
Mummy, Please Bring Daddy Back

"Who is it?' "Mia. Mia Salvatore." "Come in." Mia opened the door slowly and entered with the suitcase. His chair wasn't facing her. "Good morning sir." She greeted him and exhaled. "Good morning. And why are you standing at the door? Come here." The CEO said and Mia came towards him. At the same time, he turned his chair. Mia stopped in her tracks. He was so handsome. "Seriously Mia??" She asked herself. Wow...i love your lips sir. Mia actually felt like telling him that. After all, she's got the bravery, but the words just couldn't come out. "Miss Mia Salvatore, please sit." "Mia." "Miss Mia??" "Miss Salvatore??" "Are you there??" "MISS MIA SALVATORE!!!" He yelled and she finally blinked and closed her drooling mouth before sitting. Sometimes, i still cry. Sometimes it still hurts To have my daughter smiling back at me when i look into her blue eyes, it's wrong. But NO! She doesn't need a dad. I can be a mum, dad, sister, brother, and even grandparents to Rebecca. All my youth was devoted to her monster dad, then he did what he seems fit. I will never trust a man again. I will never lavish on a man again. No one is capable of taking care of Becca than me. I'll work hard and give her the best life. But when Mia crosses path with Oliver, an handsome, caring billionaire who is attached to Rebecca, will she give him a chance to take care of her and her darling little Princess?

phyinfoluwa · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Tara Is Back

Mia got to Becca's school to pick her up, when she suddenly saw Reba.

"REBA!!" She hugged and Reba reciprocated.

"I missed you."

"We haven't seen for just a few days, and you miss me?" Mia laughed.

"That's why we are friends."

"You wouldn't believe the dream I had at work today!" Mia sat in her car.

"What was it?" Reba asked whispering. 

"It was my boss and I."

"Kissing??" Reba got even more interested.

"Even deeper than that!"

"Oh, so..."

"Don't say what you're about to. Its not funny, its really irritating."

"Am sorry Mia." Reba gave a puppy look.

"MUMMY!!" Becca hugged her mum.

"How were the exams?"

"Not too difficult!" Becca chuckled.

"We'll see in your results, but I trust you anyway, my chocolate."

"I know you do, mama." She kissed her daughter all over.

"Hi, Reba."

"Hi." She hopped into the car.

"MIA SALVATORE!" Mia heard someone yell her name, right when she was about to ignite the engine.

"Hello, sir." She gave a short smile on seeing Red.

"If am not mistaken. You're Mia."

"Yes." She nodded.

"I saw the designs, and I must really say, you're growing." Red held her hand but she felt uncomfortable.

"Thanks sir." She smiled again.

"Can I get your contact?"

"Sure thing, sir." They exchanged contacts, and Mia drove off. Red licked his lips.

"She has more curves than a race track."


Disco lights were all over the place, as so many sluts were dancing indecently. The men cheered as the strippers arrived. Tara, Selene, Ruby and Milagrosa were one of them. They did pole dances, caressed the men and several other dirty things.

"You called me." Tara entered the lounge. There was a guy wearing a mask there. The guy rose up and started smooching her. Tara gave him a slight push.


"Don't touch me. Am not a slut. Am a stripper." Tara said coldly.

"I don't care." He moved closer and licked her lips.

"Your lips are goddamn pink." 

"Eric??" She took off his mask and threw it away.

"Yes Mi Love." Tara jumped on Eric and claimed his lips. The lounge was filled with kissing sounds and immense pleasure.

 "Hey dude."

"How are kids?" Oliver asked his best friend.

"Cool. I took them to school myself. Oliver..."

"Don't even go there. I know you wanna talk about the marriage stuff." Oliver rolled her eyes.

"You haven't found the perfect girl, have you?"

"I haven't. I wanna focus on my career, build a life and then, a family." Oliver sighed. His phone rang and it was an unknown number.


"Hi love."


"Yah. Tara Olsen. I missed you though, did you miss me??" She was so happy at this speechlessness.

"Um...I know you must be grinning right now..."

"Oliver, I want to see you in person. No its or buts. Snack Craze. 8pm." She said coldly and hung up.

"Who was it? Who is the freaking Tara?" Red asked his friend curiously.

"Nothing, just someone from a past event. You should leave now, cos I wanna be alone." Red sighed and left. Oliver hit his fist on the table.

"What does Damn Tara want? I don't love her so..." He checked his watch and stood up.

"I'll close office early today." He locked up his equipments and attempted to swallow the key.

"Sir, two ladies need to see you, so as to do business with you. One is all the way from South Korea, while the other is an American." Iris said and bowed.

