fine my love' he kissed my forehead

'so why the gaze, pictures, and whispering all about?' I asked

'please can we have a VIP room?' he asked the waiter

'Sure your highness this way' the waiter responded. I looked at Royland.

'so can you explain now what the stares, pictures, whispering was all about and why did the waiter address you by your highness? Am I in some kind of drama show or perhaps a movie?' I asked

'Alice I haven't been completely honest with you, I am prince Royland Willam, the next in line of the throne to king Willams IV, the king of the united kingdom.' He said

'a prince? I don't understand, oh! A prince in the drama show or a prince in the movies please be specific' I said

'Alice I am been honest here, this is not a drama show or movie I am from royalty' he replied

'you? Royland? A prince of the united kingdom? The crown prince? I am the heir apparent to the throne? This is too much to take in.' I said

'Alice am so sorry, I wanted to tell you earlier, but I guess I was so engrossed in the moments we shared, I just didn't want to ruin it, it's the very first time I found someone who likes me for me and not my position, status and title' he said

'so the stares, gazes, whispering were because you are the crown prince and not because I look off?' I asked

'Alice you look perfectly fine, you are the most beautiful lady in this country I can assure you of that ' he replied with a smile

'don't patronize me Royland, I am still upset with you, you couldn't trust me enough to tell me who you are, that is dis-heartening I said

'Alice please don't talk this way, you should know I trust you and I love you. I may not have a reasonable reason for what I did, I just didn't want anything to change, I also wanted to enjoy what it feels like being a regular guy for a month. I am so sorry Alice.' He apologized

'it's fine let's start going, we wouldn't want to keep the entire royal family waiting, I wouldn't want the press and media palaver' I replied

'I bet they are here already' he replied. We looked through the windows and there were many people, reporters, and press outside the restaurant building. He called the waiter, the waiter gave us some disguised clothes, we went through the back of the restaurant where a car was waiting for us, the car drove us to the palace. I became nervous, I thought I was meeting just his parents but now it seems like I am meeting the royal family of the united kingdom, and the banquet I would be supervising isn't just an ordinary banquet but it's a royal banquet in honor of the royal family, right now am flabbergasted, to say the least, I am so nervous to even speak or ask any question. Our drive to the palace was filled with silence, I could notice Royland stares at consistent smiles, I was forced to speak.

'you think this is funny right?' I asked

'no my lady, but to be honest there is no reason for you to be tensed, everything will be fine trust me, my parent are very nice people and my people are very kind and hospitable' he said

'Just tell me there are no more surprises for me, if there is spill them out now' I replied

We finally got to the palace after a long drive of tension, it was a very tall big, gigantic building, there were two protocols at the gate standing on each side, maid and servant were waiting for our arrivals, I got to meet the general administrator of the royal palace, he leads us to the throne room where we meet the Queen and King, Royland held my hands that help because I was so nervous but the moment I saw the queen the atmosphere changed, there was something familiar and comforting about her, we exchanged firm eye contact and there was just this connection between us. We both had the same eye color, the same hair texture, and color.

Royland introduced me to them as his friend and an amazing pastry chef that he had chosen personally to supervise the annual royal banquet. The queen decided to take me around the palace, she said Royland had told her a lot about me and how well I and my parent treated him during this stay in Rwanda, she has been waiting to meet me to return the gesture. I guess royland was right when he said his people were hospitable because everyone around treated me like someone from royalty even though I was just a pastry chef, the palace was so beautiful, there were portraits of the previous Queen and Kings, we couldn't finish our tour of the palace because the palace was so big.

Dinner was served, it seems like it was made for the whole day, I couldn't pick out what to eat, I guess Royland had instructed the chef to prepare only my favorite meal. The queen insisted I sit right beside her. Royland had once told me that his mom had always wanted a girl child so I guess that must be the reason she is so overly friendly, though she also told me during our tour that this would be the very first-time Royland will personally invite a woman to the palace, that made me feel special.

