
Multiverse Vanquisher

The main character, Alvein is one of the fortunate people that are choosen by a higher being to participate in their little game. And like Alvein their are tens of thousands of people that are fortunate enough to be choosen, and will participate in the game. But is Alvein and the tens and thousands of participants really that fortunate to dance in the palm of a higher being that will watch all of their actions like an open book from who none can hide but can only play their actions only to hope that the watcher is satisfied. (A/N: The Mc is from Evil Faction, so all the people that are expecting a Mc good to companion and devilish to others then I am sorry to disappoint u but the mc will do everything that benefits him. Thank You for your time)

Xezor1322M · Anime e quadrinhos
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12 Chs

Ch 10 Next Target

With this, Alvein was sure that slowly but surely the power of the goblin tribe will increase. But this was the matter for the future.

Alvein now decided to take some rest and go to his next target to make his tribe stronger.

Alvein while eating some insignificant insects given to him by Urooorgasmi to celebrate for their victory against the bullywug, returned to his hut and went to sleep on his bed.

Next Day...

Alvein waking up from his sleep, went outside the hut to see that Urooorgasmi is waiting for him.

Urooorgasmi seeing her lord coming outside from his hut went and kneeled in front of him to show respect.

Alvein not paying any attention to his servant's behavior told her to inform the goblins to get ready as today they are going to the south of the tribe where the resources point is located to catch and tame the small group of boars.

Hearing her lords order, Shakla got up from her knees and went to do the work that her lord assigned to her. The work was relatively easy and all the strong goblins of the tribe gathered near the chief showing that they are all ready to go with the chief.

Urooorgasmi had not informed them about the reason for them to be called by chief as she was only ordered to tell the goblins to get ready for something important.

To know the important topic, the strong goblins that would go with the chief were patiently waiting for the chief to announce for the reason they have been called by the chief.

Alvein seeing the goblins with questioning gasses but not asking anything understood that Urooorgasmi had rigidly followed his orders and onkt told the goblins to get ready and not the reason behind it.

So Alvein decided to tell them as they were expecting, with a serious voice carrying power and authority informed them that they will be going to the south near the resource point, as he was informed by Crocosh that the scouts had found a small group of boars that they will be trying to tame for their benefit. As the tamed boars can help the goblins move faster and in battle the boars can be really helpful as well as the boars can be used for distraction in a disadvantageous fight to win or escape.

Hearing the the goblins that were not really intelligent were able to grasp the idea of what the chief had told them and got excited to tame a boar. But it didn't stop them from cheering for the chief's intelligent.

For the simple and neutral evil creatures that were not intelligent, this was a excellent idea that all the goblins agreed on.

But Alvein will not try to explain them that the idea is extremely simple, and there is nothing special in it. As it was a common human concept to improve the standard of living for as long as they existed, in the early ages the humans used animals to travel from one place to another, and not only travel these animals were also used by soldiers during war time but after the invention of cars, the idea of using animals for their purposes became rare and they were treated as memories of the past.

And now Alvein was using the same idea of using animals to give the goblins an advantage over the other small tribes.

After informing about his idea, Alvein ordered everyone to follow him while ordering Urooorgasmi to take her to the south of the tribe near the resource point.

Urooorgasmi following her master's order agreed and started showing her the way.

Alvein who had the memory of many goblins knew the way better than Urooorgasmi and anyone present there but he wanted someone to stay in the front that can take a sudden attack without instantly dying, all the goblin soldiers were behind him while he stayed at the middle as it was the safest position, allowing Alvein to not be vigilant all the time while expecting to be attacked.

But Alvein still didn't let his guard down and maintained a high enough vigilance as he trusted no one other than himself and his own strength.

While on the way, as Alvein had expected they got attacked by a boar.

Shakla who was on the front line easily defeated it and killed. She didn't spare her life as her lord telepathically ordered her to kill the boar.

Alvein who had made Shakla her subroutine could telepathically communicate with her and give her orders.

Alvein approached the burned corpse of the boar and used [Beelzebub] skill, absorbing it and gaining the memory and the ability to talk to boars.

From the memory, Alvein was surprised to find that this boar was a decoy to attract their attention while the other boars surround their group. But this did surprise him, what surprised him the most is the group of boars they were trying to find and tame were not a small group of boars but a medium sized group of boars with a newly F-ranked boar as the leader.

As boars were normal animals, it was rare to find a normal animal evolve into a monster. It was rare didn't mean that it was impossible, it could happen that Alvein did not imagine that he will see a boar become a F-ranked monster.

Even if F-ranked monsters are the weakest, but it is still far stronger than a normal animal that normal people use for food and other things.

Alvein became expressionless and ordered Shakla and all the goblins to be on guard as the group of boars they were searched for have found them and might attack them when they are off guard.

Alvein didn't inform them that the group was a middle-sized group having a F-ranked monster as it might fluster them. Goblins themselves all were F-ranked low or middle power monster and would not be sacred to face another same rank as they have their chief as well as another E-ranked powerhouse. But the size of a middle-sized group is quite big, it might be easy for them to defeat many normal boars but if they are outnumbered by a large margin then it might cause unnecessary death of goblins....