

Large numbers of monsters come out the gate which is the boundary of the world. After many sacrifices, People won the fight against monsters through their awakening. Jin Taekyung is alive as an 'F class hunter' which is the lowest level. After Jin has a hard time, he gets an old capsule then he goes into the capsule that is the martial heroes' world. And the game system gives him special abilities, he starts growing up to become the best martial hero. NOTE: I am saving this story here to read it later ... I am not the author.. just translating this story because none did.. it's an awesome story. enjoy everyone.

An_ALPHA_Slayer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter 12

Was it about 10 years ago? When I was a high school student, dozens of

ordinary people entered the gate under government approval.

'It was China, probably.'

The gate is where the hunters become corpses at a glance, but it is the

Miracle Continent to let the common people in.

On the day of the inauguration ceremony when this crazy thing took place,

an interview with foreign media revealed their identity.

China Martial Arts Federation.

In short, they are the modern Moorim people. Composed of complete non-

awakening, they fluttered the coating and made solemn declarations

towards hundreds of cameras.

"Right today, the millennium of China will resurrect splendidly."

It was gorgeous. In just half a day, their faces lit up the front page of various


-25 members of the Chinese Martial Arts Federation. More than half of the

massacres at F-class gates were found to have been killed by goblin stings... … .

I don't know how great the Millennium Martial Arts is, but the incident left

China to blame and the Chinese Martial Arts Federation only signs.

It was very small.'

The leading martial artists in the continent are killed by goblin stings, and

the masters of Taijiquan are beaten by mixed martial arts players.

That is the reality. In the novel, I thought that the scenes from the movie

were fiction wrapped in media and mystery.

'By the way… …

I don't know anymore. The movement Hyeok Moo-jin showed was'real'.

As he learned martial arts himself, his doubts gradually turned into

convictions. There is no such thing as powerless and sobbing martial arts in


The martial arts here are systematic and include numerous movements. It

wasn't you who could be compared to the real martial arts or boxing.

'How is this possible? Just because it's a game?'

⼈. Uh huh

---曰? n I I?

You feel the energy outside your body with breathing. And it attracts.

Compared to the ten-year aerodynamics rotating along the blood island, it

was a small and weak energy, but I am in a regrettable situation.

'One lap, two laps... … : Following the passage of Jingasimbeop, the

breakfast was continued. It was a natural act as if it had been training since


'Gyeonjeong (肩井), Amun (雅⽂), Bongan (鳳眼), Ipdong (入洞) The

names of Hyeoldo that have not been heard in the past 27 years come to

mind and disappear. There are hundreds of blood counts engraved in my

head. How far does the system function?

'If you think about it, it's weird enough.'

The human brain is not a computer.

However, the system put the file in my head as if it had been copied and

pasted. The same goes for other martial arts.

Is this possible? Just because it's a game?

'no. First of all, let's focus only on fortune breakfast.'

Again, he refined his breath and led his aerodynamics. I opened my eyes

only after 10 years of devotion and turning twelve full revolutions

according to the formula of the true gasim method.



[Breakfast] is finished.


The skill level of [Jingasimbeop] is slightly increased.

A small amount of turbid air has been discharged.


Achievement of 3 stars in the true heart method is right now.

I didn't know if it started from the bottom, but I felt it was quite fast.

'Or maybe it's because of the item.'

I looked at the ring on the middle of my right hand.

This item was received as a reward for achieving the [Mul-A-All]

achievement earlier.


Type: Ring.

Grade: None.

Limit: None.

Description: It is very hard and helps to concentrate by calming the mind of

the ring wearer of unknown material.

Cheong Shim-Hwan. It is different from what I know, but the effect is


Certainly, after wearing this, the time to enter fortune breakfast was

shortened, and the skill gained increased.

'It's good, but... …

It feels uncomfortable. Let's say logout is a technical area of gangsters I don't

know. However, in the case of Mugong Gugyeol, this ring, and Cheong

Shim-hwan, they are somewhat reluctant.

