
Multiverse: Starting With Killer Queen

I've arrived in Fuyuki city and have just become a Stand User. Currently, I work at a convenience store in the business district, and I finish work at the latest by 8 PM every day. I don't smoke, and I only have an occasional drink. I make sure to get a full eight hours of sleep every day. My colleagues say I'm quite normal. *** Roland, who had traveled back to 1994, didn't have grand ambitions or pursuits. He simply wanted to live a peaceful life. However, it wasn't until the Fourth Holy Grail War erupted, and he witnessed the frequent appearances of disturbing individuals in his life, including the self-proclaimed artist and serial killer, the Mage Killer, and the eccentric priest, that Roland realized he needed to take necessary measures. In summary, anyone who disrupts my peaceful life must die.

Raja_Sihir · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
90 Chs

Chapter 77 Darnic is asking for trouble.

While suppressing his boiling fighting spirit, Darnic walked towards the depths of the forest. Soon, the trees that blocked his view gradually disappeared, and the magnificent castle appeared in front of Darnic.

Darnic had long heard of the wealth of the Einzbern family, but he did not expect that in this non-home world, they would still build such a majestic castle without hesitation.

"The center of the barrier is in this castle. If everything goes well, it might be possible to use it as a base for future operations."

Darnic observed the structure of the castle and came up with the idea of taking over its place.

Although he was still vigilantly observing his surroundings, Darnic was relatively relaxed.

Lancer was right beside him, a top-level Heroic Spirit capable of fighting against the King of Heroes, so he didn't need to fear any ambushes.

Just rush in quickly and deal with the other party before he starts to resist.

"Master, have you figured out what to do?"

Lancer was not as optimistic as Darnic thought. He just glanced at his Master and said.

"With the help of the forest, we can sneak in without being detected by the outer barrier, but in a central workshop like this, it is difficult not to be discovered. When we attack, the enemies inside will detect it. In order to prevent the other party from using the Command Spell, it is a better choice for me to charge in and kill the Master directly."

"That would be such a waste," Darnic said calmly, "My current state is completely dependent on this spell, but I only gain part of the spell's power through this passive sacrifice. I am like a rootless duckweed. Every time I survive for a period of time, my soul, which is made up of obsession and memory, must rely on devouring souls to replenish itself."

"But what I lack is not the magic power brought by devouring souls, but the essence needed to maintain myself. Only those who have embarked on the path of magic are more suitable supplements."

"So what are you going to do?"

Enkidu's face showed his usual gentle smile, and his long hair swayed slightly behind him, shining beautifully under the moonlight.


The beauty of this moment made Darnic lose his mind for a moment, but he soon reacted and let out a cold hum.

"Using my magic, of course."

Although he has not yet been officially rated, with the help of the whispers when he was possessed by the Shendu and the power of the sheep spell, Darnic's current attainments have made him a genuine Grand Master Magician.

"Abandoning my own body has its benefits. I will use my soul attached to the talisman to weave the spell in the form of soul engineering, so as to borrow the power of the sheep talisman through the resonance."

"Isn't this spell not unlocked at all?"

"That's enough. Without the specific protective equipment, their souls would be shocked, causing their minds and bodies to be misaligned and out of control."

"What a powerful treasure it is. It can even play with souls."

Enkidu tilted his head as if he found this very amusing, but the smile on his face did not diminish at all.

Darnic turned his head, too lazy to respond to his servant. Although the other party was very loyal, this loyalty was essentially directed towards the entire cluster consciousness, not himself as a representative of the personality.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you are obedient, that's enough.

Darnic clasped his palms together and gently pressed them on the disc on his chest that stored his soul, injected magic power into it, and began to chant the spell.

The next moment, an indescribable light spread out with an inexplicable momentum, like surging waves on the sea. It was an attack to the soul. If an ordinary person was affected, he would probably be in a coma for the rest of his life.

But when it spread to the inner gate of the castle, this wailing soul light disappeared silently like a drop in the ocean.

Instead, there was a real wailing sound. Darnic let out a shrill howl with a hoarse voice, and the magic circuits in his body began to run wild, causing bright blue electricity to wrap around his entire body and billowing white smoke.

If it was just physical damage, no matter how serious it was, Darnic could barely maintain his sanity. This was the case when he was attacked by the Origin Bullet before. This is because the way he controls his body now is essentially the same as operating a Gundam. As long as the cockpit is not damaged, everything will be fine.

But this time it was different. A blue electric current was born from the magic circuit and blossomed like a flower. Countless tentacles like living things stretched out from the inside and pierced into the disk on his chest, shattering all his consciousness with sudden terror.

This is the backlash from the soul, the self-enforced certificate!

It is a warning and price for breaking the contract he signed, and the identity of the people involved is self-evident.


Under the pain of his soul, Darnic couldn't even issue a complete command and lost consciousness instantly.

The door in front of them was slowly pushed open from the inside.

"What's that noise? It feels like someone is yelling next to me while I'm sleeping."

Roland walked out of the door, rubbing his brow, looking at the unconscious Darnic and the Lancer who was looking at him curiously.

"Where did you come from, my God? Although the shock just now was not directed at me, I could still feel the threat. Even a Servant would have his limbs stiffened, as if he was petrified, but you were unharmed."

"That's just because their souls are too fragile." Roland nodded slightly: "I won't ask about your purpose for coming here. It doesn't matter anyway. Since the covenant has been broken, our hostile relationship has resumed."

Roland looked at Lancer and said bluntly, "You don't seem to like your Master. Do you want to come to my side?"

"No," Lancer glanced at Darnic on the ground and said softly, "If this is their choice, I will continue to protect them."

"Really? Even if you are very strong, do you think you can fulfill your responsibility of guarding at such a distance of just a few steps?"

Roland's mouth curled up into a fierce arc and he walked towards Lancer.

"Because I am a weapon, since I haven't received any orders, this is the only thing I can do." When facing the collective consciousness, Enkidu would have a lot of thoughts, but when he was in Darnic hands, he would put away all his unnecessary thoughts and obey the orders with peace of mind.

Even though he has died once, even though he has a heart, he will only show it when facing nature, his fellow men, and his friends. Otherwise, at all other times he is a weapon that never stops.

But it is precisely because of this that he is powerful.

As Enkidu watched Roland approaching step by step, the smile on his face did not change at all.

"Unknown God, I'm going to get serious next."

He did not forge a treasure out of the earth because it would affect its master, and he did not flee with his master because the idea was futile when he sensed Roland's alien and vast aura.

But Enkidu remained fearless. He was originally a weapon used to separate gods from humans. Therefore, he had the strength to fight even against a real god.


Suddenly, chains appeared in the air.

On the earth, in the sky, in the trees, and even in Enkidu's body, chains made of fantasy crisscrossed in the air, making a crisp and oppressive sound, and came to Roland like lightning.

From the neck to the wrists, from the waist to the legs, everything was tied up tightly.

Enkidu was certain that the more noble the god, the more powerless he would be in front of this chain.

But today, this common sense in his eyes was broken.

"The Chains of Heaven was actually..."

Before Enkidu could finish his surprised words, he was interrupted by Roland's wild laughter.

"Mu Da Mu Da!"

Roland laughed wildly and exerted his strength like a ferocious beast. The chains couldn't even stop him for a moment before they broke in the tremor and turned into spirit particles that disappeared quietly.

In an instant, the raging flames seemed to burn up the space as well, leaving behind a terrible scar, and smashing Enkidu hard to the ground!