
In today's time,

l Close all the doors of the mind and heart that stand between today and time, it's easy to be belive on someone and in exchange of those our dreams and we, Maybe I'm afraid that I might lose myself in this life for someone else, who might be mine, But why can't he see me as I am?

Maybe this is a question raised within me, maybe I am wrong, can someone change those questions?

Or is this the fear in my mind but still why?

Why can't someone see us as we are, change us and force us to be like ourselves or to become as per our wish?....



…...…........…...It is safe for a stranger to come inside this closed door. Due to this, the travel clock itself will turn me and time will probably take me to my slowly speed will take you at my destination, Who knows who we will meet on this journey, maybe the universe knows.