'Should I say it feels like being injected by force?'

It helps me survive, but it's definitely not a good thing. It is a beggar-like

game in many ways.

"Sung Jin-ho, what the hell is this human doing? A yangban named Go Si-

won, general secretary."

If I woke up, I should have woke me up for a bowl of Haejangguk.

It doesn't mean that nothing has changed yet. no.'

At least the real me is still alive. So it is still possible to exist in this game as a


It is alive in reality and in games. And I will surely live.

My life is too sad to be killed like this, and my burden is too heavy.

'You can't die here.'

I clenched my teeth and turned the cross-legged. Is it the effect of Cheong

Shim-hwan, the mind gradually subsides and breathing stabilizes.

Starting with the movement of Danjeon's aerodynamics, I started a fortune-

telling breakfast that I do not know how many times.

It has been the second day since I entered the Suyeon-dong.

I did not rest and immersed myself in training.

I was crazy about singing and walking, and when my energy was exhausted

along the way, I started a fortune breakfast right away.


-The level of [Jingasimbeop] has risen to 3 stars.

-The aerodynamic power is more pure and efficient fortune-telling

breakfast is possible.

The three-star true heart method. It was slow compared to the other two,

but not bad.

No, I am trying to think so.

'You have to do this to hold on.'

I was fortunate that I could get rid of bad thoughts when I was practicing

martial arts.

Shh, shh.

The herbivorous food of Jingachangbeop was solved in turn. Since realizing

the connection with the true gabo method, a more sophisticated and

sharper attack sweeps the front.

I was drawing someone's figure in a place where no one was there.


This is the first time I met in this game, the real Bae Moorim, who played

with me like a child.

'If I am now, can I beat him?'

It was the moment when a question arose.



A new function, [Training Mode] has been activated.


You can call out the illusion of the opponent you have confronted so far.

However, opponents that are more than 10 levels apart from the user's level

are impossible.


Currently Summonable Opponents: [Lv.20 Hyeokmujin], [Lv.10 Heavenly


Training mode? Can you call out the illusions of the opponents you have

confronted so far? After hesitating for a moment, I decided to try out a new


"Summon Hyeok Moo-jin."

-Summons [Lv.20 Hyeokmujin].

System notifications popped up, and a scary transparent shape popped up.

Taewonjinga's indigo blue mubok and peculiar pineapple eyebrows. The

figure, standing and closing his eyes, was the same as Hyeok Moo-jin.

"Huh, it's real."

I approached carefully and touched Hyeok Moo-jin's body. But is it because

it was an illusion, his hands passed through his body in vain.

Okay, this is the safety test passed.

You can partially change the level of the summoned target.

"First of all, about half of Hyukmujin."


Enter the data of [Lv.20 Hyeokmujin]. Illusion can demonstrate 50% of the

body's ability.

At the same time, Hyeok Moo-jin's vision awakened. He looks at me with an

uncompromising glance to see if his personality is similar, not his ability.

-Would you like to start training?

"sure! ,,


System notification is a flare. I ran like lightning and stabbed my spear.

Although it was a fight against the illusion, he did not spare any effort.

'1 herbivorous.'

At the same time as I move on, I start by piercing and twisting the spear. If

you can't avoid the first attack, that's the enemy.


However, Hyeok Moo-jin escaped with a loach-like movement. This is the

moment when the next move becomes meaningless.

'Let's avoid this too.'

I continued to unfold my singing.

There was a sound of the wind tearing, but Hyeokmujin avoided it all.

At first glance, a laugh seemed to emerge from his opaque face.

'Is it only after fighting so ignorantly?

If you are unmanned, you should use martial arts.'

This is the line that struck me last time. It's just an illusion that I created,

but... … Pissed off, this one.

'If you're confident, don't avoid avoiding it.

Hyeok Moo-jin, who received my thoughts, slid in. But it's a spear and fist

fight. If you allow an attack like this, you've only been shoveling for the last

7 years.



