
Ch. 133

( Yuto Pov )

" Now spread it across the wound." I spoke as I was teaching Aristos how to manipulate life force to heal faster.

" Yes, I got!!" Aristos celebrated.

Caenis looked at him weirdly.

The cut on Aristos' hand was healed at a fast rate.

Aristos and Caenis were done sparring.

" It seems she's improving as well. You might as well up your game." I spoke Aristos.

" How?" Aristos whispered.

" Maybe create a new fighting style. You can't always rely on that staff. How about a spear?" I suggested.

" No. I don't want to kill anyone." He said as he looked up at me.

We both just stared at each other for a while.

' He isn't gonna budge, is he?' I thought before speaking.

" Sigh, alright then, how about I teach you about runes." I spoke, and that seemed to catch his attention.

" Runes?" He questioned

" Yeah, and maybe I'll teach a primordial rune as well."

" Sweet!" He jumped up.

" Oi, watcha, so excited about!?" Caenis spoke as she looked at Aristos.

" Oh, hehe, sorry. It's a secret." Aristos spoke.

" Tch, whatever." Caenis ignored him as she cleaned her spear and shield.

" For now, a rune is way to write with mana. It's just like word magic, but instead of saying it, you're spelling it." I explained.

" Eh? really?" Aristos tilted his head.

" Yup, just need the right amount of mana and the I tension of what you're writing on the rune. Though when writing, you need to do it perfectly. There's should be no mistakes, no matter how small they are."

I began to teach Aristos on runes.

And he was nodding as he understood everything I taught him.

Teaching him was a new experience and a great eye opener as I thought of how runes works. On a deeper level. And new ideas for runes as well.

' Maybe I could write a rune on the body, increasing its performance. it's ability to hold more chakra, mana, and life force. I could make one where I don't lose my stats when I reverse my body's age.' I thought as I was teaching Aristos.

Caenis was done with cleaning her weapons as she watched Aristos draw on the ground with a stick.

An hour passed as they rested, and now traveling once more.

They managed to enter a city.

Aristos and Caenis were walking around the marketplace.

" Hey, look a mask, why not try your runes on that? It looks pretty cool." I spoke as I pointed at a white blank mask.

" This should work!" Aristos spoke as he held up the mask.

" It's blank, so it should be easier to draw on." I pointed out as Aristos nodded.

Aristos bought the mask.

" Why the hell do ya wanna buy that!" Caenis spoke as she looked at Aristos.

" Uuuhh, it looks cool?" Aristos spoke as he held up the mask.

Caenis just shook her head and kept walking.

Aristos followed her as he also looked around the market.

Caenis walked around looking at weapons and testing if they were better than hers.

She also seemed like she was looking for something as well.

I just kept floating behind Aristos as he ate an apple.

/// Bringing you, Chibi Caenis chasing a Chibi Aristos with her spear ///

" You should write the runes at the edge of the mask. " I instructed Aristos.

He nodded as he Bagan to write golden runes on the edge of the mask.

" Easy, no need to rush it." I spoke as I saw Aristos was about to rush it.

Aristos began to slowly focus on the pint he couldn't hear my instructions anymore, so I left him to do it.

An hour later, he managed to finish.

" There!" He shouted as he finished writing the runes.

" Not bad, now you should put the rune of mana." I spoke.

" Alright." Aristos nodded.

The rune of mana would help increase the mana input in his attacks and able to help him absorb the mana in the surrounding area.

Aristos began to write the next runes as even though he was mentally exhausted.

Caenis was cooking meat that she hunted.

Caenis seemed curious about what Aristos was writing on the mask.

" Oi, what's the letters for?" She asked.

She didn't get a reply as Aristos was too focused on the mask.

" Tch! Oi pretty boy!!" She shouted.

" Hm? what is it, Caenis?" Aristos looked up.

" Whatcha writing on that mask?" She said as he pointed the stick at Aristos.

" Oh? it's runes." He replied.

" wha??" Before she could question him, he continued.

" It's pretty cool. This mask is my first project in writing these runes." He continued to explain about runes.

I looked at Caenis, who seemed to have smoke coming out of her head as he couldn't keep up with Aristos.

' Sigh, this reminds me when I tried explaining magic to Mordred.' I thought as I remembered mordred.

' I'm really an idiot. I should've told her the truth.' I despised myself when I remembered when I lied to Mordred.

I've always seen her as my student. And seeing Aristos and Caenis, I hated myself more, and I saw both of them looking at each other.

Aristos looked at her with love, and Caenis, trying to understand his words, kept looking straight into his eyes.

Maybe, just maybe Aristos was better.

If I should just disappear and have him take over.

All that pain, all that suffering, the people I lost in my previous life, and seeing them die.

' It's best I disappear from all of this suffering.' I thought.

Negative thoughts kept clouding my head as I tried to forget them.

I'm looking down at my hands, the same hands that killed many people, that shed blood.

' All I've ever done was kill, even now I massacred my way through anything that gets in my way. But him. He doesn't know. He's no killer....'

" He's someone who insipres to be a hero." I spoke as I looked at Aristos. He didn't hear anything as he was focused on the runes, and on Caenis, he was multitasking.

he's a kind man who would sacrifice himself for the greater good. For the weak and for the strong. he won't kill anyone with his pure heart.

And I?

I killed anything that stood in my way, and anything that went against my morals. And that's what I resorted to. Violence.

I thought everything would be solved by a bullet or a blade. But maybe I was just wrong. Because in the end, I'm just here suffering from these thoughts.

Even if I fell in love, I felt I didn't deserve it as they deserve better than me. And what no better than Aristos.

Maybe if I should just give my memories of them to him as I keep the bad one.

My parents, lovers, friends, and myself.

' I'm no monster. I never was. In the end, I was human with emotions. I'm someone who wants to be better.' I always thought I was a cool assassin or soldier who saved the world or helped people by fighting against the people in higher power.

But it was the only thing I knew. It was killing. And I grew up on that, seeing blood shed on the battlefield.

Looking at Aristos who refused to eat the meat that Caenis cooked but instead at an apple.


It was one thing I hated next to hope.

Hope was a good thing to others but me? it was a curse that kept me suffering and pushed my limits.

But I doubt myself every second, and the only way I do shit even if I doubt myself is I think I'll finally die the next day, hoping. I'm hoping to just end it all.

' So why? Why the fuck am I hesitating for!!?'

[ System is back online. Do you wish it to be equipped? ] [ Y / N ]

My finger was just on click away on turning back to normal, but seeing Aristos showing the live from his eyes as he looked at Caenis.

'I wonder if someone would do the same if I fell in love with them as well, and all it would take was one click to ruin it.' I thought as I remembered the feeling in my chest when I remember my four women I love.

' Four? right, Nero. I guess she came into my heart as well.' I looked up at the stars shining like gems in the night sky.

I don't want to kill Aristos. No matter how much I hated seeing some random person in my body.

But his ideals and morals, a person who wished to be a hero. Someone who doesn't kill or fight just for fun.

Even now, I was curious about Aristos' journey.

' Maybe I could just watch for now. And if he does die, I'll just take my body back. For now, I'll watch your journey, Aristos. Don't disappoint me.'

I looked at Aristos finishing the runes as he kept talking with Caenis.

As I looked at her, I saw that she was growing closer to him without her realizing it.

I chuckled.

' It's only been a few days, and they're growing closer already. I wonder if this was how they felt as well.'