After dinner I was taken to my room by a lady assigned to me by the queen she is to assist me during my stay there, her name was Diana, she seems like the other maids in the palace gentle, respectful, nice, kind, friendly and beautiful. She showed me to my room which was beautiful and specially decorated for me, Diana told me that the prince had personally chosen this room and decorated it, it was painted in my favorite color and there was a photo frame on the wall of our adventures, there was also some personal picture he took without my knowledge and then the bed- it was huge, big and so soft.

'I can see that somebody loves her room' I turned back to see Royland at the entrance of my room smiling

'yes I do love it, thanks, I heard you decorated it' I said with a smile

'news does travel fast' he said while looking at Diana

'I am sorry your highness, please excuse' Diana said before leaving the room

'how do you feel?' Royland asked

'still surprised but great, I was treated like royalty and accommodated with hospitality' I replied

'and you snatched my mom from me, she swooned around you with so much delight' he said with a smile

'your mom is an amazing woman, I felt so relaxed around her' I replied

'I glad you like it here, I have a meeting with some officials, I will see you tomorrow, do take care of yourself. I love you.' He said with a peck on my forehead

'yea! Goodnight' I replied

I decided to call my parent to update them on the most surprising news ever, but my parent wasn't surprised they already knew, shalom, however, was so surprised, she was like me at first she couldn't believe it not until I showed her evidence through pictures. Weeks by weeks passed and we were getting closer to the banquet celebration and my best friend's wedding. Over these past weeks, Royland took me around, we went for picnics, we went to parks and other interesting places, the queen and I have gotten more closer also, she insisted I call her queen mother, we both had a lot in common besides the color of our eye and hair, we had similar energy, allergy, and personality traits, she mostly says " you remind me of my younger self" there is always this unusual connection whenever we are together which is strange yet comforting. These past few weeks I had prepared so hard just to make the royal banquet perfect, I can't afford to lose this opportunity, queen mother, the king and Royland had entrusted me with this great responsibility I can't let them down. I reminded Royland about Shalom wedding and he insisted on accompanying me, when the queen heard about it she also insisted on accompanying us to the wedding, we left 5 days before the wedding, she was so happy to see us, she never expected the queen of England to be at her wedding she was filled with joy, I was also happy for her. In five days, she got married to the love of her life, oh! How happy she was, she was so beautiful and her smile was very much contagious, I tried so hard to hold my tears but it was very difficult especially when they were reading their vows, Royland came over with his handkerchief to wipe up my tears and he stood beside me throughout the event, my parents also came to grace the occasion, queen mother was so excited to meet them. Queen mother insisted my parent come for the royal banquet, she also invited shalom ad her husband also, the next day we arrived back in England, my parent were so happy I and Royland took them on a tour around the palace.

The day for the royal banquet finally came, there was tension in the kitchen and within me, Royland had called me several times just to assure me that everything will be fine. dignitaries, royalties, and very important people filled the palace, the queen insisted I eat with them, shalom and her husband were present also. Food was served and everyone loved the meal, there were compliments and praise about how great the meal was, they insisted to know the chef that prepared the meal, they were surprised to know it was just a simple girl that resides in Kigali, they were all marvel but little did they know that another surprise awaits them, the queen said she had something to say.

'Alice please stand up' she said, I stood up I looked at my parent, shalom and then Royland they faces were filled with smiles

'Alice here is my child' she proclaimed, I looked at the queen, she looked back at me and nodded to affirm what she just said, my parent and royland stood up.

'mom, what are you saying?' Royland asked

'with all due respect your majesty I think you are wrong, Alice have been our only child since her mother passed away, I was with her from her pregnancy to her delivery and I and my wife have trained her for the past 22 years' dad explained politely