I swung the spear. If it were real, not virtual, it would have sounded like it

was. Even if I avoided it, I would have failed to close the distance.

'Let's see where to avoid it. , The two-second meal started. In response to

the pouring attack, Hyeok Moo-jin did not even dare to approach him and

stepped back.

The battle is also a flow. I got on the flow and Hyeok Moo-jin was swept


I thought while looking at Hyeok Moo-jin rolling the ground with a tired



I could see him move.

Hyeok Moo-jin projected on this spot is a Kwon-sa. When I looked at my

feet, I could see the movement and predict the next action. His fists can't

reach me.


For one moment, he stabbed three times in a row.

An attack that F-class hunter Jin Tae-kyung cannot do. However, it is

possible with Jin Tae-kyung, a Moorim who raised his spirit.


Hyeok Moo-jin, who was stabbed in the chest, seemed to scream like that.

Without hesitation, I pushed the sill even deeper and twisted it. The spear

blade broke the breastbone and broke the heart. The figure of Hyeok Moo-

jin who fell down slowly faded.

"Ah. It's too easy."

It's been less than 5 minutes, but the game has already been reduced.

Even the dominance throughout the fight ended up dull.

'Has half been too weak?'

I fell in thought while recovering the energy exhausted from the breakfast.

Hyeokmujin is level 20 and is an unmanned man who has practiced martial

arts for at least several years. It can't be so weak.

'Okay, again.'

Woke up holding a spear.

I closed my eyes and thought of a new hyukmujin.

180 cm tall. Slim muscles and unwrapped eyes.

I injected the movements I saw then. When I opened my eyes, the illusion as

I thought stood in front of me.

But it's not over yet. Hyeok Moo-jin had to become stronger.

'You are better than me.'

After injecting a few more conditions, Hyeok Moo-jin's illusion made a

pleasant smile. He has a much faster and never tires of stamina.

"Yeah, this is worth it."

That was a signal. Toward Hyeok Moo-jin flooding like a beam of light, I

stabbed my spear.


Wow. pop!

The spear blade tore the air. The air that exploded with the sound of a

swarm of bees brought the wind. The end of Jingachangbeop. It is Cheon


-Cuh... … .

Hyeok Moo-jin's illusion looked down at her chest. His eyes are

unbelievable. Soon, the knee is broken and the virtual image is scattered.

"It's not this."

He scratched his head as he heard a message that his proficiency in

Jingachangbeop had increased.

'Why am I still winning?'

Is the system mistaken, or... … .

'Am I just getting stronger?'

Suddenly, I shed my thoughts. No way. I'm not an unpaid genius. I only

cooked a couple of mugongs.

'That's why it doesn't work much.'

I wonder what it means if I win in a simulation that tests what happens

when I face the strongest.

At least if you know what kind of martial arts Hyuk Moo-jin has learned,

you can use that power... … No, wait.

"There was an easier way."

Jingabo method and Jingachang method. How about combining these two

with Hyeokmujin at level 20?

You may be able to grasp the weaknesses and strengths from the perspective

of a third party.

Yes, that would be better.

"Do you think so too?"

Suddenly, Hyeok Moo-jin's illusion reappeared, smiling and nodded.

"Yes, let's stick together again."

He raised the spear at an angle and took one step with his left foot. Heo-

sang took the same posture like a mirror.


You will regret it.

"Sounded like regret and fell in love."

Now, you're talking with Huh Sang. If anyone sees it, I can't take it out and I

can't beat it, and I'll hear a crazy guy.


Crazy guy.

… … It's my imagination, but it's pissed.

"You are dead."

Without hesitation, I pointed my spear at him. The same weapon, the same

innocence seemed to be a fun fight.

- fun? You're really crazy. you.

Oh, yes.

Having fun in this situation. I'm also a pretty crazy guy.

I will try my best to correct mistakes and sorry for late upload

An_ALPHA_Slayercreators' thoughts