
Mushroom House: I have a wonderful zoo

He is the most mysterious backstage financier in the entertainment industry! They have become popular one after another. But at the peak of his career, he chose to live in seclusion in the countryside! It has opened a 'wonderful zoo'. I thought I would live a leisurely and full life here, but unexpectedly, I became a neighbor of the fourth quarter of "The Life of Desire"! Liu Tianxian: Wow! This parrot can sing "Look at the girl opposite"! Boss Yang: Can I play with your python? Huang Lei: Why is a brown bear so good at cooking? Pumbaa: I'm not as good as an orangutan in dancing

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18 Chs

Chapter 15: A word awakens the dreamer

"See you later!"

In a hotel room more than an hour's drive from Manyuan Village, Liu Yifei hung up the phone and looked at some haggard brokers around him,

Some apologized, "Thank you, Sister Chen. You must have worked hard to help me settle the matter of being a flying guest in the life I want to live in one night."

Since Liu Yifei saw Ye Ran in the live broadcast last night, she temporarily decided to meet Ye Ran in the life she yearned for. Her agent only spent less than one night to help her set the schedule and arrange for her to appear on the show.

Liu Yifei knew that his agent with a knife mouth must have spent a lot of time.

Except for squinting on the plane for an hour or two, Sister Chen didn't take a rest all night, and now she hasn't made up her makeup, and her face looks fairy.

Sister Chen said angrily, "Grandma, you are my ancestor. What do you want to do, and I can do it for you?"

As soon as Liu Yifei was about to say something, she heard Sister Chen hurriedly say, "Actually, she sent us an invitation as early as the life she yearned for this season was still in preparation. So we wanted to come, but there was no problem."

The reason why Sister Chen said so was that she didn't want the kind Liu Yifei to feel guilty for her hard work.

But thinking of Liu Yifei's wayward decision this time, Sister Chen felt that she still needed to warn her.

Otherwise, Liu Yifei's acting career would be ruined if the pigeon who played the show suddenly ran away.

So Sister Chen said in a serious tone: "However, because you decided so suddenly, we still paid a lot of price, at least,

Your share in the cast is now completely gone. I yearn for the promotion of a guest for you. We have to apologize later! "

Sister Chen said it very seriously, but Liu Yifei still heard her concern for herself from her words.

Liu Yifei doesn't regret having made this decision. Although she doesn't care what she needs to pay for it, she also feels guilty for her busy agent.

Liu Yifei's lips moved and finally said, "Thank you, Sister Chen."

Seeing Liu Yifei's pathetic appearance, Sister Chen's heart was hardened at this time. She wanted to comfort Liu Yifei not to care too much about herself,

But then it turned into a warning: "Anyway, you are now running your own studio. You can do whatever you like. Even if you lose, you will lose yourself!"

Sister Chen didn't tell Liu Yifei how humble she was when she apologized to people everywhere last night, so that she could retain her role in the current crew and leave for the time being to yearn for being a flying guest in this program.

She didn't want Liu Yifei to know this.

After looking at the time, Sister Chen helped Liu Yifei drag out her luggage: "Come on, let's go to the mushroom house now."


Liu Yifei can't wait to see Ye Ran at once.


At the same time, it is not clear who the guests are coming today at the mushroom house in Manyuan Village.

When Peng Yichang answered the phone and came out, Huang Lei didn't listen to Tang Zhan's chatter. He looked directly at Peng Yichang and asked, "Peng Peng, who is the guest coming today?"

Peng Yichang shook his head in a daze and said, "I don't know, there is a Luoli voice on the phone."

"Luoliyin?" Huang Lei raised his eyebrows. "Now the guests are really good at camouflage. They all start to change their voices. Hey!"

At this time, He Jiong suddenly joked: "Miss Huang, is it your daughter coming?"

Huang Lei was angry at that time and said, "Where do you think we are going? The yearning has been recorded in the fourth quarter. When did you see the program team invite the children?"

He Jiong smiled and said, "Maybe the program team prepared a surprise for us?"

"What you said is reasonable!" Huang Lei nodded. According to their understanding of the program group, it was really not good.

Seeing that Huang Lei, who has always been famous for his miraculous calculation, began to seriously think about the possibility of his daughter coming to the program, He Jiong knew that Huang Lei really wanted to have a child,

He also lost his mind of joking and said, "Teacher Huang, I'm joking with you! I really want to invite your daughter to come. How many mothers won't tell you?"

"That's true!" Huang Lei, somewhat regretfully, recognized the fact that his daughter could not come, and then asked Peng Yichang, "What dishes did the guest order?"

As long as Peng Peng says what the other party ordered, Huang Lei can guess whether his daughter is coming.

Peng Yichang thought for a while and said, "The guest said he wanted to eat fish."

Huang Lei and He Jiong are happy.

Just fish?

Is this too simple?

Tang Zhan saw them all laughing. Although he didn't know what they were laughing at, he also followed them with a stiff dry laugh in order to appear to be sociable.

But at this time, He Jiong suddenly thought of something and immediately restrained his smile, breaking the relaxed atmosphere at this time.

He Jiong said, "Let's not laugh first. I guess it's not so easy. People pretend to be Luoliyin, and will only order such simple dishes? Besides, how many simple dishes are there for our guests from the mushroom house?"

His words woke up the dreamer. Huang Lei slapped his head and said, "Yes!"