'I understand the surprised look on every one of your face, I was surprised as you all when I was told. The very day I saw Alice, there was something so familiar about her, everything she does remind me of my young self, I had the mother and daughter connection whenever we were together and my husband King Willams IV also affirms it, I decided to clear my doubts so I employed an investigator to find out who she was and to do a DNA test just to be sure if we are related, I will let the investigator continue from here' she said. Silence filled the room, the investigator walked in and showed the DNA result to my parents, Royland, the King, and then to me, my head was spinning I couldn't fathom what exactly was going on, the people I have known as my parent were not my parent, I couldn't imagine what was going through royland mind, I looked at him, he had his head bowed down. The investigator explained that there was a switch of babies during childbirth orchestrated by the general administrator of the palace- Charles. Charles has been the general administrator of the palace since the reign of King Williams III, he and the head nurse had accompanied the crown prince at that time- King Williams IV and his pregnant wife to the united state of America for a vacation, the queen had an early delivery than expected, she delivered in a nearby hospital, when Charles realizes that the queen child was a girl child, he and the head nurse decided to exchange the baby with a baby boy from the woman who gave birth at the next ward and that woman was Ms. Anderson, Charles never wanted a woman to rule England, the investigator called Charles and the head nurse, they have been beaten so badly, there were bruises all over their bodies, they both confessed to their crimes and were taken away by the investigator. The king stood up thanked everyone that attended the banquet and he excused himself, followed by Royland, every other dignitary in the palace started leaving while whispering to each other. Soon enough the once crowded room was left with me, mom and shalom, the queen had left, my dad went outside, john- shalom husband followed him, I was dumbfounded by the revelations I just heard, my mom and shalom couldn't say anything either, a few minutes later my mom left probably to comfort my dad, shalom was all alone with me, she always had something to say but today she couldn't utter a word. I stood up.

'Alice where are you going to?' shalom asked

'Shalom I need some time to myself please' I replied, I ran back to my room.

The next morning I was woken by a noise at the entrance of my door, I had a very disturbing headache but I managed to get up to open the door, I saw my mom, dad, queen, king, shalom and Royland at the entrance of my room. I looked at each one of them they all smiled, that was all I could remember because the next time I opened my eyes I found myself in the hospital bed with royland by my side holding my hands.

'Royland what am I doing here?' I asked

'you are awake?' he replied and gave me a very tight hug

'Royland if you keep hugging me this way I would stop breathing' I managed to say

'am sorry, I am just so happy, you scared everyone when you fainted, especially me, what will I do without you Alice, I can't imagine myself without you and I don't want to know, I love you a lot and nothing is going to change that, the revelation from yesterday was disturbing but I think we should be glad because we are luckiest children in the world to have two parents who love us a whole lot' he replied

'I love you Royland Anderson' I said

'And I love you princess Alice Williams' he replied, both smiled and the was another intense hug, he finally decided to alert everyone that I was awake. Everyone rushed into the ward with a smile, each of them asking me questions, love filled the room, truly I am the luckiest person in the world.

And from just an average pastry chef who had a dream of exploring Rwanda, I became the crown princess and the heir apparent to the throne, the king made my dad the general administrator of the palace and my mom the head nurse of the royal hospital. Royland proposed to me and I accepted to be his wife. Our wedding was held in the palace in a very grand style, walking down the aisle to meet him was the most beautiful moment of my life, it was magical, he couldn't stop himself from crying he also made me cry thankfully for the waterproof makeup if not my makeup will be in mess. I had my two parents and my best friend alongside her husband grace the occasion, Royalties, Dignitaries, and other important people were present. The highlight of the whole event was during our vows.

Alice vows

Dear Royland, we have so many memories together and we have shared a lot of beautiful experience in the past 6 months which was filled with a lot of joy, happiness, laughter, excitement and adventures, the day before I met you I wrote a letter to my future husband little did I know that you were closer than I ever imagined, the more I got to know you, I just kept thinking about how you are too good to be true but now I realized that you are everything I need, you gave me back my identity I thought I lost and through you, I go to experience love from two families. I love you Royland I will cherish each moment I get to spend with you, may we grow together and have a life full of more adventures.

Royland vows

I never had a best friend, I couldn't find someone who understands me, someone who isn't attracted to me because of my social status or my position in society until when I met you, you became my best friend, someone I could talk to, someone I could confide in, someone that understands me, you took me through a whole new level of adventures, you brought out the best in me and through you, I got another family, I also made amazing friends, I got to understand what love is, today is the start of a new journey of adventures in our life I want to let you know I love you, Alice Williams, I also want to use this opportunity to thank you for accepting me, I promise to be the man you will always be proud of, I want to be your friend than just your lover, a companion than just a husband, I can't imagine my life without you and I don't want to, you are my life. You are my everything. I love you.