
Multiverse Exploration

Our mc is just flowing through life no hope of getting out of his mediocre life until one night he is walking home when he reached his door and goes to open it. As soon as he is through the door he gets a massive head ace splitting. He drops to his knees hoping it will be over soon. He had no idea how right he was. Join us on an adventure with him I dont have a editor, I would appreciate constructive criticism I OWN NOTHING Besides MC

resistingsea · Outros
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44 Chs

New owner

While I was waiting I was looking over the wand aka the death stick wondering what would happen when I connect all three deathly hallows. Getting my self out of my thoughts I just pocket the wand which does not react to me.

Going back over the items on the table. I grab the robes and start looking at the enchantments on it wondering who did them. I can see some minor one and others which I dont know about I will have them checked out by a few experts.

Exactly an hour after Igor left I hear the door open and I can see Igor walking in and behind him I can see a average looking man around 5'5" Brown hair, and black eyes. Igor walked up to me "My Lord this is Frank he was the one who took down Albus." He introduced the man standing behind him.

I get a closer look at the man behind him who is looking at my pocket that has the death stick... interesting it seems like he has a sort of a connection to it this is good. I smile at him forming a fireball behind my back with my left hand and stretching out my right for a hand shake. The closer to me he is getting his is getting more fidgety than he was.

I would chalk it up to nerves but he keeps looking at my pocket. As he gets within arms reach he went for his wand. Even though I am ready I am still surprised at this. I move with inhuman speed and quickly bring up my arm as he grabbed his wand tossing forward my fireball I hit him straight in the chest with it. As it hits his chest I can see the impact of it hitting him. It impacted with enough force that it tore through his skin and bones making the top half of his body turn into a red mist and making his bottom half stay there for a few moments before crumpling.

After I reaped his life I feel a vibrating in my pocket I put that in the back of my head. I need to think about that later. Looking over a the reaction of Igor "What happened Igor why did he try to kill me?" He snapped out of his shock looking between me and the corpse. "I dont know My Lord, He seemed fine until we got closer to your location." He seemed to contemplate it for a while. "We will get to the bottom of this." He said trying to make me feel better.

"Keep it quite anyone who asks tell them he was attacked by a unknown and we are looking into it. Also make sure to take care of his family if he had any." I say while inspecting the mans body. I nodded my head while talking to him and gave myself a mental pat on the back. Now anyone who looks into the incident will only be left with more questions than answers.

"Well let us not dwell on the incident just make sure to report to me any findings you come across." Igor nodded his head off to the side while walking out of the room. As we make our way out "By the way Albus had blood enchantments on his pouch that needs to be taken apart" I explain to him as I pass off the bag to him.

After leaving the building I head to the only portkey area here looking back at Igor I wave goodbye. Activating my portkey to pick up Tracy who is probably still sulking I chuckle at the panicked face she made after i left her. I never planned to take here there not wanting her to know more than she needs.

Dropping back into the entry way I can hear some water running upstairs.... didn't she already shower and clean herself. I shrug my shoulders and deiced to fuck with her. I call out in a whisper "Miny" She appears beside me. "yous calls masters?" She looks around wide eyed looking for the reason we are whispering. I smiled at her i kneel down beside her "Miny this is what I want you to do first I want you to take all of Tracys clothes clean and not once you do this I want you to turn the water ice cold on her while she is there. If she calls you or any of the other elfs i want you to ignore her." She is nodding away as I talk to her

Before she pops away I call out "Also make sure she does not fall of hurt herself while getting pranked please." I chuckled it is a prank not a murder attempt. While waiting I called Blacky to make a light lunch and some Tea.

While I was taking a sip of my tea I hear a loud as hell scream with a string of swears that would make a sailor blush. I chuckled as I can hear a bunch of banging as I assume as she starts throwing bottles of shampoo. I smile even though I am across the house my ears are ringing from the sound.

As I wait on her to get ready to leave, and I keep waiting.....waiting..... I get impatient I walk over toward her room. I bang on the door and I hear something fall and some more swears "Who the fuck is here?" I chuckled and called back "It is you master waiting on you so hurry that ass up." I hear a groaning from inside the room.

"Before you take your time just let it be known that I will leave you here until school is ready with only a loaf of bread and some water for the next two weeks and shut off all of the water and no house elf helpers for you be ready in twenty minutes." I smiled as i said this really wanting her to test me.

"Wait wait I will be ready dont leave." I walk away to finish my tea while looking at the time. It only took her nineteen minutes and some change... Looking over at her without makeup and wet hair. I cant help but laugh. She gives me a stink eye knowing that I will leave her if she gives me lip.

Shaking my head holding out my hand "Grab on and lets meet up with the others." She grabs my hand trying to squish it.

A/N: Hope you liked the chapter

Make up chapter form when I missed a day I think I have 3 more so I will try to get another out today or maybe I will suck it up and do more today.

Please give me a comment and tell me how my writing is if I need to work on anything. I am not adverse to criticism but please keep it mature.