"No problem dearie,let them in." The ladies entered shortly after in matching attires. It was Giovanna and a Korean lady, Ms. Yoon.

"Evening Miss." He greeted.

"Hi Mr. Oliver. I must say, you're so damn hot." Ms. Yoon said in the best speech She could offer.

"Um...isn't that a little flattering? I think we should move to business." They nodded.

"Sir, am really sorry for the stupid things she's saying. She's new to English and doesn't know when to be formal." Giovanna said and Oliver laughed.

"I understand well."

"When I was in Seoul, I had two huge textile companies. But am in my stepsister's country, and I need to make a difference."

"Alright, so are you planning to establish or how are you gonna do your stuff?" He asked.

"Um...I have a small fashion craze building here, but its not being maintained. I need furry textiles made from quality wool and animal skin." Ms Yoon requested.

"You're at the right place. We have any type of furry textile you need. You just have to see one of the best fashion designers, Mia Salvatore, and She'll make anything out of the fabric." 

The two ladies sighed.

"What are your names?"

"Giovanna Salvatore."

"Ms Hye-in or Ms Yoon." Oliver nodded and immediately identified Giovanna as Mia's sister. 

"How many fabrics do you need?"

"Like 15,000 furs, at least." Ms Yoon answered.

"Alright,see Mia." The ladies hurriedly got up.

"Um, her office is opposite mine." Giovanna left the office. Ms. Yoon acted a little reluctant to follow.

"Take a good look at this bitch, do you know her?" She smirked and turned her phone to Oliver. It was a clear picture of Tara.


"Good. Make her happy,or lose your mother, your company and your life." She ran out of the office.

Oliver stood shocked,trying to process everything that was said.

"CATCH HER!!!" He yelled and rang the bell loudly but she was long gone.

"Who is she? Why is she supporting Tara?" 

It was late at night,8:30pm, and Oliver hadn't even prepared for his 'date'.

"Hello. Aren't you honoring my invite? Or do you want Mrs. Richardson to die untimely?" Tara threatened.

"I'll be there soon." 9pm, he got to the restaurant.

"Hi sweetie." Tara blushed on seeing him. He was so good looking.

"Please, don't call me any of those names. I don't love you, and I don't know why am here." She rolled her eyes on hearing his words.


"Why am I here?"

"You see jerk, I need your help." She chewed on her gum slowly and attractively.

"What is it?"

"I'll help you. I know about the money, 100%" Oliver was taken aback.


"Am sure you heard me." 

"Am sorry, I don't want to be involved in this." He jumped off his seat but she held his hand.

"No way. We were all in this together. Ruby, Selene, Milagrosa, you and I, our parents, we did it all together. My uncle had to go to jail for what we were all in. That brown envelope." She whispered.


"Love me, or get arrested. We're all criminals, but there's no evidence."

"I did nothing! I didn't do anything! FUCK!"

"Will you stop?! We're in a restaurant."

"You've been here for a while now. Any orders?"

"Two alcoholic wines, please, and a slice of strawberry cake each." The waitress left.

"Don't you love strawberry and chocolate? I know you in and out. It started when we were 20." Oliver sat and shook his head.

"I've told you what to choose from. We loved each other but someone turned you against me, and that's MIA! When I had the sun allergy, you made me feel so hot. And now, you're telling me trash?! There's nothing bad in second love." Tara spoke softly.

"You've spoken. But can I speak now? I don't have anything to do with that money. It was all you and Selene." Tara sprang up and walked to a corner.

"Oliver, you ruined my life. You bought me and..." Tara burst into uncontrollable tears. Oliver slowly cupped her cheeks, and gave her a soft and short kiss, making her eyes widen madly.


"I just had to do that. Our wine is here." They headed back to the table and drank their wine in silence.

"Those days, you made me feel like a queen. I was indoors, yet even an extrovert never lived my life with you. Who stole your heart?"

"No one. I just want to be away. We don't know who has the money. And at the same time, I can't afford getting myself in trouble. Why can't we just be friends as it all began?"

"I was your girlfriend..."

"Shit...I don't want to hear that." Tara was tipsy. 

"I wanna....I wanna...I wanna go home now!!" She Burst into tears and fell off the chair. Diners stared at her.

"OMG, Tara, you brought me here, please don't embarrass me." He swiftly lifted Tara in bridal style, and was also staggering from the influence of his wine. As they got outside, at the car park, she jumped off his arms, lied in the sand and started moaning loudly.

"Stop...Tara stop!!" He dragged her into a black car, which he assumed as his. He called his driver and five minutes later, he rushed to the restaurant and drove them to Oliver's home.

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