

Right before any of my tests for skipping years I received a report from the Knights of Walpurgis that they where going to be in the testing department. I was also told that most if not all of the observers are Knights of Walpurgis. They decided to watch over the testing I guess they wanted to help me, not that I needed help. They were there to watch their Lord be a fucking boss. I guess they liked to 'watch'... the tests. From all the studying i have done I would say that the tests will be easy.

I already passed my first years exams. I received O's in all of my exams hell they even had a real history teacher guess it pays of to teach something else besides goblin rebellions. I chuckled thinking about looking over the Hogwarts graduation statistics.

I sit in the hall way outside of the testing office with Igor looking over at him i call out "Hey, Igor what are the statistics of Hogwarts current grades?" He looked at me weird for a moment before he walks over to the guards and they talk back and forth for a moment. After they are done talking he walks back over "There should be a report here in a moment." I nodded my head slightly and started to meditate.

After ten minutes I see the same guard walk over and hand Igor a report and he laughed looking over at me he says "The Potions are the worst which is to be expected, but I never expected them to be this bad. In the last twenty years potions exams average grades have dropped by fifty five percent in all houses except Slytherin." I gave a low whistle as he continues " In Slytherin the drop is only about fifteen percent which is crazy if you ask me." I shook my head and cut him off "Well that is what happens when you give a man who hates the world and children a teaching job." I motion for him to continue.

He gave a low chuckle and continued " Now the rest of the classes are better but not by much. Guess it goes to show you why Hogwarts is in the bottom five percent in grades beside Vincent Clortho Public School for Wizards." I give him a weird look "What school?" He rubbed his head "Well Vincent Clortho Public School for Wizards this is where the demon babies are prevalent. I also heard they have a student who was used in a transfiguration accident and made into a rat... five years ago and cannot fix him." I deadpan for a moment "Where the fuck is this school?"

He thinks hard for a while. "Well from what i heard is that it is a the Inner-City area." I look at him shaking my head "Yea that shit sounds bad." He nodded his head sagely stroking his Villain goatee. I gained a great I Idea. Looking back at him and smile "I feel like the great people of Britain should know about how bad their school has fallen that bad." He chuckled for a few moments that turned into a full blown belly laugh after he calmed down he nodded his head still cant talk. "It would be a good choice that they should know about how much Hogwarts has fallen."

This also made me smile "Yes it has fallen If.. I mean when not If we get an invitation to a Tri-Wizard tournament from Hogwarts. If this happens we will reject the proposal out right and make it public very very public that we dont want to associate with a school that is so low on the rankings. When they invite us we will reject it and hold our own. Be public about it make sure there will be no Hogwarts. I have a feeling Dumbledore will try to use this as a means to try and revive Voldemort from his shade."

Igor grew joyful in the beginning of the talk, but at the end he pale nodding his head. "I will start contacting everyone from the Council and we will prepare for this out come in the future." I gave a nod after thinking it over for a bit and giving a low chuckle. Looking over at him "Well while you are at it I have a few jobs for a few of your more subtle contacts." Giving him my best Cheshire smile. He pulled out a Ink Well and a Quill I just shake my head at this. You can give a wizard a pen, but you can't fucking make them use it.

"What is the projects?" Looking at the quill i just stare at it and shrug my shoulders. "Well the first think I want you to have done is go to a grave yard in little Hoddington search for a grave with the name Tom Riddle in the graveyard. Once you find it grab all of the bones and replace them with any other bones or hell use transfigured rocks for all i care but make sure that they will last for at least five years." Waiting for a few moments he finished writing and looking up at me.

I continued "Ok now I need you to tell me before hand when there is a I.C.W. meeting give me a few days notice, and when this happens make sure that there are at least ten guards available with portkeys to the Dark Forest beside Hogwarts and get someone to have a custom order done." As I tell him what I want done he gives me a smile. "I can have them done In a few days with all the extra pieces ready for you. I can have the bones taken soon. What do you want to do with the bones when you are done." I think it over "Destroyed, burned nothing left of them not even ash. He will probably use Bone of the Father ritual to revive himself."

As we finish discussing I hear the door open I look up and see a Judge walk out looking around until he settles on me "Sir your testing area is ready." I give her a nod and turn back to Igor "Get everything ready in a week." He nodded and walked away. I head in the door musing about the shit storm I am going to cause in a few weeks.

A/N: What do you think he will do?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.