
Multiverse: The alternate Timeline

The alternate timeline of Yuto Takehashi. A man who died in the rain and reincarnated into a different world of fiction. But this time it's going to be a little different.

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Ch. 18

( Yuto Pov ) 

I awaken as I felt Meteria's hand caressing my hair. 

I pretended to be asleep as I couldn't pass this comfortable feeling. 

I stayed like this for a few minutes before deciding I should wake up now. 

" You're awake?" Meteria asked as she saw me lift my head. 

I nodded. 

" Yeah..." I replied as I noticed my hand was interlocked with Meteria's. 

" Ahem!" I turned my had to look at Alfia, who I need from her scent and breathing rythem. 

" Aren't you going to let go of her?" She asked. 

" No." I replied. 

" Noo!!" Meteria hugged me as she glared at her sister, who was ticked off from this display of affection.

I could hear her breathing, becoming more rapid from anger as I smirked, and I made sure she saw it. 

" Alright, that's enough!!" Alfia shouted as she tried to separate me from Meteria. 

" Stop!!" Meteria commanded as she unleashed a heavy aura that stopped Alfia. 

She tightened her hug as I was pressed against her chest. 

I could feel her heartbeat increasing from embarrassment. 

" Sigh." Alfia sighed as she watched with an annoyed look. 

' Alright, I can't breathe.' I thought. 

" Mmffuufm" I tried to speak but it was muffled. 

I tapped Meteria's arm as she realized I was suffocating. 

" Yuto! I'm sorry!!" She apologized. 

" It's fine." I replied. 

" Oi..." I turned to Alfia, who gripped my head. 

" You perverted brat..." She growled as she tightened her grip from anger. 

I knew that whatever I said wouldn't be heard as I was thrown out the window before catching myself by the railing. 

Pulling myself up, I walked back into the room. 

" Tsk!" Alfia clicked her tongue as she walked out the room. 

I turned my head towards Meteria, who laughed. 

" My sister seems to have a poor impression on you." She spoke as I shrugged. 

I sat next to her bed as she spoke again. 

" Yuto? Do you want to go to the church?" She asked. 

I looked at her. 

" The church? Is your body going to be okay?" I asked with worry as I held her hand. 

Meteria held a hand over my hand as well in reassurance. 

" With you taking care of me, it would be fine. You'll take care of me, right?" She asked. 

I nodded. 

" Of course I will." I smiled as I helped Meteria off the bed as we went to the church.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the church as I helped Meteria to sit on a pew. 

I sat next to her as Meteria started praying, and I prayed with her. 

It was quiet. I felt nothing with warmth or coldness as I enjoyed the silence. 

It felt ethereal.

A few second slater, I stopped praying as I saw the system screen in my mind. 

[ Ding! Through repetitive actions, you've unlocked a perk! ] 

' A perk?' I thought to myself. 

[ The Prayers of God: Grant's + 250 health for every prayer. ] 

I sat there in silence as Meteria finished praying as I felt her gaze on me. 

" Yuto? Are you finished?" She asked.

" Yeah, just wondering if my prayer was heard." I replied. 

" Me too." Meteria replied. 

I smiled as I held her hand. 

A few minutes later, we arrived back at Hera Familias mansion as I Meteria was teaching me to braid her hair. 

" No, you turn this one over this one." She used her hands to guide me. 

I think she is starting in front of a mirror as she watches me struggle. 

" Sigh, I don't know why you want a blind person to braid your hair." I complained. 

Meteria giggled. 

" Well, you should learn now. Besides, I think my sister is getting a lot busier now." Meteria spoke. 

" Busy? Why is that?" I asked.

" The Familia is going on a expedition almost I think the Zeus Familia is going as well. Are they not?" She spoke as she tilted her head towards me.

' An expedition...' 

" Yuto?" 

" Hm?" 

" You're not going, right?" 

I paused, and it seemed this made Meteria nervous as I felt her clenching her dress. 

" No. I don't think I'm strong enough to go to the lower floors. So you don't have to worry." I smiled. 

I heard the sounds of relief from Meteria as I continued to braid her hair. 

' It would've been a good experience, but... I can't rush things now, especially making her worried.' I thought as I continued to cherish this time I had with Meteria. 

Soon, I started humming as I felt Meteria relax, the gentle breeze blowing into the room as I hummed and braided Meterias hair. 

It was a picture that I saw myself in. Like a painting in my head. 

Soon, I finished braiding her hair as I stepped back. 

" So? How did I do?" I asked.

" It looks fine to me." Meteria replied. 

" You mean terrible." I replied. 

" Are you calling me ugly?" I felt the playfulness in her voice as I smiled. 

" Of course not. You look beautiful." I replied. 

" Why, thank you....haha, o I see a pun! Haha!" She laughed at my terrible joke. 

But it's moments like this that I cherish so much. My love, if only time wasn't going so fast, we could've been in each other's presence for eternity. 

I pictured her beautiful smile, her face that I couldn't see was a mystery to me, a beautiful mystery that I wish to discover. 

' Soon, I'll find a cure for my blindness, and I'll see your face as I hold you in my arms.' I dreamt of the day that happens as I put my forehead against Meteria's. 

" Ah!?" This surprised hee, but eventually she accepted this gesture as she put both her hands on my face as she laughed. 

Her soothing laughter was like music to my ears. 

A sound I became addicted to as put my hand over hers. 

' From here forth, I'll always be yours.'