
Murim Recurve

At the lowest point of her life, the daughter of a noble family encounters a human—a denizen of Myth in her world—and inherits his fate. Blinded, and betrayed, her perception of the world became skewed, only to realise a shocking fact: Her world wasn’t real. What was Virtual? And, what was Reality? In a world where supernatural elements run amok, she had to seek the truth, and decide whether to live in her Virtual World or barge into Reality. ------------------- Check out all my projects here: http://bit.ly/wn_venus ------------------- Join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/Q544Bxu Contact me through my Discord ID: Overlord_Venus#9364 Or through my email: mistameeee@gmail.com Follow me on Instagram @overlord_venus

Overlord_Venus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
372 Chs


As the lady behind the counter handed Re'Kha the metal slab, her hand trembled, "The amount you submitted totals to 21,762 RuQi. Your seat number is printed at the back of the slab."

She then recounted the same explanation she had given to Ki'Nua, finally pointing at the door beside. Followed by a nod, Re'Kha opened the door and entered the path inside. It was a flight of stairs, carpeted to allow silent traversal.

Once Re'Kha had left, the lady behind the counter commented, "These Harmonisers from the Elemental Clans have amassed a lot of money. Once the quality of treasures has increased, they are bringing them out one after another."

"Indeed, this is precisely the reason we are conducting an auction in the first place." Another Harmoniser from behind her commented, "Otherwise, these Elemental Clans would affect the value of our coins as they please."