
Multiverse: The alternate Timeline

The alternate timeline of Yuto Takehashi. A man who died in the rain and reincarnated into a different world of fiction. But this time it's going to be a little different.

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Ch. 16 Lighting Bolt

( Yuto Pov ) 

* Slashaaa!! * 

I cut through the horde of goblins as I made my way to level 10. 

[ Kill 10 orcs ]

[ Orcs Defeated 1/10 ]

[ Rewards: five Crafting material ]

It was time to repay another visit to those pig heads. 

I walked into the dungeon floors with my katana ready. 

I smelled the scent of an orc in the distance. 

It was alone as I slowly made my way towards it. 

Jumping to its level, I spun my body as I slashed its nape. 

* Shaa * 

* Splurt * 

The blade cut through more smoothly than before as I landed on the ground as I stroked the blade gently.

[ Swordmanship lvl 3 -> lvl 4 ]

I picked up the crystal and orc hide before moving onwards. 

I slowly walked to the next orc with sneak on. 

As it was about to turn towards me, I immediately plunged my katana into its eye straight to its head. 

* Thud * 

It fell before turning to ashes as I picked up the orc hide and crystal. 

It became easier if you knew where to strike. 

And how easy it became in swinging the sword through their flesh. 

Two orcs once cut. 

As I moved deeper into the floor the more orcs roamed the floor, especially in groups. 

I only took on two orcs at a time. 

" Guhh!!" 

Because I can't fight three at the same time. 

I fell to the floor as I tried to control my breathing. 

My lungs were devoid of air from that punch. 

[ - 67 hp ]

I threw a knife to the orcs eye before creating more distance from the other two orcs. 

The orc squealed as it held its eye from the pain. 

' Gotta finish this fast. The other orcs must've heard the other one squeal.' 

' Lighting Bolt!!' I held out my hand only for outing to come out. 

I observed my hand for a second before remembering a chant for this. 

" I call upon thee, strike down with your wrathful power, let the world bask in your wrathful might, and in your blazing light i shall vanquish night." I quickly chated as fast as I could while moving. 

I felt some pressure on my mind as I finished the chant.

" Lighting Bolt." 

I felt embarrassed as gamers mind suppressed it.

I felt some foreign warmth move to my hand before a lightning that danced around my fingers before conjuring to a ball of lightning. 

* Boom * 

The Lighting Bolt hit the orc on the right. 

The Bolt of Lighting hit the orc, creating a large wound beforenit danced around its body. 

I realized it became paralyzed. 

Quickly using this to my advantage, I quickly moved to the other one to deal with it quickly as I could. 

In my rush, I used the first sun breathing technique. 

" Dance." 

I swung my down my katana as I felt the same warmth against flowing to my sword. 

It was fire, but it felt stronger and better than any other fire I have seen. 

Even my lungs were on fire as I finished the fist move. 

The orc disappeared as I moved back, ignoring the pain. 

There were two orcs left. 

The paralyzes effect was over as they made their way towards me. 

The chant would usually take three to four seconds to complete. 

As I regained my breathing, I thought of a solution. 

' Why not make the chant shorter?' I thought as I held my hand out. 

" I call upon thee, to strike with your wrathful power as I wield your might to vanquish the night." 

" Lighting bolt." 

* Booshhaaa!! * 

[ Lighting Bolt lvl 1 -> lvl 2 ]

I smiled as I felt the increase in efficiency. 

The other orc was paralyzed as I quickly tilted my body to dodged the swing from the other. 

I swiped my katana upwards to slicing their neck before kicking their knees and finishing with a stab to the head. 

I took my sword out of the orcs head as it disappeared, and I spun my body to gather momentum to cut the orcs' right leg. 

It didn't have time to react as I continued to bother it with cuts to its head. 

Its eyes and neck were targeted as I finished killing the orc as I lay in its blood before disappearing. 

I was huffing and coughing as I felt my lungs hurting as I took a healing potion from my inventory. 

The potion cooled the heat in my lungs as the pain disappeared. 

[ + 30 health ]

In 15 seconds, I regained 30 health as I hid behind a tree. 

I unsheathed a throwing knife as I heardana orcs footsteps coming my way. 

Throwing the poison knife into its ey, I unsheathed my katana and jumped while spinning my body for greater momentum. 

* Splurt! * 

I detached the orcs head from its body as I landed on the ground. 

I moved silently to kill other orcs on the floor until the mission was completed and to practice with my new spell. 

I also wanted to try if I could shorten the chant to cast the spell.